» Korpus Tekstów i Korespondencji Jana Dantyszka
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SAALE Margarethe von der · SABELLICUS Marcus Antonius · SABINUS Georgius · SACCHIA Beltrame · SACHSEN Friedrich von · SACHSSE Donatus · SACK Bartell · SADOLETO Jacopo · Safa GIRAY · SAGANTA Juan · SAGIUS Philippus · SAGK Georg · Sahib I Giray · SAILER Hieronymus · Saint Agnes · Saint Dismas · Saint Helena · Saint James · Saint Jerome · Saint John the Evangelist · Saint Matthew the Evangelist · SAINT MAURIS Jean de · Saint Peter · Saint Stephen · Saint Zachary · SALAMANCA Ioannes · SALINAS Martín de · Sallust · SALM Nikolaus von · Salomon · SALVIATI Giovanni · SALZA Jakob von · SAMIŃSKI Paweł · SAMIŃSKI Paweł, wife of · Samos inhabitants of · SAMPSON Richard · Samson · Samuel · SÁNCHEZ MERCADO Rodrigo · SANCHEZ Michael · SANCHEZ Michael, wife of · SANDER Michał · SANFELICE Gian Tommaso · SANNAZ(Z)ARO Jacopo · SANSEVERINO Antonio · Santiago, husband of Francisca DELGADA · SAPIEHA Iwan Bohdanowicz · Saracens · Sardanapalus · SARTOR Stephanus · Saturn · Saul · SAURER Lorenz · Saxony inhabitants of · SBASZYMOWYE · Scaevola · SCHACHT Thewes · SCHACHTMAN Johann · SCHAD Hans · SCHADEWALT · SCHALN... Ben? von der · SCHAUENENGELL Thomas · SCHAUR Johan von · SCHEBURGK Ioannes Dionisius · SCHEDELEN Christoff von · SCHENCK Georg van Tautenburg · SCHENCKE Merten · SCHEWECKE Georg · SCHEWECKE Jakob · SCHEWECKE Johann Jr · SCHEWECKE Johann Sr · SCHEWECKEN Katarina · SCHEWWESST Georg · SCHIER Franz · SCHILLING Anna · SCHILLING Caspar · SCHILLING Georgius · SCHINGELER Georg · Schippenbeil, town court · SCHISSENTEUBER Hans · SCHISSENTEUBER Peter · SCHISSENTEUBER Thewes · SCHIßTEUBERŸN · SCHLEINITZ Johann VII von · Schmalkaldic League · SCHMIDT Francz · SCHMIDT Peter · SCHMIT Herman · SCHNITZENPAUMER Georg · SCHOLCZ Barthel of Grabau · SCHOLCZ Barthel of Rosenthal · SCHÖN(E)BECK(E) Asmus · SCHÖNBERG Dietrich von · SCHÖNBERG Nikolaus von · SCHÖNBORN Nikolaus von Thorn · SCHONBORNSKI Ioannes · SCHÖNE Michael · SCHÖNING Thomas · SCHONJOHANN Anna · SCHONJOHANN Michael · SCHONRADEN Hans · SCHONRADENN Lorentz · SCHONSCHMIDT Mathias · SCHONWALT Gregor · SCHOONHOVEN Antoon van · SCHREIBERSDORF Leopold von · SCHREINER Gregor · SCHRENCK Bartholomeus von Notzing · SCHROTER Jakub · SCHULTES Bartell · SCHULTES Bartell, sister of · SCHULTES Bartell, sister of, husband of · SCHULTZ Georg · SCHULTZ Georg, wife of · SCHULTZ Michael · SCHULTZ Michael, wife of · SCHULTZE Christine · SCHULTZE Heinrich · SCHUMANNUS Matthias Thorunensis · SCHUTZBAR Wolfgang Milching · SCHWANBACH Georg · SCHWANBACH Georg, daughter of · SCHWANBACH Georg, mistress of · SCHWARTZE Fabien · SCHWARZERDT Anna · SCHWEIß Alexander von · SCHWEŸTZER Samuel · SCHWOGER Jakob · Scipio Aemilianus · SCORISSE Iacobus de · SCORNACO Adolphus de · Scots · SCULTETI Alexander · SCULTETI Alexander, children of · SCULTETI Alexander, concubine of · SCULTETI Alexander, messenger of · SCULTETI Alexander, Servant of · SCULTETI Ignatius · Scylla · Scythians · SECUNDUS Ioannes · SECYGNIEWSKI Jakub · Seeburg vicars of · Segusiavi · SEITZ Caspar · Selim I · Selim II Sarkhosh the Sot · SELVE Georges de · Seneca · SENGER Bartholomeus Jr · SENGER Bartholomeus Sr · Senigallia health officials of · SEPÚLVEDA Juan Ginés de · Sequani · SEREDI Caspar · SERGITTEN Hans · Severinus, messenger of Tiedemann GIESE · Seweidenn inhabitants of · SEYMOUR Jane · SEYMOUR John · SEYMOURS · SFORZAS · Sheikh Ahmad · Sicily inhabitants of · SICKINGEN Franz Conrad von · SICKINGEN Franz von · SICKINGEN Hans von · SICKINGEN Hans von, brother of · SIEMIĄTKOWSKI Jakub · Siemovit IV of Masovia · SIENIAWSKI Mikołaj · Sigismund I Jagiellon · Sigismund I Jagiellon, envoy of · Sigismund I Jagiellon, servant (cubicularius) of · Sigismund II Augustus Jagiellon · Sigismund II Augustus Jagiellon, envoy of · Sigismund of Austria · Sigismund of Brandenburg · SILBEREISEN Elisabeth · Silenus · Silesians · Simon, painter in Löbau · Simon, painter in Löbau, wife of · Simon, priest · SIMONETTA Giacomo · SIMONS Menno · Sinon · SINZENHOFEN Pankraz von · Sirens · SISTEIN · SITTICH Marx von Ems · Sixtus IV · SKODBORG Jørgen · SKOP Stanisław · ŠKOVRÁNKO Stanislav · Slavonia gentry of · SLEIDANUS Johannes · SLICK Quirinus · SLICK Quirinus, wife of · SLONSKY, servant of Feliks (Szczęsny) SRZEŃSKI · SLUTER Wilhelmus · SŁAP DĄBROWSKI Marcin · SŁOŃCZEWSKI Leonard · SŁUŻEWSKI Piotr · SNAGGAERT Jacob · SNEIDER Clement · SNELLENBERG Henrich · SNOPEK Paweł · SOBIEŃSKA Anna · SOBOCKA Anna · SOBOCKI Tomasz · SOBOWSKI Otton · Socrates · SOKOLNICZKI Lenard · SOKOLNICZKI Lenard, brother of · SOKOŁOWSKI · SOKOŁOWSKI Jan · SOKOŁOWSKI Jan, messenger of · SOKOŁOWSKI Stanisław of Wrząca Wielka · SOKOŁOWSKI Tomasz · Soldau, Town Council · SOLFA Jan Benedyktowicz · SOLIER Charles du · Solinus · Solomon · Solon · SOMMA Cola Maria di · SOMMA Scipione di · SOMMER Merten · Sophie von Brandenburg-Ansbach · Sophocles · Sophocles, sons of · SORIA Lope de · SOTO Petrus de · SOVRENIGO Liberale · Spaniards · Spanish Council of State · Spanish Inquisition · Spartans · SPATER Katharina · SPEILBERG Ioannes · SPERANTIUS Sebastian · SPERATUS Paul · Speusippus · Sphinx · SPIEGEL Hans · SPIEGEL Jacob · SPIEGEL Mikołaj · SPINA Bartholomeo · SPINOLA Battista · SPINOLA Lodovico · SPON Kaspar · SPRINZENSTEIN Franz von · SRZEŃSKI Feliks (Szczęsny) · SRZEŃSKI Feliks (Szczęsny), sister of · STABIUS Johannes · Stach · STADENN Cornelius von · STADENN Cornelius von, wife of · STAER Ioannes · STAL Jorg · Stanislaus, vicar of St. Mary's church in Gdańsk · Stanisław of Szczepanów · STAROŹREBSKI Aleksander · STARZECHOWSKI Wojciech · STATILIO Giovanni · STATIUS · Steffan, der scheffer · STEFFEN Benedictus · STEGMAN Heinrich · STEINBEIN Greger · STEINKIRCHER · STEINPICK Valentinus · STENCZEL Caspar · STENCZELIN, wife of Caspar STENCZEL · Stenczell, servant of Ioannes DANTISCUS · STENORD Jędrzej of Königsberg · Stephanus · Stephen V Locust · STERCKE Hendrik · STEWART John · Sthenelus · STHUBBE Martinus · STIBARUS Daniel · STITEN Anton von · STOBIUS Andreas · STOLLE Jacob · STORM Ambrosius · Strabo · STRASELIUS Ioannes · STRASSOLDO Pamphilus de · STRASZEWSKI Jakub · STRASZYŃSKI Jan · STRAUBING Hans · STRAUBING Hans, daughter of · STRAUBING Hans, son of · STRAUBING Hans, wife of · STRAUS Jacob · STRAUSZ Jörgen · STROZZI · STROZZI Filippo · STRÒZZI Piero · STROZZI Reynaldus · STUBES Peter · STULPAWITZ Caspar · STURM Arendt · STURM Arendt, wife of · STURM Johannes · STURTZ · STUTTE Ioannes · SUÁREZ Cristóbal · SUÁREZ, physician of Madrid · SUCHTEN Alexander von · SUCHTEN Georg von Jr · SUCHTEN Georg von Sr · SUCHTEN Konrad von · SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS Gaius · Suleiman the Magnificent · SULPICIUS RUFUS Servius Lemonia · Sunderland, Zofia · Susanna · SVAVE Peder · Swabian League · Swedes · Swiss · SYELENBURGER Paulus · Sylvester I · SYLVIUS Iacobus · SZAFRANIEC Hieronim · SZAFRANIEC Mikołaj · SZAKMÁRY Georgius · SZCZAWIŃSKI Mikołaj · SZCZAWIŃSKI Stanisław · SZCZEPANOWSKI Erazm · SZCZEPANOWSKI Filip · SZCZEPAŃSKI Jan · SZYDŁOWIECKA Elżbieta · SZYDŁOWIECKI Krzysztof · SZYDŁOWIECKI Krzysztof, sister of · SZYDŁOWIECKI Mikołaj · SZYDŁÓW Bartłomiej of · Szymon, sołtys of Kokocko


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Znaleziono: 19

zachowanych: 17 + zaginionych: 2

1IDL 6868     Ioannes DANTISCUS do Jan Benedyktowicz SOLFA, Toledo, 1526-02-01 List zaginiony
            odebrano Gdańsk (Danzig), 1526-07-05
List zaginiony, reconstructed on the basis of IDL 295: Incredibili me affecerunt laetitia litterae tuae prima Februarii ex Toleto scriptae et hic mihi in adventu domini Nipsicz 5 huius redditae
2IDL  295 Jan Benedyktowicz SOLFA do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Gdańsk (Danzig), 1526-07-06
            odebrano Granada, [1526]-11-14

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: łacina, autograf, BCz, 243, s. 59-62
2regest z ekscerptami język: polski, XX w., B. PAU-PAN, 8241 (TK 3), a.1526, k. 21 (b.p.)


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


BCz, 243, p. 62

Magnifico et celeberrimo viro et domino, domino Ioannes Dantiscus (Johannes von Höfen, Ioannes de Curiis, Jan Dantyszek, Johannes Flachsbinder) (*1485 – †1548), eminent diplomat and humanist in the service of the Jagiellons, neo-Latin poet; 1530-1537 Bishop of Kulm; 1537-1548 Bishop of ErmlandIoanni DantiscoIoannes Dantiscus (Johannes von Höfen, Ioannes de Curiis, Jan Dantyszek, Johannes Flachsbinder) (*1485 – †1548), eminent diplomat and humanist in the service of the Jagiellons, neo-Latin poet; 1530-1537 Bishop of Kulm; 1537-1548 Bishop of Ermland oratori Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriaregis Sigismundi PoloniaeSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria, domino et fautori suo dilectissimo

BCz, 243, p. 59

Nobilis et celeberrime domine, fautor et frater carissime.

