» CORPUS of Ioannes Dantiscus' Texts & Correspondence
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Letter #2288

Cracow (Kraków), 1540-03-10
            received Guttstadt (Dobre Miasto), 1540-03-23

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, autograph, BCz, 1618, p. 413-416 (363-366)

1HE 1 No. 64, p. 87-88 (in extenso; Latin register)


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


BCz, 1618, p. 363

Reverendissime in Christo Pater et Domine, domine observatisssime.

Officiosissimam servitutis meae commendationem.

De negotio, quod est nobis cum Alexander Sculteti (Scholtcze) (*ca. 1485 – †1570), doctor of canon law, cartographer, historian and friend of Copernicus; accused by Dantiscus and Stanisław Hozjusz (Hosius) of Sacramentarian heresy, in 1540 banished by King Sigismund I Jagiellon; in 1541 imprisoned by the Inquisition in Rome; after release from prison in 1544 he stayed in Rome for the rest of his life; 1509-1516 notary at the Roman Curia; 1519-1541 Canon of Ermland (Warmia), 1530-1539 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; 1536-1538 administrator of the komornictwo of Mehlsack (Melzak, today Pieniężno) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 299; SBKW, p. 219-220)AlexandroAlexander Sculteti (Scholtcze) (*ca. 1485 – †1570), doctor of canon law, cartographer, historian and friend of Copernicus; accused by Dantiscus and Stanisław Hozjusz (Hosius) of Sacramentarian heresy, in 1540 banished by King Sigismund I Jagiellon; in 1541 imprisoned by the Inquisition in Rome; after release from prison in 1544 he stayed in Rome for the rest of his life; 1509-1516 notary at the Roman Curia; 1519-1541 Canon of Ermland (Warmia), 1530-1539 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; 1536-1538 administrator of the komornictwo of Mehlsack (Melzak, today Pieniężno) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 299; SBKW, p. 219-220), scri{p}sisse satis videor antea R(everendissimae) D(ominationi) Vestrae ms. a(!) aeae ms. a(!) . Manifesta sunt Alexander Sculteti (Scholtcze) (*ca. 1485 – †1570), doctor of canon law, cartographer, historian and friend of Copernicus; accused by Dantiscus and Stanisław Hozjusz (Hosius) of Sacramentarian heresy, in 1540 banished by King Sigismund I Jagiellon; in 1541 imprisoned by the Inquisition in Rome; after release from prison in 1544 he stayed in Rome for the rest of his life; 1509-1516 notary at the Roman Curia; 1519-1541 Canon of Ermland (Warmia), 1530-1539 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; 1536-1538 administrator of the komornictwo of Mehlsack (Melzak, today Pieniężno) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 299; SBKW, p. 219-220)illiusAlexander Sculteti (Scholtcze) (*ca. 1485 – †1570), doctor of canon law, cartographer, historian and friend of Copernicus; accused by Dantiscus and Stanisław Hozjusz (Hosius) of Sacramentarian heresy, in 1540 banished by King Sigismund I Jagiellon; in 1541 imprisoned by the Inquisition in Rome; after release from prison in 1544 he stayed in Rome for the rest of his life; 1509-1516 notary at the Roman Curia; 1519-1541 Canon of Ermland (Warmia), 1530-1539 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; 1536-1538 administrator of the komornictwo of Mehlsack (Melzak, today Pieniężno) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 299; SBKW, p. 219-220) flagitia, sed ea etiam si sint solis luce clariora, fas tamen haud esse videtur condemnare quemquam, nisi sit prius accusatus. Habet iam citationem Reverendissima Dominatio Vestra, sed et in Rome (Roma), city in central Italy, on the Tiber river, seat of the Holy SeeurbeRome (Roma), city in central Italy, on the Tiber river, seat of the Holy See quid sit a nobis curatum, ex prioribus meis iam accepit. Est apud me intercisa, ut vocant, citationis. Eam diligenter asservabo et Vilnius (Wilno, Vilna), city in Lithuania, on the Vilnia river, capital of the Grand Duchy of LithuaniaVilnamVilnius (Wilno, Vilna), city in Lithuania, on the Vilnia river, capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Deo iuvante, eam perferam, ut, si ita visum fuerit Reverendissimae Dominationi Vestrae, dari possit instigatori. Qua de re quid statuere velit, faciet me aliquanto ante litteris suis certiorem. Vilnius (Wilno, Vilna), city in Lithuania, on the Vilnia river, capital of the Grand Duchy of LithuaniaVilnamVilnius (Wilno, Vilna), city in Lithuania, on the Vilnia river, capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania cogitat s(erenissima) or s(acra)s(erenissima)s(erenissima) or s(acra) Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriamaiestas regiaSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria post dies plus minus triginta. Eam comitari decretum est. Sed ubi Deus feliciter reduces fecerit nos, statui me pedetemptim in libertatem asserere et aulae renuntiare. Non quod prosus eam relinquere velim, nam id per reverendissimum Samuel Maciejowski (*1499 – †1550), humanist and diplomat, one of the most trusted advisors to King Sigismund I and then to his son Sigismund II Augustus; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Sandomierz, and from 1530 in Kielce; from 1531 Canon of Gniezno; from 1532 or 1533 to 1537 royal secretary (previously scribe at the royal chancellery); 1537-1539 Grand Secretary; 1539-1547 Crown Vice-Chancellor; 1539-1541 Bishop of Chełm; 1541-1545 Bishop of Płock; 1545-1550 Bishop of Cracow; 1547-1550 Crown Grand Chancellor; in 1532 royal envoy to Rome; in 1534 and 1538 royal envoy to the local diets (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 257-258; Urzędnicy 10, p. 184; PSB 19 Machowski - Maria Kazimiera, p. 64-69)dominum ChelmensemSamuel Maciejowski (*1499 – †1550), humanist and diplomat, one of the most trusted advisors to King Sigismund I and then to his son Sigismund II Augustus; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Sandomierz, and from 1530 in Kielce; from 1531 Canon of Gniezno; from 1532 or 1533 to 1537 royal secretary (previously scribe at the royal chancellery); 1537-1539 Grand Secretary; 1539-1547 Crown Vice-Chancellor; 1539-1541 Bishop of Chełm; 1541-1545 Bishop of Płock; 1545-1550 Bishop of Cracow; 1547-1550 Crown Grand Chancellor; in 1532 royal envoy to Rome; in 1534 and 1538 royal envoy to the local diets (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 257-258; Urzędnicy 10, p. 184; PSB 19 Machowski - Maria Kazimiera, p. 64-69), summum patronum et benefactorem meum, fortasse non licebit, BCz, 1618, p. 364 sed ea tamen, quae fuerint officii mei, Christo bene iuvante, diligentius curabo. Reverendissimi domini Samuel Maciejowski (*1499 – †1550), humanist and diplomat, one of the most trusted advisors to King Sigismund I and then to his son Sigismund II Augustus; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Sandomierz, and from 1530 in Kielce; from 1531 Canon of Gniezno; from 1532 or 1533 to 1537 royal secretary (previously scribe at the royal chancellery); 1537-1539 Grand Secretary; 1539-1547 Crown Vice-Chancellor; 1539-1541 Bishop of Chełm; 1541-1545 Bishop of Płock; 1545-1550 Bishop of Cracow; 1547-1550 Crown Grand Chancellor; in 1532 royal envoy to Rome; in 1534 and 1538 royal envoy to the local diets (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 257-258; Urzędnicy 10, p. 184; PSB 19 Machowski - Maria Kazimiera, p. 64-69)Chelmensis episcopiSamuel Maciejowski (*1499 – †1550), humanist and diplomat, one of the most trusted advisors to King Sigismund I and then to his son Sigismund II Augustus; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Sandomierz, and from 1530 in Kielce; from 1531 Canon of Gniezno; from 1532 or 1533 to 1537 royal secretary (previously scribe at the royal chancellery); 1537-1539 Grand Secretary; 1539-1547 Crown Vice-Chancellor; 1539-1541 Bishop of Chełm; 1541-1545 Bishop of Płock; 1545-1550 Bishop of Cracow; 1547-1550 Crown Grand Chancellor; in 1532 royal envoy to Rome; in 1534 and 1538 royal envoy to the local diets (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 257-258; Urzędnicy 10, p. 184; PSB 19 Machowski - Maria Kazimiera, p. 64-69) beneficio hidden by binding[io]io hidden by binding Cracoviensi canonicatu sum honestatus. Rogo Reverendissimam Dominationem Vestram, ut illi hoc nomine agat gratias, ut intelligat Vestrae quoque Reverendissimae Dominationi gratum esse, quod hoc in me non vulgare beneficium contulerit. De Fabian Wojanowski (Fabian of Dąbrówka, Fabian Damerau) (†1540), courtier of King Sigismund I Jagiellon and Queen Bona Sforza, German tutor to their son Sigismund II Augustus. In 1531 he went back to his family name Damerau; Dantiscus' companion on his mission to Emperor Charles V and his successor as a royal envoy at the Imperial court; 1539-1540 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) (from 1538 coadiutor of Henryk von Snellenberg by Dantiscus' patronage) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 49; SBKW, p. 37)FabianoFabian Wojanowski (Fabian of Dąbrówka, Fabian Damerau) (†1540), courtier of King Sigismund I Jagiellon and Queen Bona Sforza, German tutor to their son Sigismund II Augustus. In 1531 he went back to his family name Damerau; Dantiscus' companion on his mission to Emperor Charles V and his successor as a royal envoy at the Imperial court; 1539-1540 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) (from 1538 coadiutor of Henryk von Snellenberg by Dantiscus' patronage) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 49; SBKW, p. 37) magnae mihi curae fuit, ut litterae manu s(erenissimae) or s(acrae)s(erenissimae)s(erenissimae) or s(acrae) Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriamaiestatis regiaeSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria subscriberentur, et quamquam affecta nunc sum valetudine, ascendi, tamen in arcem et admonui reverendissimum Samuel Maciejowski (*1499 – †1550), humanist and diplomat, one of the most trusted advisors to King Sigismund I and then to his son Sigismund II Augustus; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Sandomierz, and from 1530 in Kielce; from 1531 Canon of Gniezno; from 1532 or 1533 to 1537 royal secretary (previously scribe at the royal chancellery); 1537-1539 Grand Secretary; 1539-1547 Crown Vice-Chancellor; 1539-1541 Bishop of Chełm; 1541-1545 Bishop of Płock; 1545-1550 Bishop of Cracow; 1547-1550 Crown Grand Chancellor; in 1532 royal envoy to Rome; in 1534 and 1538 royal envoy to the local diets (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 257-258; Urzędnicy 10, p. 184; PSB 19 Machowski - Maria Kazimiera, p. 64-69)dominum meum ChelmensemSamuel Maciejowski (*1499 – †1550), humanist and diplomat, one of the most trusted advisors to King Sigismund I and then to his son Sigismund II Augustus; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Sandomierz, and from 1530 in Kielce; from 1531 Canon of Gniezno; from 1532 or 1533 to 1537 royal secretary (previously scribe at the royal chancellery); 1537-1539 Grand Secretary; 1539-1547 Crown Vice-Chancellor; 1539-1541 Bishop of Chełm; 1541-1545 Bishop of Płock; 1545-1550 Bishop of Cracow; 1547-1550 Crown Grand Chancellor; in 1532 royal envoy to Rome; in 1534 and 1538 royal envoy to the local diets (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 257-258; Urzędnicy 10, p. 184; PSB 19 Machowski - Maria Kazimiera, p. 64-69), ut subscribi curaret. Verum id obtineri tam cito non potuit.

