Letter #355
Cornelis DE SCHEPPER to Ioannes DANTISCUSGenoa, 1527-06-27
English register:
De Schepper refers to his letter of June 3 from Monaco [IDL 349]. They decided to sail to Genoa from there, and not to travel to Vercelli through Piedmont, because of the increasing French incursions in this region, and the alliance between the Duke of Savoy [Charles III] and the King of France [Francis I], through the marriage of their infant children. Moreover, duke Antoniotto Adorno of Genoa sent four ships to transfer the Chancellor’s [Mercurino Gattinara's] company to Genoa. They embarked without delay on June 21, sailing in high seas at a distance from the Ligurian coast, because of the French threat. On June 23, they were attacked and pursued by French warships which they noticed too late. Their ships came under enemy fire as they tried to escape to Portofino, a port under Genovese rule. Most of the passengers and crew despaired of a favourable outcome, but the Chancellor, although suffering from podagra, and De Schepper remained confident. Eventually, the three triremes with the company of the Chancellor were able to escape, but the French captured a brigantine. As they approached Portofino, the French abandoned their pursuit because they came under fire from the fortress. The Genovese sent more triremes to escort the Chancellor's ships, keeping the French at a distance.
Despite the general optimism, De Schepper feels uncomfortable with the ignorance that surrounds him. De Schepper continues with a description of the situation in Italy, partly written in cipher. The situation is uncertain. There is a shortage of grain. Hostile sentiments against the Emperor [Charles V] and the Viceroy [Charles de Lannoy] prevail. The Chancellor is waiting for instructions from the Emperor. The imperial army is still in place. There are rumours that the King of England [Henry VIII] is mobilising troops. The Chancellor supports the restitution of Milan to Francesco Sforza. The situation remains unclear as long as there are no instructions from the Emperor. The imperial commander of Milan, Antonio de Leiva, assuming that the Chancellor left Spain against the wishes of the Emperor, sent troops to destroy the Chancellor's fiefs Sartirana and Valenza.
De Schepper discusses the treatment of the Bari question and inquires about the King of Denmark [Christian II], the Norwegian expedition and Melchior [Colditz]. The Duchy of Milan could be granted to the King of Bohemia [Ferdinand Habsburg], or its allocation could be postponed. Meanwhile, there will be a judicial inquiry into the case of Francesco Sforza.
De Schepper thinks Dantiscus feels lonely among the Spaniards, with so many companions having left. He hopes they will meet again in person. He asks Dantiscus to keep him informed. He himself will write as soon as he knows what line to take. He sends greetings to mutual friends, esp. to the Margrave [Johann Albrecht of Brandenburg-Ansbach], the nuntius Virginis, Vice-Chancellor [Baltasar Merklin von Waldkirch] and Dantiscus’ paramour [Isabel Delgada].
received Valladolid, [1527]-07-08 Manuscript sources:
Auxiliary sources:
Early printed source materials:
Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus
Clarissimo Viro Domino Ioanni Dantisco, regiae maiestatis Poloniae ad sacram caesaream maiestatem oratori etc., domino et patr(ono) meo observandissimo
Ex Monoeco ad te scripsi dubium esse, quorsum nam proficisceremur, rectane ms. recta ne(!) ⌈rectanerectane ms. recta ne(!) ⌉ Vercellas per Pedemontanos, an Genuam. Discussa tandem re omni satius visum est Genuam contendere, primo quod Pedemontani crebris incursionibus Gallorum subicerentur orig. subiicerentur⌈subicerentursubicerentur orig. subiicerentur⌉, ipsi non omnino animo a Gallis alieno, deinde quod dux Sabaudiae cum suo nomine foedus cum Franco rege contrahere non ausus fuerit, filium natu maiorem nondum, ut audio, trimum, cum filia Franci regis copularit, adeo firmatis condicionibus orig. conditionibus⌈condicionibuscondicionibus orig. conditionibus⌉, ut iam in stipendium annuum praefinita orig. prefinita⌈praefinitapraefinita orig. prefinita⌉ illi cohors centum equitum catafractorum orig. cataphrattorum⌈catafractorumcatafractorum orig. cataphrattorum⌉ more Gallico sit, adiuncto ordine equestris militiae Gallicae. Talia adeo haec orig. hec⌈haechaec orig. hec⌉ tempora, ut cunae iam nobis milites et praefectos orig. prefectos⌈praefectospraefectos orig. prefectos⌉ plures superinscribed in place of crossed-out magis⌈magis plures plures superinscribed in place of crossed-out magis⌉ quam tentoria alant. Accessit ad haec impedimenta opportunus adventus trium triremium et unius myoparonis, quam classem ill(ustris) or ill(ustrissimus)⌈ill(ustris)ill(ustris) or ill(ustrissimus)⌉ Antoniotus Adurnus Genuensium dux ad nos excipiendos transmiserat. Dudum enim abierant duo illi myoparones, qui nos ex navi magna, quae in Corsicam contendebat, Monoecum advexerant. Ubi primum itaque advenere triremes illae, nulla mora facta confestim conscendimus die huius mensis Iunii XXI-o sub noctem usique remis et velis, ut est in proverbio, alto nos mari credidimus medio fere canali inter Corsicam et Liguriam idque ideo, quod Franci litora orig. littora⌈litoralitora orig. littora⌉ omnia Liguriae et praesertim orig. presertim⌈praesertimpraesertim orig. presertim⌉ Savonam occupant.