Incredibili me affecerunt laetitia cf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Jan Benedyktowicz SOLFA Toledo, 1526-02-01, CIDTC IDL 6868, letter lostlitteraecf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Jan Benedyktowicz SOLFA Toledo, 1526-02-01, CIDTC IDL 6868, letter lost tuae 1526-02-01prima Februarii1526-02-01 ex Toledo (Toletum), city in central Spain, Castilla-La Mancha, on the Tagus (Tajo) riverToletoToledo (Toletum), city in central Spain, Castilla-La Mancha, on the Tagus (Tajo) river scriptae et Gdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic LeaguehicGdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic League mihi in adventu domini Nikolaus Nibschitz (Mikołaj Nipszyc) (*ca. 1483 – †1541), royal courtier, diplomat in the service of Sigismund I and Albrecht von Hohenzollern-Ansbach, Dantiscus' friend; from 1525 until his death an official representative of Duke Albrecht at the Cracow royal court; from 1532 royal secretary; 1519 royal envoy to Albrecht von Hohenzollern, Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, 1525, 1526 envoy to Hungary, 1527 envoy to the Congress in Wrocław, 1531-1533, 1537 envoy to Ferdinand I of Habsburg, 1535-1537, 1540 envoy to Brandenburg, 1536 envoy to the estates of LivoniaNipsiczNikolaus Nibschitz (Mikołaj Nipszyc) (*ca. 1483 – †1541), royal courtier, diplomat in the service of Sigismund I and Albrecht von Hohenzollern-Ansbach, Dantiscus' friend; from 1525 until his death an official representative of Duke Albrecht at the Cracow royal court; from 1532 royal secretary; 1519 royal envoy to Albrecht von Hohenzollern, Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, 1525, 1526 envoy to Hungary, 1527 envoy to the Congress in Wrocław, 1531-1533, 1537 envoy to Ferdinand I of Habsburg, 1535-1537, 1540 envoy to Brandenburg, 1536 envoy to the estates of Livonia hic(?) 1526-07-055 huius1526-07-05 redditae, testes opulentissimos amicae consuetudinis nostrae, quam a nobis, nisi mors, auferet nemo. Etsi non semel pervius ebrierim in hoc, ut aliquid mearum litterarum acciperes, numquam tamen propter distantiam locorum, e quibus litterae tibi mittuntur, hucusque concessum est. Nunc autem opportune Bernhard von Höfen (Bernhard Flachsbinder) (†after 1548), Ioannes Dantiscus' brother, stayed with Dantiscus in Spain, as a member of his mission's retinue, and was used as a trusted courier to Poland at least from 1526; after 1530 Starost of LöbaufratremBernhard von Höfen (Bernhard Flachsbinder) (†after 1548), Ioannes Dantiscus' brother, stayed with Dantiscus in Spain, as a member of his mission's retinue, and was used as a trusted courier to Poland at least from 1526; after 1530 Starost of Löbau tuum abeuntem intellexi ex Johann von Höfen (Johannes Flachsbinder) (†1528), father of Ioannes DantiscuspatreJohann von Höfen (Johannes Flachsbinder) (†1528), father of Ioannes Dantiscus tuo, quem paucos ante dies ex Herebi faucibus eripui. Sollicitavi, ne sine meis abiret Bernhard von Höfen (Bernhard Flachsbinder) (†after 1548), Ioannes Dantiscus' brother, stayed with Dantiscus in Spain, as a member of his mission's retinue, and was used as a trusted courier to Poland at least from 1526; after 1530 Starost of LöbaufraterBernhard von Höfen (Bernhard Flachsbinder) (†after 1548), Ioannes Dantiscus' brother, stayed with Dantiscus in Spain, as a member of his mission's retinue, and was used as a trusted courier to Poland at least from 1526; after 1530 Starost of Löbau tuus carissimus utrique et ut scias de rebus nostris nonnihil.

Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of AustriaMaiestas regiaSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria cum Royal Council of Poland prioribus sui regniRoyal Council of Poland Lutheranae socordiae causa sopiendi Royal Prussia (Prussia Regalis), region, part of Prussia annexed to the Kingdom of Poland in 1466 under the provisions of the Second Peace of ThornPrussiamRoyal Prussia (Prussia Regalis), region, part of Prussia annexed to the Kingdom of Poland in 1466 under the provisions of the Second Peace of Thorn et 8 Martii Marienburg (Malbork), town and castle in northern Poland, Pomeranian Voivodeship, on the Nogat river, a branch of the Vistula at its delta, the capital of the Grand Masters of the Teutonic Order in Prussia (1309-1457), a voivodeship capital in Royal Prussia, which belonged to the Kingdom of Poland (1466-1772). Marienburg (taking turns with Graudenz (Grudziądz)) was the venue for the Provincial Diets of Royal Prussia, which were chaired by the bishop of Ermland (Warmia)MarieburgumMarienburg (Malbork), town and castle in northern Poland, Pomeranian Voivodeship, on the Nogat river, a branch of the Vistula at its delta, the capital of the Grand Masters of the Teutonic Order in Prussia (1309-1457), a voivodeship capital in Royal Prussia, which belonged to the Kingdom of Poland (1466-1772). Marienburg (taking turns with Graudenz (Grudziądz)) was the venue for the Provincial Diets of Royal Prussia, which were chaired by the bishop of Ermland (Warmia) ingressus et XIII eiusdem glacies Vistula (Wisła), river in PolandHistulaeVistula (Wisła), river in Poland Vistula Lowlands (Żuławy, Insula), area in the central part of the Gdańsk coastal region, corresponding to the Vistula delta, at that time Vistula Lowlands included several dozen villagesSolaviamVistula Lowlands (Żuławy, Insula), area in the central part of the Gdańsk coastal region, corresponding to the Vistula delta, at that time Vistula Lowlands included several dozen villages prope Marieburgum 14 villas inundavit, vallum illud tribus in locis confregit. Et usque huc solum in uno loco clauserunt artificio et lignis et aggeribus. Non enim erat vide(re) per totam Vistula Lowlands (Żuławy, Insula), area in the central part of the Gdańsk coastal region, corresponding to the Vistula delta, at that time Vistula Lowlands included several dozen villagesSolaviamVistula Lowlands (Żuławy, Insula), area in the central part of the Gdańsk coastal region, corresponding to the Vistula delta, at that time Vistula Lowlands included several dozen villages nisi aquam et turres Grosse Lichtenau (Lichnowy), village in Ermland

Kleine Lichtenau (Lichnówki), village in Ermland
Lichtenaw villarumGrosse Lichtenau (Lichnowy), village in Ermland

Kleine Lichtenau (Lichnówki), village in Ermland

Ad 3 Aprilis redii cum magnificis Krzysztof Szydłowiecki (*1466 – †1532), one of the most trusted advisors of the King Sigismund I Jagiellon; 1497-1507 Marshal of the court of prince Sigismund Jagiellon, Cracow master of pantry; 1507-1510 court treasurer; 1509 castellan of Sandomierz; 1511 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1515 - grand chancellor; 1515-1527 Voivode of Cracow; 1515 - Starost; 1527-1532 - Castellanpalatino CracoviensiKrzysztof Szydłowiecki (*1466 – †1532), one of the most trusted advisors of the King Sigismund I Jagiellon; 1497-1507 Marshal of the court of prince Sigismund Jagiellon, Cracow master of pantry; 1507-1510 court treasurer; 1509 castellan of Sandomierz; 1511 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1515 - grand chancellor; 1515-1527 Voivode of Cracow; 1515 - Starost; 1527-1532 - Castellan, domino Łukasz Górka (Łukasz of Górka) (*1482 – †1542), 1499-1507 Castellan of Spycimierz; 1507-1511 Castellan of Ląd; 1508-1535 General Starost of Wielkopolska; 1511-1535 Castellan of Poznań; 1535-1537 Voivode of Poznań; 1538 Bishop of Włocławek (PSB 8, p. 409-412)Luca de GorkaŁukasz Górka (Łukasz of Górka) (*1482 – †1542), 1499-1507 Castellan of Spycimierz; 1507-1511 Castellan of Ląd; 1508-1535 General Starost of Wielkopolska; 1511-1535 Castellan of Poznań; 1535-1537 Voivode of Poznań; 1538 Bishop of Włocławek (PSB 8, p. 409-412), domino Andrzej Tęczyński Sr (†1536), 1503 royal courtier; 1510 Chamberlain of Sandomierz; 1510-1511 royal secretary; 1512 Crown Referendary; 1512 Castellan of Biecz; 1515 Chamberlain of Cracow and Voivode of Lublin; 1529 Voivode of Sandomierz; 1527 Voivode of Cracow; 1533-1536 Castellan of Cracow; 1517, 1518, 1520 royal envoy to Bohemia and Hungary; 1530 royal envoy to Turkey (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 267; Urzędnicy 4/2, p. 266)TenczinszkyAndrzej Tęczyński Sr (†1536), 1503 royal courtier; 1510 Chamberlain of Sandomierz; 1510-1511 royal secretary; 1512 Crown Referendary; 1512 Castellan of Biecz; 1515 Chamberlain of Cracow and Voivode of Lublin; 1529 Voivode of Sandomierz; 1527 Voivode of Cracow; 1533-1536 Castellan of Cracow; 1517, 1518, 1520 royal envoy to Bohemia and Hungary; 1530 royal envoy to Turkey (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 267; Urzędnicy 4/2, p. 266), qui per regem missi huc erant componendarum rerum causa, Gdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic LeagueGedanumGdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic League. Missa Christiana Romano instituto in tua parochia primum cantata per nostros, expulsis sacerdotibus rusticis The Lutherans LutheranorumThe Lutherans . 16 Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of AustriarexSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria Marienburg (Malbork), town and castle in northern Poland, Pomeranian Voivodeship, on the Nogat river, a branch of the Vistula at its delta, the capital of the Grand Masters of the Teutonic Order in Prussia (1309-1457), a voivodeship capital in Royal Prussia, which belonged to the Kingdom of Poland (1466-1772). Marienburg (taking turns with Graudenz (Grudziądz)) was the venue for the Provincial Diets of Royal Prussia, which were chaired by the bishop of Ermland (Warmia)MarieburgumMarienburg (Malbork), town and castle in northern Poland, Pomeranian Voivodeship, on the Nogat river, a branch of the Vistula at its delta, the capital of the Grand Masters of the Teutonic Order in Prussia (1309-1457), a voivodeship capital in Royal Prussia, which belonged to the Kingdom of Poland (1466-1772). Marienburg (taking turns with Graudenz (Grudziądz)) was the venue for the Provincial Diets of Royal Prussia, which were chaired by the bishop of Ermland (Warmia) et 17 written over ...... illegible...... illegible77 written over ... ingressus Gdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic LeagueGedanumGdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic League, quem ingredi The Lutherans LutheraniThe Lutherans prohibuissent, nisi mercatorum vi et impetu. Clauserant enim portas paulo ante regis ingressum Lutheranae factionis capita contra itum or conventumcontra itumcontra itum or conventum esset. Ad 22 capitur Basta circa mare, Blokhawsz dictum, exclusis inde The Lutherans LutheranisThe Lutherans . Ad 25 mandat Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of AustriarexSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria Gdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic LeagueurbisGdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic League portas in antiqua civitate civitate perfractas reparare, claudere, Alexander praedicare in ecclesia beatae Mariae incepit. Et 28 eiusdem Pyenondzek clericus ille, olim servitor thesaurarii Andrzej Kościelecki (*ca. 1455 – †1515)CossteleczkiAndrzej Kościelecki (*ca. 1455 – †1515), capitur toxici, quod ex Latio advexit, causa, sedet in arce Marieburgensi captivus.

Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach (Albrecht von Brandenburg) (*1490 – †1568), 1511-1525 Grand Master of the Teutonic Order; from 1525 to his death Duke in Prussia as a liegeman of the Polish king; son of Friedrich V of Brandenburg der Ältere and Sophia Jagiellon (daughter of Casimir IV Jagiellon), nephew of Sigismund I, King of Poland; founder of the university in Königsberg (1544)Magister seu dux PrussiaeAlbrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach (Albrecht von Brandenburg) (*1490 – †1568), 1511-1525 Grand Master of the Teutonic Order; from 1525 to his death Duke in Prussia as a liegeman of the Polish king; son of Friedrich V of Brandenburg der Ältere and Sophia Jagiellon (daughter of Casimir IV Jagiellon), nephew of Sigismund I, King of Poland; founder of the university in Königsberg (1544) 3 Maii ingressus huc et ea die Nethak, Nemoy, Nemptz, Hans Scholtz, Mynke, Balhagen et alia Lutheranae factionis capita capti sunt et detenti. Octava eiusdem Georg I Greif von Pommern (*1493 – †1531)dux BCz, 243, p. 60 PomeraniaeGeorg I Greif von Pommern (*1493 – †1531), qui tribus diebus ante Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of AustriaregisSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria adventum Gdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic Leaguecivitatem hancGdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic League ingressus erat, concessit ad propria. Facta concordia inter utrosque, est feudal(is) Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of AustriaregiSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria. Ad 17 coacti Citizens of Gdańsk vestratesCitizens of Gdańsk reponere privilegia Gdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic LeaguecivitatisGdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic League omnia coram Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of AustriaregeSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria. Sequenti die reperti sex cultelli in bianca(?) Hans Stholtz captivi. Ad 26 Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach (Albrecht von Brandenburg) (*1490 – †1568), 1511-1525 Grand Master of the Teutonic Order; from 1525 to his death Duke in Prussia as a liegeman of the Polish king; son of Friedrich V of Brandenburg der Ältere and Sophia Jagiellon (daughter of Casimir IV Jagiellon), nephew of Sigismund I, King of Poland; founder of the university in Königsberg (1544)magister PrussiaeAlbrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach (Albrecht von Brandenburg) (*1490 – †1568), 1511-1525 Grand Master of the Teutonic Order; from 1525 to his death Duke in Prussia as a liegeman of the Polish king; son of Friedrich V of Brandenburg der Ältere and Sophia Jagiellon (daughter of Casimir IV Jagiellon), nephew of Sigismund I, King of Poland; founder of the university in Königsberg (1544) exit Gdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic LeagueGedanumGdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic League et postero die cum Miltaz(?) et Heydik mettertius arcem Marieburgensem ex Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of AustriaregisSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria consensu et admissione perlustravit, heus or heyheusheus or hey, quot suspiria, quot gemitus emisit, inter ambulandum per arcis testudines munitissimos. Ad XIII Iunii Netak magister molendini, Nemoy, Ioahim Balhagen, Lorek Minke capite truncati sunt in regio conspectu prope Geldun or or GelannGeldunGeldun or or Gelann hic. Et 16(?) eiusdem Gedanenses praestiterunt homagium et iuramentum erecto suggestu pro rege inibi Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriamaiestati regiaeSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria et Sigismund II Augustus Jagiellon (Zygmunt II August) (*1520 – †1572), 1529-1572 Grand Duke of Lithuania (ruled from 1544); 1530-1572 King of Poland (crowned vivente rege (ruled from 1548, after the death of his father); son of Sigismund I Jagiellon and Bona SforzareguloSigismund II Augustus Jagiellon (Zygmunt II August) (*1520 – †1572), 1529-1572 Grand Duke of Lithuania (ruled from 1544); 1530-1572 King of Poland (crowned vivente rege (ruled from 1548, after the death of his father); son of Sigismund I Jagiellon and Bona Sforza, creati proconsules Philipp Bischoff (Philipp Bisschop) (*ca. 1468 – †1535), 1520-1527 starosta of Puck (on behalf of Gdańsk); 1517-1535 Gdańsk mayor; 1519 Gdańsk envoy to the Crown diet in Thorn (BISKUP 1983, p. 586, 591; ASPK 8, p. 206, footnote 1)Philipp BischoffPhilipp Bischoff (Philipp Bisschop) (*ca. 1468 – †1535), 1520-1527 starosta of Puck (on behalf of Gdańsk); 1517-1535 Gdańsk mayor; 1519 Gdańsk envoy to the Crown diet in Thorn (BISKUP 1983, p. 586, 591; ASPK 8, p. 206, footnote 1), qui et burgrabius est, Matislauus Nederhoff et(?) cum consulibus et scabinis ante meridiem hora XI. Et 25 Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of AustriarexSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria Baltic SeamareBaltic Sea ingressus multis barcis ipsum sequentibus. Et prima Iulii Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach (Albrecht von Brandenburg) (*1490 – †1568), 1511-1525 Grand Master of the Teutonic Order; from 1525 to his death Duke in Prussia as a liegeman of the Polish king; son of Friedrich V of Brandenburg der Ältere and Sophia Jagiellon (daughter of Casimir IV Jagiellon), nephew of Sigismund I, King of Poland; founder of the university in Königsberg (1544)magistro PrussiaeAlbrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach (Albrecht von Brandenburg) (*1490 – †1568), 1511-1525 Grand Master of the Teutonic Order; from 1525 to his death Duke in Prussia as a liegeman of the Polish king; son of Friedrich V of Brandenburg der Ältere and Sophia Jagiellon (daughter of Casimir IV Jagiellon), nephew of Sigismund I, King of Poland; founder of the university in Königsberg (1544) in Fischhausen (Rybaki, Primorsk)FischhaussenFischhausen (Rybaki, Primorsk) Dorothea von Oldenburg (*1504 – †1547), Duchess in Prussia (1526-1547); first wife of Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach, Duke in Prussia, daughter of Frederic I von Gottorp, King of Denmark, and Anna von HohenzollernsponsaDorothea von Oldenburg (*1504 – †1547), Duchess in Prussia (1526-1547); first wife of Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach, Duke in Prussia, daughter of Frederic I von Gottorp, King of Denmark, and Anna von Hohenzollern adacta est desponsata ei et copulata per Georg von Polentz (*1478 – †1550), the first Protestant bishop of Samland; private secretary of pope Julius II; 1516 Komtur in Königsberg; 1518 bishop of Samland (also after the secularization of bishopric in 1525); 1521-1523 administrator of Pomesania bishopric (ADB, Bd. 26, p. 382-385; ORACKI 1988, p. 85-86)episcopum rusticum SambiensemGeorg von Polentz (*1478 – †1550), the first Protestant bishop of Samland; private secretary of pope Julius II; 1516 Komtur in Königsberg; 1518 bishop of Samland (also after the secularization of bishopric in 1525); 1521-1523 administrator of Pomesania bishopric (ADB, Bd. 26, p. 382-385; ORACKI 1988, p. 85-86), qui stolae loco cornu venator(is) adornatus erat, quod coniugium quale futurum sit augurari possimus ex bono initio - foedo scilicet violatorum ecclesiarum et sacrarum aedium. Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of AustriaMaiestas RegiaSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria sana est gratia Dei. Bona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of AragonReginaBona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragon praegnata utcumque masculo cito hinc abitura versus Elbing (Elbląg), city in northern Poland, Pomerania, on the Vistula Lagoon, one of the three Great Prussian Cities (beside Gdańsk (Danzig) and Thorn (Toruń)) which had representatives in the Prussian Council; member of the Hanseatic LeagueElbingumElbing (Elbląg), city in northern Poland, Pomerania, on the Vistula Lagoon, one of the three Great Prussian Cities (beside Gdańsk (Danzig) and Thorn (Toruń)) which had representatives in the Prussian Council; member of the Hanseatic League, dein Mazowsze (Masovia) historic region in Central Poland, before 1526 an autonomous duchy and feud of the Kingdom of Poland, from 1526 included in the KingdomMasoviamMazowsze (Masovia) historic region in Central Poland, before 1526 an autonomous duchy and feud of the Kingdom of Poland, from 1526 included in the Kingdom componendarum rerum illius terrae causa nituntur se a iugo regio eripere nonnullorum ductu. Sed nil efficient. Recta postea Cracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of PolandCracoviamCracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of Poland itura. The Hungarians PannonesThe Hungarians gravantur a Suleiman the Magnificent (*1494 – †1566), 1520-1566 Sultan of the Ottoman EmpireThurcoSuleiman the Magnificent (*1494 – †1566), 1520-1566 Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, qui maximo apparatu et exercitu non audito, residuum Hungary (Kingdom of Hungary)PannoniaeHungary (Kingdom of Hungary) ingressurus festinat depopulare et sibi usurpare dictum eum personaliter adesse exercitui. Louis II Jagiellon (*1506 – †1526), 1516-1526 King of Bohemia and Hungary; son of Ladislaus II Jagiellon King of Bohemia and Hungary, killed in the battle of Mohács, and his third wife, Anne de FoixRex UngariaeLouis II Jagiellon (*1506 – †1526), 1516-1526 King of Bohemia and Hungary; son of Ladislaus II Jagiellon King of Bohemia and Hungary, killed in the battle of Mohács, and his third wife, Anne de Foix et domini eius quaerunt a finitimis consilia, stipendia, ex Silesia (Śląsk), region mainly in today's southwestern Poland, in 1526-1741 under Habsburg rule as part of the Czech-Hungarian legacy of Ferdinand ISlesiaSilesia (Śląsk), region mainly in today's southwestern Poland, in 1526-1741 under Habsburg rule as part of the Czech-Hungarian legacy of Ferdinand I, Bohemia (Čechy, Kingdom of Bohemia), country in central EuropeBohemiaBohemia (Čechy, Kingdom of Bohemia), country in central Europe, MoraviaMoraviaMoravia, ex Poland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)PoloniaPoland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia) aliquot centena eo profecti sunt. Dominus Deus concedat nostris victoriam. Johann von Höfen (Johannes Flachsbinder) (†1528), father of Ioannes DantiscusParens tuusJohann von Höfen (Johannes Flachsbinder) (†1528), father of Ioannes Dantiscus, senio iam confectus, orat, ne eum deseras, si antequam solvat fata, te cernere posset, ut lumina eius claudere saltem tempore BCz, 243, p. 61 et necessitate illa adventa<n>te posses. Anna von Höfen (Anna Reyneck, Anna Flachsbinder), sister of Ioannes Dantiscus, wife of Johann Hannau Sr and, after his death, of Johann Reyneck

Ursula von Höfen (Ursula Flachsbinder), Dantiscus’ sister, wife of Johann Reisen, mother of Justine, Ursule, and Augustin; then wife of Zacharias Lehmann, mother of Johann Lehmann

Catherina von Höfen Dantiscus' sister, 1538-11-17 married Hans Glaubitz (CIDTC, IDL 5205; IDL 2425; IDL 4399)
SororesAnna von Höfen (Anna Reyneck, Anna Flachsbinder), sister of Ioannes Dantiscus, wife of Johann Hannau Sr and, after his death, of Johann Reyneck

Ursula von Höfen (Ursula Flachsbinder), Dantiscus’ sister, wife of Johann Reisen, mother of Justine, Ursule, and Augustin; then wife of Zacharias Lehmann, mother of Johann Lehmann

Catherina von Höfen Dantiscus' sister, 1538-11-17 married Hans Glaubitz (CIDTC, IDL 5205; IDL 2425; IDL 4399)
hoc et Christine Schultze (Christine Scholcz) (†1539), mother of Ioannes Dantiscus (PSB 4 Dantyszek, s. 424)materChristine Schultze (Christine Scholcz) (†1539), mother of Ioannes Dantiscus (PSB 4 Dantyszek, s. 424) non minus efflagitant et obtestantur. Tactus fuit prius festum Pentecostis apoplexia et paralisi iacuit ut truncus nec loqui potuit verbum. Supervocarunt me illae, caupo, Medic doctus Polonus. Nolui Johann von Höfen (Johannes Flachsbinder) (†1528), father of Ioannes DantiscussenemJohann von Höfen (Johannes Flachsbinder) (†1528), father of Ioannes Dantiscus deserere, sed omnes nervos et artem extendi in hoc, ut eum pristinae tibi et tuis sanitati restituerem, quod gratia Dei animante(?) perfeci: ambulat, loquitur, exercet officia sua. Utinam in aliis(?) et tuis et tibi utilitati, meo vel incommodo esse possem. Cernes Ioannem tuum eum esse ita benedictum, ut benedictorum opera non amitteret omnino. Ad 24 factus sum canonicus Warmiensis pro plebanatu Niepołomice, town in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, on the edge of a big forest called Puszcza Niepołomicka, 25 km E of Cracow, residence of Polish kings of Jagiellon dynasty; favourite place of royal huntingsNepolomiczeNiepołomice, town in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, on the edge of a big forest called Puszcza Niepołomicka, 25 km E of Cracow, residence of Polish kings of Jagiellon dynasty; favourite place of royal huntings, qui written over ooii written over od sit felix faustus et fortunatus. Bona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of AragonReginaBona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragon instat omnibus modis, ut te in confratrem habeamus. Valeat felicissime et me suum esse sciat. Nec eges promotore apud Piotr Tomicki (*1464 – †1535), humanist, statesman, diplomat, one of the most trusted collaborators of King Sigismund I of Poland; 1500-1503 Chancellor of Cardinal Fryderyk Jagiellon, 1502 Gniezno Cantor, Archdeacon of Cracow, 1503-1505 servant of Jan Lubrański, Bishop of Poznań, 1504-1510 Canon of Poznań, 1506 royal scribe, 1507-1519 Grand(?) Secretary, 1509 Canon of Włocławek, 1510-1514 - of Gniezno, 1511 Custos in Kielce and Sandomierz, 1514 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1515 Crown Vice-Chancellor, 1520 Bishop of Poznań, 1523 - of Cracow; from 1524 (at least) General Collector of świętopietrze (Peter's pence), 1509 royal envoy to the Dukes of Pomerania and to Mecklenburg, 1510 - to Wallachia, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513 - to Hungary (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 268)Cracoviensem episcopumPiotr Tomicki (*1464 – †1535), humanist, statesman, diplomat, one of the most trusted collaborators of King Sigismund I of Poland; 1500-1503 Chancellor of Cardinal Fryderyk Jagiellon, 1502 Gniezno Cantor, Archdeacon of Cracow, 1503-1505 servant of Jan Lubrański, Bishop of Poznań, 1504-1510 Canon of Poznań, 1506 royal scribe, 1507-1519 Grand(?) Secretary, 1509 Canon of Włocławek, 1510-1514 - of Gniezno, 1511 Custos in Kielce and Sandomierz, 1514 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1515 Crown Vice-Chancellor, 1520 Bishop of Poznań, 1523 - of Cracow; from 1524 (at least) General Collector of świętopietrze (Peter's pence), 1509 royal envoy to the Dukes of Pomerania and to Mecklenburg, 1510 - to Wallachia, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513 - to Hungary (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 268) et ceteros, quibus tua probitas, idoneitas et scientia cognita est. Subrisit Piotr Tomicki (*1464 – †1535), humanist, statesman, diplomat, one of the most trusted collaborators of King Sigismund I of Poland; 1500-1503 Chancellor of Cardinal Fryderyk Jagiellon, 1502 Gniezno Cantor, Archdeacon of Cracow, 1503-1505 servant of Jan Lubrański, Bishop of Poznań, 1504-1510 Canon of Poznań, 1506 royal scribe, 1507-1519 Grand(?) Secretary, 1509 Canon of Włocławek, 1510-1514 - of Gniezno, 1511 Custos in Kielce and Sandomierz, 1514 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1515 Crown Vice-Chancellor, 1520 Bishop of Poznań, 1523 - of Cracow; from 1524 (at least) General Collector of świętopietrze (Peter's pence), 1509 royal envoy to the Dukes of Pomerania and to Mecklenburg, 1510 - to Wallachia, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513 - to Hungary (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 268)episcopusPiotr Tomicki (*1464 – †1535), humanist, statesman, diplomat, one of the most trusted collaborators of King Sigismund I of Poland; 1500-1503 Chancellor of Cardinal Fryderyk Jagiellon, 1502 Gniezno Cantor, Archdeacon of Cracow, 1503-1505 servant of Jan Lubrański, Bishop of Poznań, 1504-1510 Canon of Poznań, 1506 royal scribe, 1507-1519 Grand(?) Secretary, 1509 Canon of Włocławek, 1510-1514 - of Gniezno, 1511 Custos in Kielce and Sandomierz, 1514 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1515 Crown Vice-Chancellor, 1520 Bishop of Poznań, 1523 - of Cracow; from 1524 (at least) General Collector of świętopietrze (Peter's pence), 1509 royal envoy to the Dukes of Pomerania and to Mecklenburg, 1510 - to Wallachia, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513 - to Hungary (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 268) cum te commendatum haberem eadem dicens, quae scripsi.

Eiusdem Dominationis Tuae Jan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim)Ioannes BenedictusJan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim) regius phisicus scripsit


Ioannes Stanislaus natus est nobis, quem dii tueantur.

3IDL  472 Jan Benedyktowicz SOLFA do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow, 1530-03-13
            odebrano Mantua, [1530]-04-16

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: łacina, autograf, AAWO, AB, D. 67, k. 5

Pomocnicze podstawy źródłowe:
1regest język: polski, XX w., B. PAU-PAN, 8246 (TK 8), k. 104

1AT 12 Nr 58, s. 71 (in extenso)


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


AAWO, AB, D. 67, f. 5r

Salutem dico, egregie domine, fautor plurimum observande et mihi carisssime.