Rerum hic novarum hidden by binding[rum]rum hidden by binding nihil est. Comitia nondum sunt absoluta hidden by binding[uta]uta hidden by binding, sed ea tamen absoluta iri brevi speramu hidden by binding[u]u hidden by bindingr. De Nurembergensibus sunt, qui dicant eos ad unitatem ecclesiae rediisse.

Feruntur serenissimum Ferdinand I of Habsburg (*1503 – †1564), from 1521 Archduke of Austria, from 1526 King of Bohemia and Hungary, Croatia and Slavonia as Ferdinand I, 1531-1558 King of the Romans, 1558-1564 Holy Roman Emperor; son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile, a younger brother of Charles V of HabsburgRomanorum regemFerdinand I of Habsburg (*1503 – †1564), from 1521 Archduke of Austria, from 1526 King of Bohemia and Hungary, Croatia and Slavonia as Ferdinand I, 1531-1558 King of the Romans, 1558-1564 Holy Roman Emperor; son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile, a younger brother of Charles V of Habsburg perquam humaniter et liberaliter excepisse et triginta millibus aureorum donasse. Cum The Ottoman Turks (Turcae) TurcisThe Ottoman Turks (Turcae) indutiae factae sunt sex mensium, quas quidem Suleiman the Magnificent (*1494 – †1566), 1520-1566 Sultan of the Ottoman Empireimperator TurcarumSuleiman the Magnificent (*1494 – †1566), 1520-1566 Sultan of the Ottoman Empire cum omnibus Chrstianis principibus suscepit, excepto John Zápolya (János Szapolyai) (*1487 – †1540), 1526-1540 King of Hungary; son of István Szapolyai and Jadwiga of Cieszyn in 1540 married Isabella, dauther of of King Sigismund Jagiellon of Poland. He fought against Ferdinand of Habsburg for the right to the title of King of HungaryIoanne rege hidden by binding[ege]ege hidden by bindingJohn Zápolya (János Szapolyai) (*1487 – †1540), 1526-1540 King of Hungary; son of István Szapolyai and Jadwiga of Cieszyn in 1540 married Isabella, dauther of of King Sigismund Jagiellon of Poland. He fought against Ferdinand of Habsburg for the right to the title of King of Hungary BCz, 1618, p. 365 et Venetis, quos vult sibi Cataro, Budua, Anthivari, Dulcinio, Malvasia et Neapoli Romaniae cedere neque aliter ullas vult pacis condiciones admittere. Haec dominus Hieronim Łaski (Jarosław Łaski, Hieronymus de Lasco) (*1496 – †1541), diplomat in the service of Sigismund I Jagiellon and John I Zápolya, representing them in diplomatic contacts with Ferdinand I of Habsburg and Sultan Suleiman I; 1520-1522 Crown Carver, 1522-1523 Voivode of Inowrocław, 1523-1541 Voivode of Sieradz, from 1528 Zupan of the Spiš district; from 1530 Voivode of Transylvania (PSB 18, p. 225-229)LasckiHieronim Łaski (Jarosław Łaski, Hieronymus de Lasco) (*1496 – †1541), diplomat in the service of Sigismund I Jagiellon and John I Zápolya, representing them in diplomatic contacts with Ferdinand I of Habsburg and Sultan Suleiman I; 1520-1522 Crown Carver, 1522-1523 Voivode of Inowrocław, 1523-1541 Voivode of Sieradz, from 1528 Zupan of the Spiš district; from 1530 Voivode of Transylvania (PSB 18, p. 225-229) ex Constantinople (Istanbul, Constantinopolis), city and capital of the Ottoman Empire, today in western TurkeyConstantinopoli paper damaged[opoli]opoli paper damagedConstantinople (Istanbul, Constantinopolis), city and capital of the Ottoman Empire, today in western Turkey s(erenissimae) or s(acrae)s(erenissimae)s(erenissimae) or s(acrae) Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriamaiestati regiaeSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria perscripsit, qui compositis rebus serenissimi Ferdinand I of Habsburg (*1503 – †1564), from 1521 Archduke of Austria, from 1526 King of Bohemia and Hungary, Croatia and Slavonia as Ferdinand I, 1531-1558 King of the Romans, 1558-1564 