Navigavimus ergo et nocte illa diei XXI-i et die XXII-o toto, XXIII-o autem, quae vigilia est divi Ioannis Babtistae, sub hora diei orientis sextam, quae est apud nos fere XI-a, nescio qua negligentia, magna sane, sed eam nobis pepererat terrae amicae iam pridem conspectae vicinitas, prius fere in Gallicam classem incidimus, quam eam conspiceremuus written over r⌈ru(!)sus written over r⌉. Subito itaque Galli remis, quam maxime poterant, inniti nos omni ex parte circumdare. Alii a, ne in Portum Finum perveniremus, a fronte nobis occurrere, alii a puppe, alii a lateribus. Erant autem in ea classe Gallorum triremes sedecim aut sane quindecim cum bergantino uno, nam sedecim vela numeravimus. Sed, ut fieri solet, aliae orig. alie⌈aliaealiae orig. alie⌉ aliis celeritate praestabant. Itaque primum duae velocissimae triremes nobis occurrere a latere, cumque nobis vicinitas periculi vires geminaret, vi effecimus, ut non a latere, sed a puppi irruerent. Quae res nobis securiorem remigationem peperit, cum minus iam ictibus bombardarum, qui multi erant et frequentes, remiges nostri UUB, H. 154, f. 9v subicerentur orig. subiicerentur⌈subicerentursubicerentur orig. subiicerentur⌉, aliae interea, sed tardius, appropinquabant. Nos perpetuo cursu contendebamus in Portum Finum, qui ditionis est Genuensium occidentalior Portu Veneris, orientalior autem quam Genua milibus passuum viginti. Distabamus autem a dicto Portu Fino, cum primum in conspectum Gallicae classis venimus, ad miliaria Italica quadraginta. Quid multa? Iam et remigibus nostris vires, et magnae parti nostrum animi defecerant. Ipse cancellarius lecto incumbebat vexatus podagra. Cumque alii super alios res perditas denuntiarent, ille inducere in animum id non poterat, mihi sane numquam fiducia defuit. Erant, qui me intuerentur tamquam orig. tanquam⌈tamquamtamquam orig. tanquam⌉ meo ductu meisque auspiciis in ea pericula devenissent. Sed Deus nobis auxilio fuit. Nam, cum crebro in nos bo<mb>ardae hostiles intonarent globique ferrei magni ponderis, nam inventi written over um⌈umii written over um⌉ sunt, qui 55 libras ferri ponderabant, nemo tamen ex nostris interiit, septem solum remi fracti atque ex horum fragmentis remiges duo vulnerati. Idem fere in aliis duabus triremibus evenit. Hostes desperata iam victoria abiectoque animo triremibus potiundi, conversis in bergantinum viribus, eundem videntibus nobis cepere. Fuere in eo homines 30, nemo tamen familiarium nostrorum. Tandem cum Portui Fino appropinquaremus, ab insequendo destitere veriti machinas, quae in arce et promontorio ad praesidium orig. presidium⌈praesidiumpraesidium orig. presidium⌉ tutelamque locatae fuere. Hunc exitum habuit proelium orig. prelium⌈proeliumproelium orig. prelium⌉ nostrum, quod septem horis nos tenuit. Poterant haec Genuae ab arce conspici. Ideoque sex aliae triremes paratae sunt, quae postridie eius diei nobis Genuam properantibus occurrere videntibus Gallis, qui altum tenebant, cum nos litus orig. littus⌈lituslitus orig. littus⌉ illud, quod totum amicum est, raderemus magnaque pompa excepti sumus a civitate universa. Vide ergo sortem nostram. Multi optime ominantur. Me id solum male habet, quod inter ignotos versor.