Felicem adventum vestrum exspecto in dies et incrementum fortunarum omnium. Sciat, Piotr Tomicki (*1464 – †1535), humanist, statesman, diplomat, one of the most trusted collaborators of King Sigismund I of Poland; 1500-1503 Chancellor of Cardinal Fryderyk Jagiellon, 1502 Gniezno Cantor, Archdeacon of Cracow, 1503-1505 servant of Jan Lubrański, Bishop of Poznań, 1504-1510 Canon of Poznań, 1506 royal scribe, 1507-1519 Grand(?) Secretary, 1509 Canon of Włocławek, 1510-1514 - of Gniezno, 1511 Custos in Kielce and Sandomierz, 1514 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1515 Crown Vice-Chancellor, 1520 Bishop of Poznań, 1523 - of Cracow; from 1524 (at least) General Collector of świętopietrze (Peter's pence), 1509 royal envoy to the Dukes of Pomerania and to Mecklenburg, 1510 - to Wallachia, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513 - to Hungary (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 268)reverendissimum CracoviensemPiotr Tomicki (*1464 – †1535), humanist, statesman, diplomat, one of the most trusted collaborators of King Sigismund I of Poland; 1500-1503 Chancellor of Cardinal Fryderyk Jagiellon, 1502 Gniezno Cantor, Archdeacon of Cracow, 1503-1505 servant of Jan Lubrański, Bishop of Poznań, 1504-1510 Canon of Poznań, 1506 royal scribe, 1507-1519 Grand(?) Secretary, 1509 Canon of Włocławek, 1510-1514 - of Gniezno, 1511 Custos in Kielce and Sandomierz, 1514 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1515 Crown Vice-Chancellor, 1520 Bishop of Poznań, 1523 - of Cracow; from 1524 (at least) General Collector of świętopietrze (Peter's pence), 1509 royal envoy to the Dukes of Pomerania and to Mecklenburg, 1510 - to Wallachia, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513 - to Hungary (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 268) magnam et maximam diligentiam adhibuisse in negotio vestro et solutione fienda per Giovanni Giacomo Affatati (†1535), 1534 imprisoned at the behest of Queen Bona Sforza, and died in castle of Pińsk; 1528-1535-04-23 treasurer of Bari (POCIECHA 4, p. 275-278)thesaurariumGiovanni Giacomo Affatati (†1535), 1534 imprisoned at the behest of Queen Bona Sforza, and died in castle of Pińsk; 1528-1535-04-23 treasurer of Bari (POCIECHA 4, p. 275-278) Bona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of AragonreginaeBona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragon in Bari (Barium, Status Barensis), duchy in southern Italy, on the Adriatic Sea, Bari was a hereditary country of Queen Bona of PolandBarroBari (Barium, Status Barensis), duchy in southern Italy, on the Adriatic Sea, Bari was a hereditary country of Queen Bona of Poland ipsis The Welsers merchant and banking family from Augsburg with close ties to Emperor Charles VWelzeronibusThe Welsers merchant and banking family from Augsburg with close ties to Emperor Charles V; ich hoff, man wircz czalen. Episcopatus vacat Samogitiensis, pro quo laborat Virzgal Kyoviensis; is obtinebit. Mallem praesentiam Fraternitatis Vestrae, urget enim praesentia Turin. Episcopus noster Cracoviensis cardiaca iterum a medio anno atteritur. Maiestates suae sanae sunt, utinam longo tempore.

Rogo, ferat secum rubricellam Romanam, de horis dicendis canonicis on the margincanoniciscanonicis on the margin factam pro aliquot annis, quia utor via et incedo ipsius sancti Petri. Et me exsistente in Urbe octoginta orig. octuagintaoctogintaoctoginta orig. octuaginta libri Hypocratis erant traducti in domo Gyss et imprimi debuerant; quodsi fuerint stampati, emantur, oro, quos ego lubentissime dissolvam. In omnem eventum richt ausz vom Pabst pro duabus personis ad suscipiendos ordines extra tempus statutum ab ecclesia non sine causa, esz wirt euch und mir von noten thun.

Valeat faustiter et me diligat; scribat etiam, si qui novi libri sint impressi in nostra functione medica, an magia seu cabala, cuius et Plinius in 30 libro capitulo 1 meminit et cuius praedicat virtutes narrans de Mose[1].

Eiusdem Excellentiae Vestrae Jan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim)Ioannes BenedictiJan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim), doctor regius, canonicus Varszoviensis, Vilnensis etc.(?) deditissimus

[1] In fact this is Plin. Nat. XXX 11: est et alia magices factio a Mose et Ianne et Lotape ac Iudaeis pendens, sed multis milibus annorum post Zoroastren.

4IDL  482 Jan Benedyktowicz SOLFA do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow, 1530-04-18

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: łacina, autograf, AAWO, AB, D. 67, k. 1 + f. [1] missed in numbering after f. 1

Pomocnicze podstawy źródłowe:
1regest język: polski, XX w., B. PAU-PAN, 8242 (TK 4), a.1530, k. 15

1AT 12 Nr 95, s. 101-102 (in extenso)
2JATULIS Nr 148, s. 231-232 (ekscerpt)


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


AAWO, AB, D. 6, f. 1r

Reverende et eximie domine, fautor et confrater carissime.

Accepi a Bernhard von Höfen (Bernhard Flachsbinder) (†after 1548), Ioannes Dantiscus' brother, stayed with Dantiscus in Spain, as a member of his mission's retinue, and was used as a trusted courier to Poland at least from 1526; after 1530 Starost of LöbaufratreBernhard von Höfen (Bernhard Flachsbinder) (†after 1548), Ioannes Dantiscus' brother, stayed with Dantiscus in Spain, as a member of his mission's retinue, and was used as a trusted courier to Poland at least from 1526; after 1530 Starost of Löbau tuas ex Bologna (Bononia), city in Italy at the southern end of the plain of the Po valley, between 1506 and 1860 it belonged to the Papal StateBononiaBologna (Bononia), city in Italy at the southern end of the plain of the Po valley, between 1506 and 1860 it belonged to the Papal State ad me scriptas. Intellexi ex eis meas omnes, quas ex LithuaniaLithuaniaLithuania ad te dederim, non esse praesentatas. Rursus ex Cracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of PolandCracoviaCracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of Poland ante duos menses per Georg Hegel (†1547), the Thurzons' and later the Fuggers' factor in Cracow (worked for the Fuggers at least from 1521); supplier to the royal court in Cracow (PSB 9, p. 336)Georgium HegelGeorg Hegel (†1547), the Thurzons' and later the Fuggers' factor in Cracow (worked for the Fuggers at least from 1521); supplier to the royal court in Cracow (PSB 9, p. 336) scripsi et de tuis negotiis, quod Bona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragonreginalis maiestasBona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragon omnino mandarat octingentos aut septingentos, iam enim mihi e memoria excidit, ducatos extradendos Tuae Dominationi factori suo Barensi. Nunc iterum in reditu Bernhard von Höfen (Bernhard Flachsbinder) (†after 1548), Ioannes Dantiscus' brother, stayed with Dantiscus in Spain, as a member of his mission's retinue, and was used as a trusted courier to Poland at least from 1526; after 1530 Starost of LöbaufratrisBernhard von Höfen (Bernhard Flachsbinder) (†after 1548), Ioannes Dantiscus' brother, stayed with Dantiscus in Spain, as a member of his mission's retinue, and was used as a trusted courier to Poland at least from 1526; after 1530 Starost of Löbau tui ad nos Piotr Tomicki (*1464 – †1535), humanist, statesman, diplomat, one of the most trusted collaborators of King Sigismund I of Poland; 1500-1503 Chancellor of Cardinal Fryderyk Jagiellon, 1502 Gniezno Cantor, Archdeacon of Cracow, 1503-1505 servant of Jan Lubrański, Bishop of Poznań, 1504-1510 Canon of Poznań, 1506 royal scribe, 1507-1519 Grand(?) Secretary, 1509 Canon of Włocławek, 1510-1514 - of Gniezno, 1511 Custos in Kielce and Sandomierz, 1514 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1515 Crown Vice-Chancellor, 1520 Bishop of Poznań, 1523 - of Cracow; from 1524 (at least) General Collector of świętopietrze (Peter's pence), 1509 royal envoy to the Dukes of Pomerania and to Mecklenburg, 1510 - to Wallachia, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513 - to Hungary (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 268)episcopus CracoviensisPiotr Tomicki (*1464 – †1535), humanist, statesman, diplomat, one of the most trusted collaborators of King Sigismund I of Poland; 1500-1503 Chancellor of Cardinal Fryderyk Jagiellon, 1502 Gniezno Cantor, Archdeacon of Cracow, 1503-1505 servant of Jan Lubrański, Bishop of Poznań, 1504-1510 Canon of Poznań, 1506 royal scribe, 1507-1519 Grand(?) Secretary, 1509 Canon of Włocławek, 1510-1514 - of Gniezno, 1511 Custos in Kielce and Sandomierz, 1514 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1515 Crown Vice-Chancellor, 1520 Bishop of Poznań, 1523 - of Cracow; from 1524 (at least) General Collector of świętopietrze (Peter's pence), 1509 royal envoy to the Dukes of Pomerania and to Mecklenburg, 1510 - to Wallachia, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513 - to Hungary (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 268) negotium tuum strenue apud Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria

Bona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragon
suas maiestatesSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria

Bona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragon
sollicitarat. Bona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of AragonReginaBona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragon respondit Jan Lewicki (†1555), before 1522 sollicitator for Primate Jan Łaski's affairs in Rome, 1522 Latin secretary to Queen Bona Sforza; ca. 1524 Cantor in Płock; 1535 superintendent of Płock cathedral; 1535 presented to the parish in Biała and to the canonry of St. Michael's collegiate church in Płock; 1538 Commendatory Abbot of the monastery of Canons Regular of the Lateran in Czerwińsk; Queen's envoy to Charles V of Habsburg (POCIECHA 2, p. 96-97)LaevitiumJan Lewicki (†1555), before 1522 sollicitator for Primate Jan Łaski's affairs in Rome, 1522 Latin secretary to Queen Bona Sforza; ca. 1524 Cantor in Płock; 1535 superintendent of Płock cathedral; 1535 presented to the parish in Biała and to the canonry of St. Michael's collegiate church in Płock; 1538 Commendatory Abbot of the monastery of Canons Regular of the Lateran in Czerwińsk; Queen's envoy to Charles V of Habsburg (POCIECHA 2, p. 96-97) scripsisse ex Bari, castle and city in southern Italy, capital of Duchy of BariBaroBari, castle and city in southern Italy, capital of Duchy of Bari, quod factores suae maiestatis inibi, ut in regestris eorum legit et vidit, pecunias omni mense per suam maiestatem ordinatas Tuae Dominationi persolverent. Ad quod ego: Reverendissime domine episcope, non credat, Ioannem Dantiscum esse puerum; si ei persoluta essent omnia, numquam(?) suis scriberet iterum et iterum eandem cantilenam. Condoleo infelicitati tuae et opto celerem adventum tuum ad nos, et si omnia apud Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria

Bona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragon
suas maiestatesSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria

Bona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragon
palponum vitio inverterentur, tamen habebit et habet angulum pulcherrimum et quietissimum domicilii et habitationis, Ermland (Warmia, Varmia), diocese and ecclesiastical principality in northeastern Poland, 1466-1772 within the Kingdom of Poland, Royal PrussiaWarmiaeErmland (Warmia, Varmia), diocese and ecclesiastical principality in northeastern Poland, 1466-1772 within the Kingdom of Poland, Royal Prussia, ubi quilibet canonicorum annuatim (quamvis residentes id celent) trecentos florenos monetae nostrae levat praeter expensas, victum dico quotidianum ferarum et piscium et mellis: et vini omnigeni copiam ex Gdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic LeagueGedanoGdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic League. Intellexi etiam a Bona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragonreginali maiestateBona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragon, quod te Ermland (Warmia, Varmia), diocese and ecclesiastical principality in northeastern Poland, 1466-1772 within the Kingdom of Poland, Royal Prussiaepiscopatu proxime vacaturo WarmiensiErmland (Warmia, Varmia), diocese and ecclesiastical principality in northeastern Poland, 1466-1772 within the Kingdom of Poland, Royal Prussia aut Chelmensi[1] providere vellet. Episcopus Kyouiensis Wyzgal post mortem Radivil Samogitiensem paper damaged[iensem]iensem paper damaged seu Medniczensem episcopatum nactus. Vacat Kyoviensis. Ipsi autem Gamrath Camenecensis datus est pontificatus. Regina distribuit omnia pro voto etiam Italis suis. Verum esse illud impii Porphirii: Matronae et mulieres sunt noster senatus; et de gradu sacerdotali favor diiudicat feminarum. Rhinoceros ille noster cum suis nepotibus in Pannonia Ferdinandum perturbat; ex Turcis suis Laszko rediit a fratre ad conventionem istam Polonam orator Ianussii; et male auditus et peius absolutus est: cum magna disgratia et ... illegible...... illegibletatione. Proditionibus plena sunt omnia: sed non est meum levare os in coelum. Vadent cuncta tempore suo vel praepostero, quid ad me? Dominus Zupparius, non minus ac ego, AAWO, AB, D. 6, f. 1v tuam sortem adverso animo perfert cupitque et tibi et tuis omnia prospera, praeter hoc celerem ex ista legatione reditum ad tuos, ips{a}e quoque saxum Tanthali diebus et noctibus absque fructu et cum dispendio vitae suae et sanitatis versat. Episcopus Cracoviensis Petrus Thomicius iam a medio anno mala valetudine et periculosa laborat: vir profecto, cui caelum immutari fas est; dolendum de eius infelicitate, sed commune est adagium: non bene conveniunt nec in una sede morantur opes et sanitas. Infelices nos, iam in dies novis atterimur morbis. Sudatoria enim febris, quae prius soli Britanniae ante quadraginta annos cognita erat, praeterito anno urbes omnes Balthici maris, dein Germanos sensim invasit, etiam Augustam. Scripsi in eum morbum, quo et Mauritius noster episcopus decubuit, sed nondum edidi in lucem. Scripsi prioribus, ab Hyspanis si nonnihil de arte cabalista comperires, et mihi communicares. Magia per Germaniam practicatur: quam et Hyspanos callere asserunt, quoniam papa ille Alemannus, praedecessor istius Clementis, magnam librorum copiam secum attulit Rhomam, ut Enkeford(?), suus datarius, rettulit. Curiositas ista licet non admodum laudanda, s hoc tamen tempore non abicienda. Verum tu vale faustiter et festina ad nos. Utinam possem multa tui causa efficere, cerneres me profecto non tardum in expeditione sortis tuae. Quam tibi(?) dominus Deus faustissimam deinceps concedat sua benignitate. Vale et vive ms. ae(!) ee ms. ae(!) memor nostri.