Holy Roman Emperor; son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile, a younger brother of Charles V of HabsburgRomanorum regisFerdinand I of Habsburg (*1503 – †1564), from 1521 Archduke of Austria, from 1526 King of Bohemia and Hungary, Croatia and Slavonia as Ferdinand I, 1531-1558 King of the Romans, 1558-1564 Holy Roman Emperor; son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile, a younger brother of Charles V of Habsburg salvus iam ad suos est reversus. De Tomasz Sobocki (*ca. 1508 – †1547), 1539-1546 Polish King's Cup-Bearer, 1545 deputy cup-bearer of the court, 1545-1547 Grand Chancellor of the Crown, 1545-1546 Burgrave of Cracow, 1535 royal envoy to John Zápolya to invite him to the wedding between Princess Jadwiga Jagiellon and Joachim, Margrave of Brandenburg, 1537 royal envoy to Duke Albrecht von Hohenzollern and to Rome, 1539/1540 - to Suleiman the Magnificent (PSB 39/4, p. 557-560)legatoTomasz Sobocki (*ca. 1508 – †1547), 1539-1546 Polish King's Cup-Bearer, 1545 deputy cup-bearer of the court, 1545-1547 Grand Chancellor of the Crown, 1545-1546 Burgrave of Cracow, 1535 royal envoy to John Zápolya to invite him to the wedding between Princess Jadwiga Jagiellon and Joachim, Margrave of Brandenburg, 1537 royal envoy to Duke Albrecht von Hohenzollern and to Rome, 1539/1540 - to Suleiman the Magnificent (PSB 39/4, p. 557-560) vero s(erenissimae) or s(acrae)s(erenissimae)s(erenissimae) or s(acrae) Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriamaiestatis regiaeSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria nihil adhuc est auditum, sed eum tamen in reditu iam esse speramus. Ad Charles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castilechristianum imperatoremCharles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile missus est dominus Jan Ocieski (*1501 – †1563), 1527-1543 Cracow district clerk (pisarz ziemi krakowskiej) and royal courtier, 1547 Cracow chamberlain, 1545 Castellan of Zawichost, 1547-1550 - of Biecz, 1547-1554 Cracow Burgrave; 1548 court steward of Queen Bona Sforza, 1550 Crown Vice-Chancellor; 1552 - Grand Chancellor, 1531, 1533 royal envoy to Turkey, 1540 - to Emperor Charles V; 1540 - to Rome; 1543 - to Hungary (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 259; Urzędnicy 10)OcziesckiJan Ocieski (*1501 – †1563), 1527-1543 Cracow district clerk (pisarz ziemi krakowskiej) and royal courtier, 1547 Cracow chamberlain, 1545 Castellan of Zawichost, 1547-1550 - of Biecz, 1547-1554 Cracow Burgrave; 1548 court steward of Queen Bona Sforza, 1550 Crown Vice-Chancellor; 1552 - Grand Chancellor, 1531, 1533 royal envoy to Turkey, 1540 - to Emperor Charles V; 1540 - to Rome; 1543 - to Hungary (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 259; Urzędnicy 10), is qui fuit in clientela domini castellani olim Cracoviensis Krzysztof Szydłowiecki (*1466 – †1532), one of the most trusted advisors of the King Sigismund I Jagiellon; 1497-1507 Marshal of the court of prince Sigismund Jagiellon, Cracow master of pantry; 1507-1510 court treasurer; 1509 castellan of Sandomierz; 1511 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1515 - grand chancellor; 1515-1527 Voivode of Cracow; 1515 - Starost; 1527-1532 - CastellanChristoferi SchydlovieczkiKrzysztof Szydłowiecki (*1466 – †1532), one of the most trusted advisors of the King Sigismund I Jagiellon; 1497-1507 Marshal of the court of prince Sigismund Jagiellon, Cracow master of pantry; 1507-1510 court treasurer; 1509 castellan of Sandomierz; 1511 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1515 - grand chancellor; 1515-1527 Voivode of Cracow; 1515 - Starost; 1527-1532 - Castellan. Nihil est praeterea, quod scribi magnopere oporteat.