Hic omnia dubia et intranquilla. Ingens adhaec penuria annonae. Italia tota caesarem odit. Cancellarius mandatum exspectatexpcexpectat a caesare. Exercitus caesaris encrypted ⌈Italia[2] tota caesarem[3] odit. Cancellarius mandatum exspectat orig. expectat⌈exspectatexspectat orig. expectat⌉ a[5] caesare.[6] Exercitus caesaris[7]Italia tota caesarem odit. Cancellarius mandatum exspectatexpcexpectat a caesare. Exercitus caesaris encrypted ⌉[8] adhuc est, ubi prius. Vicerex encrypted ⌈VicerexVicerex encrypted ⌉[9] ubique male audit. Rex Angliae encrypted ⌈male audit. Rex Angliaemale audit. Rex Angliae encrypted ⌉[10] dicitur pararepararae exercitum. Cancellarius encrypted ⌈parare ms. pararae(!) ⌈parareparare ms. pararae(!) ⌉ exercitum. Cancellariuspararepararae exercitum. Cancellarius encrypted ⌉,[11] ut satis intellexi, vellet Franciscum Sportiam restitui encrypted ⌈vellet Franciscum Sportiam restituivellet Franciscum Sportiam restitui encrypted ⌉,[12] sed nescio, quid fiet, non admodum mihi videtur fieri posse. Nihil tamen possumus scire, quid futurum sit, priusquam litteras habeamus a caesare. Ab his enim res omnes nostrae dependent. Interim Genuae manebimus. De pontifice encrypted ⌈pontifice(?)pontifice encrypted ⌉[13] puto satis rem omnem te intellexisse. Antonius de Leyua praefectus Mediolani, ubi primum audivit cancellarium applicuisse Monoecum, missis cohortibus denis, comitatus Satyra UUB, H. 154, f. 11r nae et Valentiae, si quid residuum furor Hispanicus reliquerat, iterum depopulari diripique iussit, arbitratus, ut reor, non ex voluntate caesaris bonum hunc senem abiisse. Haec merces laborum. Cuperem scire, an vicerex encrypted ⌈vicerexvicerex encrypted ⌉[16] reddiderit vobis statum Barensem encrypted ⌈statum Barensemstatum Barensem encrypted ⌉.[17] Scripsit is nuper per secretarium quendam orig. quemdam⌈quendamquendam orig. quemdam⌉ bonum esse, quomd cancellarius huc veniret encrypted ⌈bonum esse, quo ms. m(!) ⌈oo ms. m(!) ⌉d cancellarius huc veniretbonum esse, quomd cancellarius huc veniret encrypted ⌉.[19] Multa animo molimur, nescio quo successu. Plurimum aveo scire, si quid novi sit de illustrissimo rege Daniae deque Norvegica expeditione. Nescio etiam, an Melchior tuto redierit domum. Consilium de ducatu Mediolani encrypted ⌈Consilium paper damaged⌈[ilium]ilium paper damaged⌉ de ducatu MediolaniConsilium de ducatu Mediolani encrypted ⌉[20] est, q(uod) idem aut proveniet regi Bohemiae, aut differetur adhbuc eius donatio ad tempus encrypted ⌈regi Bohemiae,[21] aut differetur adh ms. b(!) ⌈hh ms. b(!) ⌉uc eius donatio ad tempusregi Bohemiae, aut differetur adhbuc eius donatio ad tempus encrypted ⌉.[22] Interea simulabitur tractatus iustitiaeiusticie futurus in rem Francisci Sphanciciportie encrypted ⌈tractatus iustitiae orig. iusticie⌈iustitiaeiustitiae orig. iusticie⌉ futurus in rem Francisci Sphanciciportietractatus iustitiaeiusticie futurus in rem Francisci Sphanciciportie encrypted ⌉.[23] Ita cancellarius encrypted ⌈cancellariuscancellarius encrypted ⌉[24] mihi narravit. Non dubito autem, quin miranda simus visuri.
Velim, me crebro certiorem facias de rebus tuis. Nam non dubito, quin tibi grave sit soli illic esse inter Hispanos, cum tot amiseris convictores, sine quibus tibi vitae medietas deperit. Spero tamen futurum, ut aliquando aut istic orig. isthic⌈isticistic orig. isthic⌉, aut alibi iam quarto conveniamus. Interea scribe de rebus omnibus et me omnibus amicis commenda. Scribam, ubi primum intellexerimus, quid faciendum nobis quidve omittendum sit.
Si advenerit illustrissimus dominus marchio cum nuntio orig. nuncio⌈nuntionuntio orig. nuncio⌉ Virginis, impartiri ipsi dignabere 300000 bezolas adscribed⌈ss adscribed⌉manos, totidem et reverendo domino vicecancellario meo nomine, et tuae alias 3000. Et vale feliciter orig. foeliciter⌈feliciterfeliciter orig. foeliciter⌉.
Ex Genua Ligurum, XXVII-o die mensis Iunii anno Domini MDXXVII-o.
