» Korpus Tekstów i Korespondencji Jana Dantyszka
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List #2533

Rostock, 1542-02-03

Regest polski: Prosi o pomoc w uzyskaniu beneficjum dla Piotra Braska – kuzyna zmarłego na wygnaniu w Polsce biskupa Linköping Hansa Braska
            odebrano Guttstadt (Dobre Miasto), 1542-05-30

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: łacina, UUB, H. 155, k. 59-60
2regest z ekscerptami język: łacina, angielski, XX w., CBKUL, R.III, 30, Nr 137

Pomocnicze podstawy źródłowe:
1regest język: polski, XX w., B. PAU-PAN, 8249 (TK 11), k. 391

1DE VOCHT 1961 Nr DE, 436, s. 409 (wzmianka)


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Reverendissime in Cristo pater et domine. Cum debita obsequiorum recommendatione. Salutem.

Piae recordationis Hans Brask (Ioannes Brask) (*1464 – †1538), The last Catholic bishop of Linköping (1513-1527), doctor of canon law, follower of and advisor to King Gustav Vasa of Sweden. In 1527, after the Diet in Västerås had made the decision to introduce the Reformation in Sweden, Brask went into exile to Poland, where he spent the rest of his life (CHAMARCZUK, passim)Ioannes BraskHans Brask (Ioannes Brask) (*1464 – †1538), The last Catholic bishop of Linköping (1513-1527), doctor of canon law, follower of and advisor to King Gustav Vasa of Sweden. In 1527, after the Diet in Västerås had made the decision to introduce the Reformation in Sweden, Brask went into exile to Poland, where he spent the rest of his life (CHAMARCZUK, passim) episcopus Lincopensis qui in Poland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)PoloniaPoland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia) transacto triennio naturae concessit. Petrus Brask nephew of Hans Brask bishop of Linköping; studied in Uppsala where he became a baccalaureus before 1510, during the winter term 1510-1511 he earned at Rostock a master's degree. Later, in 1514, he was at the Leipzig University, and in 1517 he graduated in Wittenberg (WESTMAN, p. 249; BERGENDOFF, p. 66)NepotemPetrus Brask nephew of Hans Brask bishop of Linköping; studied in Uppsala where he became a baccalaureus before 1510, during the winter term 1510-1511 he earned at Rostock a master's degree. Later, in 1514, he was at the Leipzig University, and in 1517 he graduated in Wittenberg (WESTMAN, p. 249; BERGENDOFF, p. 66), quem secum tempore suae prosecutionis e Sweden (Suecia)regno SuetiaeSweden (Suecia) eduxit, invenio saeculi vanitatis abhorrere et viam salutis tutiorem omni conatu exoptare. Domino gratiam largiente ad sacros sacerdotii ordines promoveri desiderat et ad beneficium ecclesiasticum obtinendum aspirat. Reverendissime pater, durante meo ac aliorum ecclesiasticorum exilio tyrannica rabies totius Sweden (Suecia)regni SuetiaeSweden (Suecia) religionem depravaverat ac ecclesiasticam dignitatem subegerat, ut cunctis regnicolis in cotidianis oneribus et angustiis rustica gente humilior remanebit. Confugere propterea properat ad Reverendissimam Paternitatem Vestram at ego unasecum precibus is Petrus Brask nephew of Hans Brask bishop of Linköping; studied in Uppsala where he became a baccalaureus before 1510, during the winter term 1510-1511 he earned at Rostock a master's degree. Later, in 1514, he was at the Leipzig University, and in 1517 he graduated in Wittenberg (WESTMAN, p. 249; BERGENDOFF, p. 66)Petrus BraskPetrus Brask nephew of Hans Brask bishop of Linköping; studied in Uppsala where he became a baccalaureus before 1510, during the winter term 1510-1511 he earned at Rostock a master's degree. Later, in 1514, he was at the Leipzig University, and in 1517 he graduated in Wittenberg (WESTMAN, p. 249; BERGENDOFF, p. 66), quatenus, Dei intuitu et eius defuncti Hans Brask (Ioannes Brask) (*1464 – †1538), The last Catholic bishop of Linköping (1513-1527), doctor of canon law, follower of and advisor to King Gustav Vasa of Sweden. In 1527, after the Diet in Västerås had made the decision to introduce the Reformation in Sweden, Brask went into exile to Poland, where he spent the rest of his life (CHAMARCZUK, passim)patroniHans Brask (Ioannes Brask) (*1464 – †1538), The last Catholic bishop of Linköping (1513-1527), doctor of canon law, follower of and advisor to King Gustav Vasa of Sweden. In 1527, after the Diet in Västerås had made the decision to introduce the Reformation in Sweden, Brask went into exile to Poland, where he spent the rest of his life (CHAMARCZUK, passim) et consanguinei, cuius notitiam et personam Reverendissimi Paternitatis Vestrae agnovisse haut(!) ignoro, amore eum recolligere ac sacros ordines impendere, et de ecclesiastico beneficio providere dignetur, Reverendissimam Paternitatem Vestram obnixius imploro. Me ad condignas vices et mandata Reverendissimae Paternitati Vestrae offero paratissimum. Extitit harum probably Petrus Brask nephew of Hans Brask bishop of Linköping; studied in Uppsala where he became a baccalaureus before 1510, during the winter term 1510-1511 he earned at Rostock a master's degree. Later, in 1514, he was at the Leipzig University, and in 1517 he graduated in Wittenberg (WESTMAN, p. 249; BERGENDOFF, p. 66)tabellioprobably Petrus Brask nephew of Hans Brask bishop of Linköping; studied in Uppsala where he became a baccalaureus before 1510, during the winter term 1510-1511 he earned at Rostock a master's degree. Later, in 1514, he was at the Leipzig University, and in 1517 he graduated in Wittenberg (WESTMAN, p. 249; BERGENDOFF, p. 66) moribus et vita laudabilis et conversationis honestae, quem Reverendissimae Paternitati Vestrae simul atque meipsum devotius recommendatum habeo semper. Quam Deus optimus maximus incolumem conservare dignetur per tempora longiora.