Deum precor, ut Reverendissimam Dominationem Vestram diu servet incolumem. Cuius me gratiae commendo.

Vestrae Reverendissimae Dominationis servitor deditissimus Stanisław Hozjusz (Stanisław Hosz, Stanislaus Hosius) (*1504 – †1579), diplomat and theologian; 1534-1538 secretary to the Bishops of Cracow Piotr Tomicki and Jan Chojeński; 1538-1549 royal secretary; 1538-1549 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) and from 1539 Cantor; 1540-1550 Canon of Cracow; 1549-1551 Bishop of Kulm (Chełmno); 1551-1579 Bishop of Ermland; in 1560 elevated to Cardinal; 1561-1563 Papal Legate to the General Council of Trent; in 1573 appointed Grand Penitentiary to Pope Gregory XIII (SBKW, p. 95-96; KOPICZKO 2, p. 129-130)Stanislaus HosiusStanisław Hozjusz (Stanisław Hosz, Stanislaus Hosius) (*1504 – †1579), diplomat and theologian; 1534-1538 secretary to the Bishops of Cracow Piotr Tomicki and Jan Chojeński; 1538-1549 royal secretary; 1538-1549 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) and from 1539 Cantor; 1540-1550 Canon of Cracow; 1549-1551 Bishop of Kulm (Chełmno); 1551-1579 Bishop of Ermland; in 1560 elevated to Cardinal; 1561-1563 Papal Legate to the General Council of Trent; in 1573 appointed Grand Penitentiary to Pope Gregory XIII (SBKW, p. 95-96; KOPICZKO 2, p. 129-130) cantor et canonicus Varmiensis et Cracoviensis


Magister Thomas, qui nepotes Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae erudit, postulavit a me, ut se Reverendissimae Dominationi Vestrae commendarem. Mihi videtur et litteras habere, et munere suo diligenter fungi neque indignus esse, quem gratia sua benignitateque Reverendissima Dominatio Vestra prosequatur.