Tibi addictissimus ut filius Cornelius Duplicius Scepperus
[2 ] Italia encrypted with the symbol X
[3 ] caesarem encrypted with the symbol A
[4 18 ] Cancellarius encrypted with the symbol R
[5 ] a Dantiscus solved this place incorrectly reading letter f as the symbol for castrum Barense instead of as an encrypted letter a
[6 ] caesare encrypted with the symbol A
[7 ] Exercitus caesaris encrypted with the symbol O
[8 ] Italia tota caesarem odit. Cancellarius mandatum exspectat a caesare. Exercitus caesaris: solution of the cipher based on Dantiscus’ draft of the solution on the added slip of paper (f. 10r); above the line in Eric Benzelius’ hand: Italia tota; mandatum
[9 ] Vicerex encrypted with the symbol S; the solution of the cipher based on Dantiscus’ draft of the solution on the added slip of paper (f. 10r)
[10 ] male audit. Rex Angliae the solution of the cipher based on Dantiscus’ draft of the solution on the added slip of paper (f. 10r); Rex Angliae encrypted with the symbol Q
[11 ] parare exercitum. Cancellarius solution of the cipher based on Dantiscus’ draft of solution on the added slip of paper (f. 10r); Cancellarius encrypted with the symbol R
[12 ] vellet Franciscum Sfortiam restitui: the solution of the cipher based on Dantiscus’ draft of the solution on the added slip of paper (f. 10r); it has been also written above the line in Eric Benzelius’ hand
[13 ] pontifice(?) encrypted with the symbol B, which appears also in IDL 330 and IDL 2974. In the last case it surely means pontifex (the Pope). This meaning of the symbol B is also possible in both the earlier letters. However, such a solution is not certain and the cipher used in the letter IDL 2974 differs from that used in the other letters
[16 ] Vicerex encrypted with the symbol S; the solution of the cipher based on Dantiscus’ draft of the solution on the added slip of paper (f. 10r)
[17 ] statum Barensemencrypted with the symbol C; the solution of the cipher based on Dantiscus’ draft of the solution on the added slip of paper (f. 10r)
[19 ] bonum esse quod cancellarius huc veniret: the solution of the cipher based on Dantiscus’ draft of the solution on the added slip of paper (f. 10r); above the line in Eric Benzelius’ hand: bonum esse quod cancellarius huc venerit(!) instead of veniret⌈venerit(!)venerit(!) instead of veniret⌉
[20 ] Consilium de ducatu Mediolani: the solution of the cipher based on Dantiscus’ draft of the solution on the attached slip of paper (f. 10r); it has been also written above the line in Eric Benzelius’ hand
[21 ] regi Bohemiae encrypted with the symbol S; the solution of the cipher based on Dantiscus’ draft of the solution on the added slip of paper (f. 10r); it has been also written above the line in Eric Benzelius’ hand
[22 ] aut differetur adhuc eius donatio ad tempus: solution of the cipher based on Dantiscus’ draft of the solution on the attached slip of paper (f. 10r); it has been also written above the line in Eric Benzelius’ hand
[23 ] tractatus iustitiae futurus in rem Francisci Sphortie: the solution of the cipher based on Dantiscus’ draft of the solution on the added slip of paper (f. 10r, incorrect spelling Spforcie(!)); above the line in Eric Benzelius’ hand:tractatus susticie(!) futurus in rem Francisci Sportie(!)
[24 ] Cancellarius: encrypted with the symbol R; the solution of the cipher based on Dantiscus’ draft of the solution on the added slip of paper (f. 10r); it has been also written above the line in Eric Benzelius’ hand
[25 ]
a slip of paper (f.10r) with a draft solution of the cipher in Dantiscus’ hand has been preserved next to the letter:
Italia tota caesar od in quo; cancellarius mandatum exspectat; castrum Barense; caesar exercitus caesaris adhuc est ubi prius; vicerex ubique male audit; rex Angliae dicitur parare exercitum; Cancellarius ut satis intellexi vellet Franciscum Spfortiam restitui
Cuperem scire, an vicerex reddiderit vobis statum superinscribed in place of crossed-out castrum⌈castrum statum statum superinscribed in place of crossed-out castrum⌉ Barensem; Scripsit is nuper per secretarium suum bonum esse, quod superinscribed in place of crossed-out aupd(?)⌈aupd(?) quod quod superinscribed in place of crossed-out aupd(?)⌉ cancellarius huc veniret; multa animo etc.
consilium de ducatu Mediolani est, quod idem aut proveniet superinscribed⌈provenietproveniet superinscribed⌉ regi Boemiae autem differetur adhuc eius donatio ad tempus tractatus iustitiae futurus in rem Francisci Spforcie; ita mihi cancellarius narravit