» CORPUS of Ioannes Dantiscus' Texts & Correspondence
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Letter #3887

Ioannes [DANTISCUS] to Christoph HEYLL
Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński), 1539-08-31

English register:

Dantiscus gratefully acknowledges [the addressee’s declaration that he will dedicate to him the translation of] the works of Galenus.

Manuscript sources:
1rough draft in Latin, autograph, AAWO, AB, D. 7, f. 90r

1CEID 1/2 No. 98, p. 313-314 (in extenso; English register)


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


Eximio Viro, domino Christofero Heylo, medicinae doctori et phisico Elbingensi in Christo nobis dilecto

...leri... ...nter ...lere, unde te p[e]llectum e... ... [lu]cubrationes [no]bis, qui nihil eiusmodi [a] te meruimus, nuncupare sta... ... te nolumus opera Galeni qu... ... ...dito viro non pridem versa a nobis haberi omnia ... et tuam in nos ea in re propensionem ... ornamento et usui umquam esse possumus, omni nostra ... benevolentia rependemus.

Bene vale.

Ex arce nostra Heilsberg, ultima Augusti MDXXXIX.

Ioannes etc.