Eiusdem reverendae et eximiae Dominationis Tuae Jan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim)Ioannes BenedictiJan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim) Warmiensis canonicus et Varszouiensis

[1] Bishopric of Kulm (in Polish: Chełmno, Northern Poland) or bishopric of Chełm (Eastern Poland).

5IDL 3491 Jan Benedyktowicz SOLFA do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow, 1530-09-06
            odebrano Augsburg, [1530]-09-26

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: łacina, autograf, BCz, 1595, s. 151-152

Pomocnicze podstawy źródłowe:
1regest język: polski, XX w., B. PAU-PAN, 8246 (TK 8), k. 209

1AT 12 Nr 274, s. 253 (in extenso)


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


BCz, 1595, p. 151

Reverendissime domine, fautor et carissime et observande.

Quod mihi culmina honoris pontificii favet brevi futura, facit equidem, quod animus erga me sincerus suadet. Verum ego nil minus, quam hoc, opto, contentus iam sorte mea, praesertim in his turbis et temporibus atris, quibus quieti magis, quam distractionibus studeo. Deus autem omnium maximus tribuat hoc oneris illis, qui haec ambiunt cum rei publicae utilitate.

Habet reverendissimum Piotr Tomicki (*1464 – †1535), humanist, statesman, diplomat, one of the most trusted collaborators of King Sigismund I of Poland; 1500-1503 Chancellor of Cardinal Fryderyk Jagiellon, 1502 Gniezno Cantor, Archdeacon of Cracow, 1503-1505 servant of Jan Lubrański, Bishop of Poznań, 1504-1510 Canon of Poznań, 1506 royal scribe, 1507-1519 Grand(?) Secretary, 1509 Canon of Włocławek, 1510-1514 - of Gniezno, 1511 Custos in Kielce and Sandomierz, 1514 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1515 Crown Vice-Chancellor, 1520 Bishop of Poznań, 1523 - of Cracow; from 1524 (at least) General Collector of świętopietrze (Peter's pence), 1509 royal envoy to the Dukes of Pomerania and to Mecklenburg, 1510 - to Wallachia, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513 - to Hungary (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 268)Cracoviensem episcopumPiotr Tomicki (*1464 – †1535), humanist, statesman, diplomat, one of the most trusted collaborators of King Sigismund I of Poland; 1500-1503 Chancellor of Cardinal Fryderyk Jagiellon, 1502 Gniezno Cantor, Archdeacon of Cracow, 1503-1505 servant of Jan Lubrański, Bishop of Poznań, 1504-1510 Canon of Poznań, 1506 royal scribe, 1507-1519 Grand(?) Secretary, 1509 Canon of Włocławek, 1510-1514 - of Gniezno, 1511 Custos in Kielce and Sandomierz, 1514 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1515 Crown Vice-Chancellor, 1520 Bishop of Poznań, 1523 - of Cracow; from 1524 (at least) General Collector of świętopietrze (Peter's pence), 1509 royal envoy to the Dukes of Pomerania and to Mecklenburg, 1510 - to Wallachia, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513 - to Hungary (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 268) et dominum Seweryn Boner (*1486 – †1549), merchant and financial agent of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; 1520-1542 Burgrave of Cracow, 1524-1549 Governor and salt mine supervisor in Cracow, 1532 Castellan of Żarnów, 1535-1546 Castellan of Biecz, 1546-1549 Castellan of Sącz (PSB 2, p. 300-301; NOGA, p. 299)SeverinumSeweryn Boner (*1486 – †1549), merchant and financial agent of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; 1520-1542 Burgrave of Cracow, 1524-1549 Governor and salt mine supervisor in Cracow, 1532 Castellan of Żarnów, 1535-1546 Castellan of Biecz, 1546-1549 Castellan of Sącz (PSB 2, p. 300-301; NOGA, p. 299), qui et fortunis Reverendissimae Paternitatis Vestrae favent plurimum cupiuntque tandem eius felicem reditum ad nos. At interim, quod Charles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of CastileCarolus imperatorCharles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile in Germany (Germania, Niemcy)GermaniaGermany (Germania, Niemcy) res Christianitatis agit, non poterit revocari, quando etiam, ut Piotr Tomicki (*1464 – †1535), humanist, statesman, diplomat, one of the most trusted collaborators of King Sigismund I of Poland; 1500-1503 Chancellor of Cardinal Fryderyk Jagiellon, 1502 Gniezno Cantor, Archdeacon of Cracow, 1503-1505 servant of Jan Lubrański, Bishop of Poznań, 1504-1510 Canon of Poznań, 1506 royal scribe, 1507-1519 Grand(?) Secretary, 1509 Canon of Włocławek, 1510-1514 - of Gniezno, 1511 Custos in Kielce and Sandomierz, 1514 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1515 Crown Vice-Chancellor, 1520 Bishop of Poznań, 1523 - of Cracow; from 1524 (at least) General Collector of świętopietrze (Peter's pence), 1509 royal envoy to the Dukes of Pomerania and to Mecklenburg, 1510 - to Wallachia, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513 - to Hungary (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 268)reverendissimusPiotr Tomicki (*1464 – †1535), humanist, statesman, diplomat, one of the most trusted collaborators of King Sigismund I of Poland; 1500-1503 Chancellor of Cardinal Fryderyk Jagiellon, 1502 Gniezno Cantor, Archdeacon of Cracow, 1503-1505 servant of Jan Lubrański, Bishop of Poznań, 1504-1510 Canon of Poznań, 1506 royal scribe, 1507-1519 Grand(?) Secretary, 1509 Canon of Włocławek, 1510-1514 - of Gniezno, 1511 Custos in Kielce and Sandomierz, 1514 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1515 Crown Vice-Chancellor, 1520 Bishop of Poznań, 1523 - of Cracow; from 1524 (at least) General Collector of świętopietrze (Peter's pence), 1509 royal envoy to the Dukes of Pomerania and to Mecklenburg, 1510 - to Wallachia, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513 - to Hungary (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 268) asserit, et commodius et facilius negotia sua pontificia ibidem terminabit et sacra illa consequetur. Quare rogo, pareat suis Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria

Bona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragon
maiestatibusSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria

Bona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragon
hoc in tempore, donec res Christianae bono fine terminentur, quod dii faxint. Moneo tamen et parochias suas, praesertim Columbam, reservet, habet namque fratres, habet affines. Critius enim Plocensem episcopatum assecutus reservaverat praeposituram Sancti Floriani, quam nunc resignat, ipsi Gamrath pro praepositura Sancti Michaël Plocensi et Varsoviensi canonicatu. Faciat tamen, ut voluerit. Dominus Borek nulla non die rapit ecclesias vel beneficiola(?) e manibus aliorum. Valeat faustiter et suorum amicorum sit memor. Suae maiestates sanae sunt.

6 Septembris 1530.

Eiusdem Reverendissimae Paternitatis Vestrae Jan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim)Ioannes BenedictiJan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim) regius doctor deditissimus

6IDL  575 Jan Benedyktowicz SOLFA do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow, 1531-02-24

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: łacina, autograf, BCz, 243, s. 151-154

Pomocnicze podstawy źródłowe:
1regest język: polski, XX w., B. PAU-PAN, 8246 (TK 8), k. 294


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


BCz, 243, p. 151

Reverendissime in Christo pater et domine, domine gratiosissime et perpetuo observande.

Sanitatem et rerum fortunarumque omnium affluentiam Reverendissimae Paternitati Vestrae faveo, opto et cupio ad multos annos et ante omnia celerem ad nos et felicissimum reditum. Nullae enim voluptates gratae absque amicorum praesentia. Insto, urgeo et saepicule reginalem maiestatem stimulo pro revocatione Reverendissimae Paternitatis Vestrae ad nos, quam penes stant et humana et divina iura. Cuius nutu omnia [...] paper damaged[...][...] paper damaged diriguntur. Iuxta illud [...] paper damaged[...][...] paper damaged Porphirii matronae et matres sunt senatus noster et de gradu sacerdotali favor diiudicat feminarum. Non quod inviderem eis, quos evehit sicut dominum Zamoyszki et Jaroczki ceterosque, sed indoleo quod modo(?) accepit et e faucibus bucellam panis, plebanatum Wydelblensem, vi eripuit valore 400 sexagenarum et Siculo marano(?) dederit. Episcopus Gracc(oviensis) optima sanitate fruitur laus Deo, quae amicissimam creberrime etiam coram suis maiestatibus et magistratibus Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae recordationem facit. Qui etiam regiae maiestati de reditu eius sollicite admonet et visae sunt suae maiestates praebere consensum ad hoc. Possumus collegium istud caesareum exs(pi)rabitur utique sperato fine. Regia maiestas laboravit pede dextero per septimanas tres ab hoc quod fluxus hemorroidorum orig. emorroidorumhemorroidorumhemorroidorum orig. emorroidorum retentus fuerit, sed iam, gratia Deo, bene valet. Mittit aulicos suos trecentos ad exercitum in Podoliam et alios pedites quoque Moravos bene instructos, ut validius Walacho semel victo deinceps resistere valeant. Cuius inferiorem terram ... illegible...... illegible zyemiyem Siculi alias Czekele, qui morantur prope Transilvanos, igne et ferro vastarunt praeterita hebdomada ulciscentes gravamina eis per eundem anno praeterito illata prope Coro(n)am civitatem. Episcopus Agrien(sis) regis Ferdinandi Caschoviae parat exercitum, qui decimas vinearum pro se colligere debebit, nec desunt, qui id Agrii pro Gritto bastardo facere laborent et conabuntur. Ignoro equidem, ut pax inter istos reges firma possit firmari. Christus servator noster dirigat naviculam et regat principes nostros spiritu mansuetissimo, ut cruentae beluae resistere possimus. Imminet enim omni hora cervicibus nostris, quod tamen s superinscribed in place of crossed-out ...... illegible...... illegibless superinscribed in place of crossed-out ...anctissimi nostri parum advertunt. Pestis BCz, 243, p. 152 grassatur in Podolia, in Prussia. Ego annis praeteritis in sudatiorem febrim scripsi libellum, quem misi per dominum Georgium Hegel Reverendissimae Paternitati Vestrae, timens autem ne amissus sit in via, iterum eundem Reverendissimae Paternitati Vestrae per ostensorem praesentium mittere volui, ut haberet, quo pestis tempore sanitatem suam exactius confirmare et tueri posset. Dux Prussiae in nemora cum suis concessit. Valeat felicissime et me consueto prosequatur amore. Cracoviae ipso die festi paper damaged[festi]festi paper damaged Mathiae apostoli ineunte nactus sum condicionem. Canonicus Plocensis ... illegible...... illegible, dominus Choteczky suum clausit diem cum Chelmsky(?) 1531.

Eiusdem Reverendissimae Paternitatis Vestrae Jan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim)Ioannes BenedictusJan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim) regius orator deditissimus

7IDL 1359 Jan Benedyktowicz SOLFA do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow, 1535-10-04
            odebrano [1535]-10-31

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: łacina, autograf, AAWO, AB, D. 4, k. 56

Pomocnicze podstawy źródłowe:
1regest język: polski, XX w., B. PAU-PAN, 8248 (TK 10), k. 105

1AT 17 Nr 514, s. 642-643 (in extenso; polski regest)


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


Reverendissime in Christo Pater et Domine, sanitatem et felicitatem omnem cupio Reverendissimae Paternitati Vestrae tamquam patri gratiosissimo.

Sciat Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria

Bona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragon
suas maiestatesSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria

Bona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragon
hinc versus LithuaniaLithuaniamLithuania egressas ipso 1535-10-04die Francisci1535-10-04 et tertia huius Andrzej Krzycki (Andreas Cricius) (*1482 – †1537), humanist, neo-Latin poet, diplomat, correspondent of Erasmus of Rotterdam; in 1525 he took part in the negotiations leading to the secularisation of the state of the Teutonic Order; from 1504 Canon of Poznań (from 1511 Scholastic, from 1519 Provost); from 1512 Canon of Cracow, Scholastic of Płock, and secretary to the first wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon, Barbara Zápolya; 1515-1523 royal secretary; 1518-1530 Provost of the Chapter of St. Florian in Cracow; 1522-1525 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1525-1527 Bishop of Poznań; 1527-1535 Bishop of Płock; 1535-1537 Archbishop of Gniezno, Primate of Poland (PSB 15, p.544-549)CritioAndrzej Krzycki (Andreas Cricius) (*1482 – †1537), humanist, neo-Latin poet, diplomat, correspondent of Erasmus of Rotterdam; in 1525 he took part in the negotiations leading to the secularisation of the state of the Teutonic Order; from 1504 Canon of Poznań (from 1511 Scholastic, from 1519 Provost); from 1512 Canon of Cracow, Scholastic of Płock, and secretary to the first wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon, Barbara Zápolya; 1515-1523 royal secretary; 1518-1530 Provost of the Chapter of St. Florian in Cracow; 1522-1525 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1525-1527 Bishop of Poznań; 1527-1535 Bishop of Płock; 1535-1537 Archbishop of Gniezno, Primate of Poland (PSB 15, p.544-549) archiepiscopatum, Jan Chojeński (*1486 – †1538), 1523 royal secretary, 1526-1537 Grand Secretary; 1531-1535 Bishop of Przemyśl, 1535-1537 Bishop of Płock, 1537-1538 Bishop of Cracow, 1537-1538 Grand Chancellor of the Crown (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 248-249; PSB 3, p. 396-399)ChoienszkyJan Chojeński (*1486 – †1538), 1523 royal secretary, 1526-1537 Grand Secretary; 1531-1535 Bishop of Przemyśl, 1535-1537 Bishop of Płock, 1537-1538 Bishop of Cracow, 1537-1538 Grand Chancellor of the Crown (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 248-249; PSB 3, p. 396-399) Ploczensem, Piotr Gamrat (*1487 – †1545), 1509-1518 parish priest in Wyszków; 1519 scholastic of Płock; 1526 Gniezno canon; 1528 dean of Płock; 1529 Warsaw scholastic; 1532-1538 general commissioner and admistrator of Crown lands in Masovia; provost at the chapter of St. Florian in the Kleparz district in Cracow, and later of St. Michael in Płock; 1531 bishop of Kamieniec; 1532 Dean of Warsaw; 1535 bishop of Przemyśl; 1538 - of Płock; 1538 - of Cracow; 1541 archbishop of Gniezno and primate (with the approval of the Holy See he retained the bishopric of Cracow) (PSB 7, 264-266)GamrathPiotr Gamrat (*1487 – †1545), 1509-1518 parish priest in Wyszków; 1519 scholastic of Płock; 1526 Gniezno canon; 1528 dean of Płock; 1529 Warsaw scholastic; 1532-1538 general commissioner and admistrator of Crown lands in Masovia; provost at the chapter of St. Florian in the Kleparz district in Cracow, and later of St. Michael in Płock; 1531 bishop of Kamieniec; 1532 Dean of Warsaw; 1535 bishop of Przemyśl; 1538 - of Płock; 1538 - of Cracow; 1541 archbishop of Gniezno and primate (with the approval of the Holy See he retained the bishopric of Cracow) (PSB 7, 264-266) Premisliensem episcopatum contulisse.

Iussit et mandavit Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriaregia maiestasSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria mihi, ut cum Piotr Tomicki (*1464 – †1535), humanist, statesman, diplomat, one of the most trusted collaborators of King Sigismund I of Poland; 1500-1503 Chancellor of Cardinal Fryderyk Jagiellon, 1502 Gniezno Cantor, Archdeacon of Cracow, 1503-1505 servant of Jan Lubrański, Bishop of Poznań, 1504-1510 Canon of Poznań, 1506 royal scribe, 1507-1519 Grand(?) Secretary, 1509 Canon of Włocławek, 1510-1514 - of Gniezno, 1511 Custos in Kielce and Sandomierz, 1514 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1515 Crown Vice-Chancellor, 1520 Bishop of Poznań, 1523 - of Cracow; from 1524 (at least) General Collector of świętopietrze (Peter's pence), 1509 royal envoy to the Dukes of Pomerania and to Mecklenburg, 1510 - to Wallachia, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513 - to Hungary (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 268)episcopo CracoviensiPiotr Tomicki (*1464 – †1535), humanist, statesman, diplomat, one of the most trusted collaborators of King Sigismund I of Poland; 1500-1503 Chancellor of Cardinal Fryderyk Jagiellon, 1502 Gniezno Cantor, Archdeacon of Cracow, 1503-1505 servant of Jan Lubrański, Bishop of Poznań, 1504-1510 Canon of Poznań, 1506 royal scribe, 1507-1519 Grand(?) Secretary, 1509 Canon of Włocławek, 1510-1514 - of Gniezno, 1511 Custos in Kielce and Sandomierz, 1514 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1515 Crown Vice-Chancellor, 1520 Bishop of Poznań, 1523 - of Cracow; from 1524 (at least) General Collector of świętopietrze (Peter's pence), 1509 royal envoy to the Dukes of Pomerania and to Mecklenburg, 1510 - to Wallachia, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513 - to Hungary (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 268) ydropico quattuor hebdomadas manerem, diligentiam facerem cum doctoribus, quamvis non sit opus quattuor, non dico, septimanarum, nec mensem Christus(?) unum curavit. Faciam, quod Deus voluerit.

Jerzy Myszkowski (†1543), 1506-1510 royal scribe; at least in 1515-1532 royal secretary; 1517 canon of Gniezno; 1528 - of Cracow; 1532 Cracow archdeacon; 1525 royal envoy to Rome (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 258)Georgius MiszkoszkyJerzy Myszkowski (†1543), 1506-1510 royal scribe; at least in 1515-1532 royal secretary; 1517 canon of Gniezno; 1528 - of Cracow; 1532 Cracow archdeacon; 1525 royal envoy to Rome (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 258) sequitur regiam curiam, herr reicht den broten. Quid futurum sit. Deficient docti viri, deerunt praedicatores, praesertim et quia Reverendissima Paternitas Vestra bonum virum Kaspar Lysman (Kaspar Liszeman, Casparus Lisemannus) (†after 1547-05-20), son of Toruń Old Town alderman Bernhard Lysman and his wife Gertrud; rector of St. Jacob parish in Thorn; at least from 1533 supranumerary (not resident and out of profit) canon of Kulm (MAŃKOWSKI 1928, p. 117; TSB 7, p. 117-118)Casparem Lyszman hidden by binding[man]man hidden by bindingKaspar Lysman (Kaspar Liszeman, Casparus Lisemannus) (†after 1547-05-20), son of Toruń Old Town alderman Bernhard Lysman and his wife Gertrud; rector of St. Jacob parish in Thorn; at least from 1533 supranumerary (not resident and out of profit) canon of Kulm (MAŃKOWSKI 1928, p. 117; TSB 7, p. 117-118), nescio quo errore notavit et eam ob causam rogo et obtestor, velit eundem sacerdotem ob veterem nostram et sinceram, non aulicam, amicitiam in gremium et collegium suae Reverendissimae Dominationis excipere bonamque spem eidem praebere, quoniam(?) hoc faciens congeret carbones ignis super caput eius, si excessit et agnoscet meam commendationem non fuisse vulgarem. Non occidat sol super iracundiam vestram, omnes enim mutabilitati obnoxii sumus. Et ita quando, Deo bene favente, ad altiora fastigia cathedrae episcopalis conscendet, cur eum ab ecclesia Culmensi repellere hidden by binding[ere]ere hidden by binding velit, non video.

Reverendissimus Choienszky praeter et contra voluntatem Bona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of AragonreginaeBona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragon nactus est episcopatum Plocensem, plorabat enim amaritudine ducta, quod aliter, quam optabat, res cederent. Voluit gratiam agere Bona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of AragonreginaeBona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragon, dixit quia non est opus nec haberet ei pro quo gratiam agere.

Ego cuperem ire Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia, Warmia), town in Ermland, on the Vistula Lagoon, Ermland bishopric seeWarmiamFrauenburg (Frombork, Varmia, Warmia), town in Ermland, on the Vistula Lagoon, Ermland bishopric see hoc anno, si Deo placuerit, ubi nostros hidden by binding[s]s hidden by binding amicos alloquemur et ad Löbau (Lubawa, Lubavia), town in northern Poland, Kulm Land (Ziemia Chełmińska), ca. 67 km E of Graudenz (Grudziądz), the main seat of the bishops of Kulm (Chełmno)sedemLöbau (Lubawa, Lubavia), town in northern Poland, Kulm Land (Ziemia Chełmińska), ca. 67 km E of Graudenz (Grudziądz), the main seat of the bishops of Kulm (Chełmno) Reverendissimae Paternitatis Vestrae declinabo omnino, modo intelligam dominum Kaspar Lysman (Kaspar Liszeman, Casparus Lisemannus) (†after 1547-05-20), son of Toruń Old Town alderman Bernhard Lysman and his wife Gertrud; rector of St. Jacob parish in Thorn; at least from 1533 supranumerary (not resident and out of profit) canon of Kulm (MAŃKOWSKI 1928, p. 117; TSB 7, p. 117-118)CasperemKaspar Lysman (Kaspar Liszeman, Casparus Lisemannus) (†after 1547-05-20), son of Toruń Old Town alderman Bernhard Lysman and his wife Gertrud; rector of St. Jacob parish in Thorn; at least from 1533 supranumerary (not resident and out of profit) canon of Kulm (MAŃKOWSKI 1928, p. 117; TSB 7, p. 117-118) in gratiam Reverendissimae Paternitatis Vestrae rediisse per commendationem meam.

Valeat itaque felicissime et me diligat.

Dat(ae) or Dat(um)Dat(ae)Dat(ae) or Dat(um) Cracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of PolandCracoviaeCracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of Poland, 4 Octobris, qua die Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of AustriarexSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria exivit Cracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of PolandCracoviamCracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of Poland, 1535.

Eiusdem Reverendissimae Paternitati Vestrae Jan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim)Ioannes BenedictiJan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim) regius d(octor), s(crip)si obsequentissimus

8IDL 1582 Jan Benedyktowicz SOLFA do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow, 1537-02-25
            odebrano [1537]-03-19

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: łacina, autograf, BCz, 243, s. 205-206

Pomocnicze podstawy źródłowe:
1regest język: polski, XX w., B. PAU-PAN, 8248 (TK 10), k. 390


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


BCz, 243, p. 205

Reverendissime in Christo Pater et Domine, domine gratiosissime et venerande. Praemissis humilibus servitiis meis in favorem.

Reverendissima Paternitas Vestra sciat suas maiestates perbellissime habere, verum archiepiscopus hucusque se continet domi suae, nec exibit, nisi completam sanitatem assequetur. Reverendissimus dominus episcopus Plocensis nactus cancellariatus dignitatem. Cuperem alio feliciore tempore concessam ei, quando et in quadratura(?) Lunae(?)[1] et Saturni et signo bicorporeo hoc officium suscepit, vereor de constabilitate(?) negotii huius, si vera sunt, quae astronomorum periti pro certis habent. Quamquam noster Yeronymus cf. Hier. Ep. Ad Eustochium 22.37.2 ad omnem actum, ad omnem incessum manus pingat Domini crucem ad omnem actum et incessum pingere crucemcf. Hier. Ep. Ad Eustochium 22.37.2 ad omnem actum, ad omnem incessum manus pingat Domini crucem ait saluberrimum esse et plus verum quam omnes caeli aspectus.

Cashovien(ses) modo 42 viri selectissimi cum aliquot iuvenibus egregiis compedibus pressi per Georg Utješenović (Georg Martinuzzi, frater Georgius) (*1482 – †1551), Hungarian statesman; 1535-1551 Bishop of Nagyvárad, 1551 Archbishop of Esztergom, 1551 elevated to CardinalmonachumGeorg Utješenović (Georg Martinuzzi, frater Georgius) (*1482 – †1551), Hungarian statesman; 1535-1551 Bishop of Nagyvárad, 1551 Archbishop of Esztergom, 1551 elevated to Cardinal missi sunt Buda (Ofen), city in Hungary, on the right bank of the Danube river, which divides Buda from Pest, capital of the Kingdom of Hungary; in 1873 Buda, Pest and Óbuda were unified to become BudapestBudamBuda (Ofen), city in Hungary, on the right bank of the Danube river, which divides Buda from Pest, capital of the Kingdom of Hungary; in 1873 Buda, Pest and Óbuda were unified to become Budapest, praeterea omnia viva ex Košice (Cassovia, Kassa), town in Kingdom of Hungary, Upper Hungary, today in SlovakiaCashoviaKošice (Cassovia, Kassa), town in Kingdom of Hungary, Upper Hungary, today in Slovakia ultra Tisza (Cisa)Tissum fluviumTisza (Cisa) eduxisse fertur. Forte sibi timet propter lancigerorum 2000, qui appulerunt ante tres hebdomadas Levoča (Lewocza, Lőcse, Leutsovia), town the Kingdom of Hungary, Spiš, today in SlovakiaLeuczoviamLevoča (Lewocza, Lőcse, Leutsovia), town the Kingdom of Hungary, Spiš, today in Slovakia. Baleae sex Bohemiam(?) cum exactissimo milite Hyspano venisse scribuntur; Switzerland (Helvetia)HelvetiasSwitzerland (Helvetia) omnes in armis. De Iustus Ludovicus Decius (Justus Ludwik Decjusz, Jost Ludwig Dietz, Iodocus Decius) (*ca. 1485 – †1545), merchant, historian, reformer of the Polish monetary system; ennobled in 1519; 1520-1524 royal secretary; 1528 Cracow town councillor; 1528 alderman in Piotrków; 1526-1535 administrator of the royal mint in Königsberg; 1528-1535 administrator of the royal mint in Thorn; 1530-1540 administrator of the royal mint in Cracow; 1519, 1520, 1522, 1523-1524 - royal envoy to Italy (PSB 5, p. 42-45; WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 250-251; NOGA, p. 304)Iosto LudvicoIustus Ludovicus Decius (Justus Ludwik Decjusz, Jost Ludwig Dietz, Iodocus Decius) (*ca. 1485 – †1545), merchant, historian, reformer of the Polish monetary system; ennobled in 1519; 1520-1524 royal secretary; 1528 Cracow town councillor; 1528 alderman in Piotrków; 1526-1535 administrator of the royal mint in Königsberg; 1528-1535 administrator of the royal mint in Thorn; 1530-1540 administrator of the royal mint in Cracow; 1519, 1520, 1522, 1523-1524 - royal envoy to Italy (PSB 5, p. 42-45; WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 250-251; NOGA, p. 304) nil certi auditur, praeter hoc quod 29 Ianuarii suo factori Wrocław (Breslau, Vratislavia), city in southwestern Poland, on the Oder river, historical capital of Silesia, from 1526 ruled by the HabsburgsVrat(islavi)amWrocław (Breslau, Vratislavia), city in southwestern Poland, on the Oder river, historical capital of Silesia, from 1526 ruled by the Habsburgs scripserit se sanum quidem et bene pro suis pecuniis tractari. Deus ipsum ex faucibus latronum tandem eripere dignetur. De The Muscovites (Moscovians, Mosci) MoscorumThe Muscovites (Moscovians, Mosci) oratoribus nil certi adhuc, quid actum sit, auditur.

Valeat felicissime.

Eiusdem Reverendissimae Paternitatis Jan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim)Ioannes BenedictiJan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim) regius doctor et custos Lovicensis etc. obsequentissimus

[1] quadratura Lunae written with conventional signs

9IDL 1614 Jan Benedyktowicz SOLFA do Ioannes DANTISCUS, s.l., ca. 1537-04-23
            odebrano [1537]-05-[07]

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: łacina, autograf, AAWO, AB, D. 4, k. 5

Pomocnicze podstawy źródłowe:
1regest język: polski, XX w., B. PAU-PAN, 8248 (TK 10), k. 441


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


AAWO, AB, D. 4, f. 5r

Reverendissime in Christo Pater et Domine gratiosissime.

Praemiss(a) servitiorum meorum sedulitate in favorem.

Reverendissima Paternitas Vestra sciat Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria

Bona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragon
principes nostrosSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria

Bona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragon
salvos ex hac peregrinatione domum rediisse.[1] Hoc etiam die Jan Chojeński (*1486 – †1538), 1523 royal secretary, 1526-1537 Grand Secretary; 1531-1535 Bishop of Przemyśl, 1535-1537 Bishop of Płock, 1537-1538 Bishop of Cracow, 1537-1538 Grand Chancellor of the Crown (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 248-249; PSB 3, p. 396-399)reverendissimus PlocensisJan Chojeński (*1486 – †1538), 1523 royal secretary, 1526-1537 Grand Secretary; 1531-1535 Bishop of Przemyśl, 1535-1537 Bishop of Płock, 1537-1538 Bishop of Cracow, 1537-1538 Grand Chancellor of the Crown (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 248-249; PSB 3, p. 396-399) cancellarius Poland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)RegniPoland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia) hinc egressus, cum quo magnificus Jan Tarnowski (*1488 – †1561), Count of the Holy Roman Empire; one of the most trusted advisors to King Sigismund August Jagiellon at the beginning of his rule; 1522-1527 Castellan of Wojnicz, 1525-1552 Starost of Sandomierz, 1527-1559 Grand Crown Hetman (commander-in-chief), 1527-1535 voivode of Ruthenia, 1528 Starost of Żydaczów, 1535-1536 Voivode of Cracow; 1536-1561 - Castellan (Urzędnicy 10, p. 209)campiductor RegniJan Tarnowski (*1488 – †1561), Count of the Holy Roman Empire; one of the most trusted advisors to King Sigismund August Jagiellon at the beginning of his rule; 1522-1527 Castellan of Wojnicz, 1525-1552 Starost of Sandomierz, 1527-1559 Grand Crown Hetman (commander-in-chief), 1527-1535 voivode of Ruthenia, 1528 Starost of Żydaczów, 1535-1536 Voivode of Cracow; 1536-1561 - Castellan (Urzędnicy 10, p. 209) et probably Stanisław Odrowąż (*1509 – †1545), in 1536, after death of his first wife (Katarzyna Górka), married Anna duchess of Masovia; 1533 Lviv castellan; 1534 - starosta; starosta of Sambor; 1535 voivode of Podolia; 1542 Ruthenian voivode (p. 556)Odrowonszprobably Stanisław Odrowąż (*1509 – †1545), in 1536, after death of his first wife (Katarzyna Górka), married Anna duchess of Masovia; 1533 Lviv castellan; 1534 - starosta; starosta of Sambor; 1535 voivode of Podolia; 1542 Ruthenian voivode (p. 556), et Andrzej Górka (Andrzej of Górka) (*ca. 1500 – †1551), 1533 castellan of Kalisz; 1535 - of Poznań; 1536 general-starosta of Wielkopolska; 1541 envoy of king Sigismund I Jagiellon to Vienna, to undertake mediation between Ferdinad I von Habsburg and Isabella Jagiellon, widow of János I Zápolya (PSB 8, p. 401-405)Posnaniensis, domini Łukasz Górka (Łukasz of Górka) (*1482 – †1542), 1499-1507 Castellan of Spycimierz; 1507-1511 Castellan of Ląd; 1508-1535 General Starost of Wielkopolska; 1511-1535 Castellan of Poznań; 1535-1537 Voivode of Poznań; 1538 Bishop of Włocławek (PSB 8, p. 409-412)LucaeŁukasz Górka (Łukasz of Górka) (*1482 – †1542), 1499-1507 Castellan of Spycimierz; 1507-1511 Castellan of Ląd; 1508-1535 General Starost of Wielkopolska; 1511-1535 Castellan of Poznań; 1535-1537 Voivode of Poznań; 1538 Bishop of Włocławek (PSB 8, p. 409-412) filiusAndrzej Górka (Andrzej of Górka) (*ca. 1500 – †1551), 1533 castellan of Kalisz; 1535 - of Poznań; 1536 general-starosta of Wielkopolska; 1541 envoy of king Sigismund I Jagiellon to Vienna, to undertake mediation between Ferdinad I von Habsburg and Isabella Jagiellon, widow of János I Zápolya (PSB 8, p. 401-405), spi(ritual)ium(?) et cleri, ut apparet, defensor, egressi fuerunt huiusmodi causa. Magnificus etiam dominus Seweryn Boner (*1486 – †1549), merchant and financial agent of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; 1520-1542 Burgrave of Cracow, 1524-1549 Governor and salt mine supervisor in Cracow, 1532 Castellan of Żarnów, 1535-1546 Castellan of Biecz, 1546-1549 Castellan of Sącz (PSB 2, p. 300-301; NOGA, p. 299)castellanus ByeczensisSeweryn Boner (*1486 – †1549), merchant and financial agent of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; 1520-1542 Burgrave of Cracow, 1524-1549 Governor and salt mine supervisor in Cracow, 1532 Castellan of Żarnów, 1535-1546 Castellan of Biecz, 1546-1549 Castellan of Sącz (PSB 2, p. 300-301; NOGA, p. 299) vix a febrium recidivis ereptus, nondum vires pristinas nactus, die Veneris proximo statuit rursus Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriaregiam adire maiestatemSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria.

Giovanni Silvio de Mathio (Silvius Ioannes Siculus, Jan Sylwiusz Amatus) (*ca. 1470 – †1537), doctor of both canon and civil law, professor at the University of Vienna, from 1499 a lecturer of ancient Greek literature in Cracow; from ca. 1511 scribe at the royal court in Cracow; 1529 appointed a teacher of young Sigismund August Jagiellon (SUCHENI-GRABOWSKA 1996, p. 19, 25)Siculus doctorGiovanni Silvio de Mathio (Silvius Ioannes Siculus, Jan Sylwiusz Amatus) (*ca. 1470 – †1537), doctor of both canon and civil law, professor at the University of Vienna, from 1499 a lecturer of ancient Greek literature in Cracow; from ca. 1511 scribe at the royal court in Cracow; 1529 appointed a teacher of young Sigismund August Jagiellon (SUCHENI-GRABOWSKA 1996, p. 19, 25) extremum suum clausit diem. Reverendus praepositus Sebastian Opaliński (*ca. 1485 – †1538), 1530-1537 royal secretary; 1533, 1536 royal envoy to the regional assemblies; 1534, 1534/1535, 1535/1536 - to the general assemblies; 1530 - to John Zápolya; 1523-1538 Cracow Canon (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 260-261)OpalinszkySebastian Opaliński (*ca. 1485 – †1538), 1530-1537 royal secretary; 1533, 1536 royal envoy to the regional assemblies; 1534, 1534/1535, 1535/1536 - to the general assemblies; 1530 - to John Zápolya; 1523-1538 Cracow Canon (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 260-261) sancti Floriani et Posnaniensis die Iovis proximo subeticus factus, vix a sopore Epimenides EpimenidisEpimenides experrectus rediit, ut fi(er)i potest, ad seipsum. Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of AustriaMaiestas regiaSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria genugra hac nocte laborare ce[...] paper damaged[...][...] paper damaged [...] paper damaged[...][...] paper damagede modo domino Iustus Ludovicus Decius (Justus Ludwik Decjusz, Jost Ludwig Dietz, Iodocus Decius) (*ca. 1485 – †1545), merchant, historian, reformer of the Polish monetary system; ennobled in 1519; 1520-1524 royal secretary; 1528 Cracow town councillor; 1528 alderman in Piotrków; 1526-1535 administrator of the royal mint in Königsberg; 1528-1535 administrator of the royal mint in Thorn; 1530-1540 administrator of the royal mint in Cracow; 1519, 1520, 1522, 1523-1524 - royal envoy to Italy (PSB 5, p. 42-45; WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 250-251; NOGA, p. 304)IostoIustus Ludovicus Decius (Justus Ludwik Decjusz, Jost Ludwig Dietz, Iodocus Decius) (*ca. 1485 – †1545), merchant, historian, reformer of the Polish monetary system; ennobled in 1519; 1520-1524 royal secretary; 1528 Cracow town councillor; 1528 alderman in Piotrków; 1526-1535 administrator of the royal mint in Königsberg; 1528-1535 administrator of the royal mint in Thorn; 1530-1540 administrator of the royal mint in Cracow; 1519, 1520, 1522, 1523-1524 - royal envoy to Italy (PSB 5, p. 42-45; WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 250-251; NOGA, p. 304). Sciet ex stain[ex]ex stain litteris suis hic inclusis paper damaged[lusis]lusis paper damaged mihi inscriptis ubi sit paper damaged[it]it paper damaged. Exspect paper damaged[Exspect]Exspect paper damagedo omni hora eius ad nos adventum. A[...] paper damaged[...][...] paper damaged [...] paper damaged[...][...] paper damaged cum ceteris doctoribus vel invitus [...] paper damaged[...][...] paper damaged.

Valeat Reverendissima paper damaged[Valeat Reverendissima ]Valeat Reverendissima paper damaged Tua Paternitas felicissime et me diligat.

Eiusdem Reverendissimae Paternitatis Vestrae paper damaged[Vestrae]Vestrae paper damaged Jan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim)Ioannes BenedictiJan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim) regius doctor obsequentissimus

10IDL 1710 Jan Benedyktowicz SOLFA do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow, 1537-10-10
            odebrano [1537]-10-20

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: łacina, autograf, AAWO, AB, D. 4, k. 25

Pomocnicze podstawy źródłowe:
1regest język: niemiecki, XX w., B. PAU-PAN, 8248 (TK 10), k. 613


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


AAWO, AB, D. 4, f. 25r

Reverendissime in Christo pater et domine, domine gratiosissime. Salutem et felicitatem omnem cupio Reverendissimae Paternitati Vestrae stain[Paternitati Vestrae]Paternitati Vestrae stain ad annos multos.

Post enim turbationem meae v(?)[...] stain[...][...] stain dis stain[dis]dis stainturbiae videor mihi renatus quodam modo et quidem subito, cum audivi sedem episcopalem Warmiensis ecclesiae Reverendissimam Paternitatem Vestram uno omnium confratrum consensu conscendisse, quod sit faustum et fortunatissimum et nobis et ecclesiae dictae. Maiestas regia gratia Deo sana rediit ex praesentibus periculis, laetor plurimum etiam quod Rupoldus noster praebendam Warmiensem possidet. Satius enim or re or etiam or etc.enimenim or re or etiam or etc. est, quod Germani quam Itali ecclesiae Germanae praeficiantur. Ceterum commendo me Reverendissimae Paternitati Vestrae, quae mei sit memor, quando iam perveniat ad regnum Mauritius Ferber (*1471 – †1537), doctor of both canon and civil law; from 1507 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) and Lübeck; from 1514 Canon of Trier; 1512-1515 parish priest of the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Gdańsk (Danzig); from 1516 Custos of Ermland and parish priest of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Gdańsk; from 1519 Canon of Dorpat; from 1523 Canon of Revel; 1523-1537 Bishop of Ermland (KOPICZKO 2, p. 71-72; SBKW, p. 59-60)patrisMauritius Ferber (*1471 – †1537), doctor of both canon and civil law; from 1507 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) and Lübeck; from 1514 Canon of Trier; 1512-1515 parish priest of the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Gdańsk (Danzig); from 1516 Custos of Ermland and parish priest of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Gdańsk; from 1519 Canon of Dorpat; from 1523 Canon of Revel; 1523-1537 Bishop of Ermland (KOPICZKO 2, p. 71-72; SBKW, p. 59-60) nostri olim episcopi stain[piscopi]piscopi stain Warmiensis. Valeat iterum atque iterum.

Eiusdem Reverendissimae Paternitatis Vestrae Jan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim)Ioannes BenedictusJan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim) regius doctor canonicus Warmiensis

11IDL 3614 Jan Benedyktowicz SOLFA do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Piotrków, 1538-02-10
            odebrano [1538]-02-22

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: łacina, ręką pisarza, podpis własnoręczny, date in author's hand, BCz, 1595, s. 923-924


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


BCz, 1595, p. 923

Reverendissime in Christo Pater et Domine, domine gratiosissime.

Sanitatem et prosperos succesus et felicissimam transmigrationem sedis pontificalis faveo Reverendissimae Dominationi Vestrae.

Non lateat Reverendissimam Dominationem Vestram Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriamaiestatem regiamSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria crebro pedum dolore molestari, facile tamen medicinarum auxilio sanatur. Praeterea cometa stella, qui apparere coepit, cum Mars signum mutavit, ingressus in Leonem cauda sua capitibus nostrorum, qui in Podolia (Podole), region in the south-eastern part of the Kingdom of Poland, between the Dniester and Boh rivers, with its capital in Kamieniec Podolski; today part of Ukraine and of MoldovaPodoliaPodolia (Podole), region in the south-eastern part of the Kingdom of Poland, between the Dniester and Boh rivers, with its capital in Kamieniec Podolski; today part of Ukraine and of Moldova fuerant, militum multa mala et extremum exitium paravit. Truncati et occisi Vlodek[1], Czarnkowski (†1538)CzarnkowskyCzarnkowski (†1538), Jan Pilecki (†1538)PyleczkyJan Pilecki (†1538) et Paweł Węgliński (†1538)VaglynskyPaweł Węgliński (†1538) potiores et praefecti aliorum cum quingentis misere interierunt decepti strategemate. Ceterum pestis obambulat granicies Silesia (Śląsk), region mainly in today's southwestern Poland, in 1526-1741 under Habsburg rule as part of the Czech-Hungarian legacy of Ferdinand ISlesiaeSilesia (Śląsk), region mainly in today's southwestern Poland, in 1526-1741 under Habsburg rule as part of the Czech-Hungarian legacy of Ferdinand I et Łomża, the townLomzamŁomża, the town Mazowsze (Masovia) historic region in Central Poland, before 1526 an autonomous duchy and feud of the Kingdom of Poland, from 1526 included in the KingdomMazoviaeMazowsze (Masovia) historic region in Central Poland, before 1526 an autonomous duchy and feud of the Kingdom of Poland, from 1526 included in the Kingdom. Jakob von Salza (*1481 – †1539), 1521-1539 Wrocław bishopEpiscopus VratislaviensisJakob von Salza (*1481 – †1539), 1521-1539 Wrocław bishop apoplexia tactus, rursus, ut mihi scribit, pristinae sanitati restitutus est, Deo gratia. De Łukasz Górka (Łukasz of Górka) (*1482 – †1542), 1499-1507 Castellan of Spycimierz; 1507-1511 Castellan of Ląd; 1508-1535 General Starost of Wielkopolska; 1511-1535 Castellan of Poznań; 1535-1537 Voivode of Poznań; 1538 Bishop of Włocławek (PSB 8, p. 409-412)Vladislaviensi autem electoŁukasz Górka (Łukasz of Górka) (*1482 – †1542), 1499-1507 Castellan of Spycimierz; 1507-1511 Castellan of Ląd; 1508-1535 General Starost of Wielkopolska; 1511-1535 Castellan of Poznań; 1535-1537 Voivode of Poznań; 1538 Bishop of Włocławek (PSB 8, p. 409-412) dominus Deus, qui regna dat et aufert, providit sua clementia et bonitate ecclesiam Dei tali pastore, qui facile arcere poterit luporum truculentiam ab domo Dei non modo prudentia, sed etiam potentia saeculari. Sed, ut arbitror, nisi Dominus custodierit civitatem, frustra vigilat, qui custo ms. u(!) oo ms. u(!) dit eam.

Qualis autem exitus huius Diet of Poland conventionisDiet of Poland futurus sit, Deus novit, propter conspirationes nonnullorum in principem et urbicos subditosque principis, hoc idem fieri audio in Cleves (Kleef, Kleve)Ducatu ClevensiCleves (Kleef, Kleve) et ita verum est illud: illius qui conscius erat paper damaged[at]at paper damaged secretorum Dei. Totus mundus in maligno positus est. Viginti milia paper damaged[ia]ia paper damaged The Tatars TartarorumThe Tatars visa sunt circa Międzybóż, fortress and settlement in Rus, today Medzhybizh in UkraineMyedzyboząMiędzybóż, fortress and settlement in Rus, today Medzhybizh in Ukraine. Nihilominus malitia nostrorum tam saecularium quam spiritualium in nullo fit mitior et ideo sequitur illud paper damaged[illud]illud paper damaged prophetae: si ambulabunt contra me perversi, ambulabo contra eos furore perverso. Et haec sunt Reverendissime Domine, quae mihi visa sunt digna calamo.

Valeat felicissime et me diligat Iohannem illum suum ad omnia obsequentem.

Eiusdem Reverendissimae Paternitatis Jan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim)Iohannes Be(nedicti)Jan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim) regius d(octor) obsequentissimus

12IDL 7175     Ioannes DANTISCUS do Jan Benedyktowicz SOLFA, ca. 1538-04-30 List zaginiony
            odebrano 1538-05-23
List zaginiony, reconstructed on the basis of IDL 3657: Hodie domino Fabiano meas dedi cum descriptione pilularum, e quibus interdum ad noctem eundo dormitum, unam dumtaxat capere, absque molestia, esset proficuum. Et ad hoc faciendum movent me scripta hodie Reverendissimae Paternitatis Vestrae per familiarem accepta, quae stupore se aliquanto brachii olim etiamnum, dein reumate ex stillicidio in faucibus praesertim gravatam fuisse narrat cum deiectione affectuum naturalium.; probably dispatched together with IDL 6496
13IDL 3653 Jan Benedyktowicz SOLFA do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow, 1538-05-19

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: łacina, autograf, BCz, 1595, s. 1125-1128


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


BCz, 1595, p. 1125

Reverendissime in Christo Pater et Domine, domine gratiosissime et colende.

Non est, quod tam desiderem, quam Reverendissimae Paternitatis Vestrae optimam sanitatem. Sciat etiam maiestatem suam regiam, gratia Dei, sanam et robustam hucusque. Utinam ad multos menses et annos. Verum annorum decursus et membra omnia, praesertim tamen vires corporis internas, arrodere et exedere palam agnoscitur. cf. Vulg. Ps (G) 20:8 sperat in Domino et in misericordia Altissimi non commovebitur Sperat enim in Domino et in misericordia altissimi non commovebiturcf. Vulg. Ps (G) 20:8 sperat in Domino et in misericordia Altissimi non commovebitur , quia iustus et pius. Sicut enim cf. Vulg. Gn 24:8 Et deficiens mortuus est in senectute bona provectaeque aetatis et plenus dierum Abraham ob hoc, quod iustus mortuus est plenus dierumcf. Vulg. Gn 24:8 Et deficiens mortuus est in senectute bona provectaeque aetatis et plenus dierum , ita precamur omnes hoc idem suae maiestati. Iniusti enim cernimus, ut subito omnes vel ad unum pereant. Fui istis diebus apud Vratislaviensem episcopum Nissae et Vratislaviae repperi male affectum paraliticatum; posset si modo obtemperaret doctoribus physicis hoc morbo chronico liberari. Communicaveram consilium meum doctori suo Clementi ... illegible...... illegible(?) pro doloris brachii sedatione: unguen de nuce muscata et aqua vitae. Quidem, si non paruerit, et vitam et sanitatem abominabit procul dubio. Non enim fidendum viribus, quae sensum decurrunt. Quare posteaquam aderit lateri suae reverendissimae paternitatis, urgeat eam calcaribus, quatenus talem praelatum illi regno utilem conservare liceat nobis omnibus. Spero enim me illic canonicatum assecuturum ipso bene habente. Valeat faustiter et me, qumadmodum olim, diligat.

Eiusdem Reverendissimae Paternitatis Jan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim)Ioannes BenedictiJan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim) regius obsequentissimus


BCz, 1595, p. 1126

Audio Reverendissimam Paternitatem Vestram stupore brachii laborare. Bonum itaque esse, quod Reverendissima Paternitas Vestra interdum eundo cubitum caperet unam ex istis pilulis, quae vix operationem proficient. In 24 horis multum enim conferrent sanitati conservando et reparando.

Ex massa ms. e(!) aa ms. e(!) pilularum assagereth[1] 3ii reformentur enim VI cum aqua melissae sumetur(?).

[1] La practique et chirurgie de M. Iean de Vigo docteur en medecine. Divisé en deux parties: où est traicté la Cure des playes, ulcères apostemes, et autres maladies, desquelles le corps humain est souvent affligé. Traduict de latin en françois, par M. Nicolas Godin D. en médecine. Le tout de nouveau reveu, et exactement corrigé, 1610 Lyon, s. 274.

14IDL 3657 Jan Benedyktowicz SOLFA do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow, 1538-05-23
            odebrano [1538]-06-02

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: łacina, autograf, BCz, 1595, s. 1153-1156


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


BCz, 1595, p. 1153

Reverendissime in Christo Pater et Domine, domine gratiosissime et perpetuo colende.

Hodie[1] domino probably Fabian Wojanowski (Fabian of Dąbrówka, Fabian Damerau) (†1540), courtier of King Sigismund I Jagiellon and Queen Bona Sforza, German tutor to their son Sigismund II Augustus. In 1531 he went back to his family name Damerau; Dantiscus' companion on his mission to Emperor Charles V and his successor as a royal envoy at the Imperial court; 1539-1540 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) (from 1538 coadiutor of Henryk von Snellenberg by Dantiscus' patronage) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 49; SBKW, p. 37)Fabianoprobably Fabian Wojanowski (Fabian of Dąbrówka, Fabian Damerau) (†1540), courtier of King Sigismund I Jagiellon and Queen Bona Sforza, German tutor to their son Sigismund II Augustus. In 1531 he went back to his family name Damerau; Dantiscus' companion on his mission to Emperor Charles V and his successor as a royal envoy at the Imperial court; 1539-1540 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) (from 1538 coadiutor of Henryk von Snellenberg by Dantiscus' patronage) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 49; SBKW, p. 37) cf. Jan Benedyktowicz SOLFA to Ioannes DANTISCUS Cracow, 1538-05-19, CIDTC IDL 3653meascf. Jan Benedyktowicz SOLFA to Ioannes DANTISCUS Cracow, 1538-05-19, CIDTC IDL 3653 dedi cum descriptione pilularum, e quibus interdum ad noctem eundo dormitum, unam dumtaxat capere, absque molestia, esset proficuum. Et ad hoc faciendum movent me cf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Jan Benedyktowicz SOLFA ca. 1538-04-30, CIDTC IDL 7175, letter lostscriptacf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Jan Benedyktowicz SOLFA ca. 1538-04-30, CIDTC IDL 7175, letter lost hodie Reverendissimae Paternitatis Vestrae per familiarem accepta, quae stupore se aliquanto brachii olim etiamnum, dein reumate ex stillicidio in faucibus praesertim gravatam fuisse narrat cum deiectione or detectionedeiectionedeiectione or detectione affectuum naturalium. Quae omnia, Reverendissime Praesul, salvo semper aliorum iudicio, a crebro et capite repleto et malis humoribus onusto ceperunt originem. Habent namque et stupor et mollificatio quandam germanitatem. Quare dieta opus est. Vitandi or VetandiVitandiVitandi or Vetandi pisces, frumenta omnia, casei, butyrum et purgamenta corporis diu comportata degerantur et praepurgentur. Deinde cerebrum confortetur, quod non ex aetativo(?) modo decursu, sed malo etiam aulicorum regimine et aliis animae passionibus et dulci veneno debilitatum non potest omnia rite concoquere. Quae quidem ista morbos pariunt, necesse est, chronicos, et nervorum, et motoriorum, et sensitivorum oppilationes producentes.

Verum quod illa oppositio eclipsis Solis 16 Novembris in domo religionis habita pontificibus praelatis in rec<t>oralibus et collegiatis perniciosum afflatum immiserit siderum, ratio tamen hominis parte sit divini spiritus, in corpus humanum immersa[2]. Et arcere et prohiberi malum hoc potest.

De equa mihi olim per Mauritius Ferber (*1471 – †1537), doctor of both canon and civil law; from 1507 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) and Lübeck; from 1514 Canon of Trier; 1512-1515 parish priest of the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Gdańsk (Danzig); from 1516 Custos of Ermland and parish priest of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Gdańsk; from 1519 Canon of Dorpat; from 1523 Canon of Revel; 1523-1537 Bishop of Ermland (KOPICZKO 2, p. 71-72; SBKW, p. 59-60)reverendissimum olim dominumMauritius Ferber (*1471 – †1537), doctor of both canon and civil law; from 1507 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) and Lübeck; from 1514 Canon of Trier; 1512-1515 parish priest of the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Gdańsk (Danzig); from 1516 Custos of Ermland and parish priest of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Gdańsk; from 1519 Canon of Dorpat; from 1523 Canon of Revel; 1523-1537 Bishop of Ermland (KOPICZKO 2, p. 71-72; SBKW, p. 59-60) data scio cum labore ab equorum mandra avelli et facilius equum huc ad<d>uci, tamen quia ab homine mihi necessario munus et monumentum perpetuum datum habere cupio, ad pastum meorum equorum in Turbia, village in south-eastern PolandTurbiaTurbia, village in south-eastern Poland. Quare rogo Reverendissimam Paternitatem Vestram non gravatim, quod pius princeps cum omnium praelatorum consensu liberaliter contulit, mihi extradere cum illuc BCz, 1595, p. 1154 misero mandat, etiam in sui absentia, quod quidem facturam non ambigo, ob veterem illam communem necessitudinem. Nec me possum ab hac laude eripere, etsi mille retia in hunc finem expanderem, cum apud regem, cum apud reginam. Deus tamen spero me sua pietate, tempore suo me tanto onere liberabit.

Valeat felicissime et me diligat. Puto febriculam fuisse lentam catarralem cum aegritudine summa non sine salse phlegmatis praesentia. Fauces enim facile suscipiunt humores a capite defluentes Aelius Galenus (Claudius Galenus, Galen of Pergamon) (*129 – †217), Greek physician and philosopherGalenoAelius Galenus (Claudius Galenus, Galen of Pergamon) (*129 – †217), Greek physician and philosopher teste.

Eiusdem Reverendissimae Paternitatis Vestrae Jan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim)Ioannes BenedictiJan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim) capellanus et servitor scripsit

[1] Hodie corrected in the hand of other into Heri - overwritten

[2] Conf.: propterea nil rectum sine ratione fieri potest. Nam haec est tanquam summi regis Vicaria, pars Divini spiritus, in corpus humanum immersa, za: Hermann von Hardt (ed.), Magnum oecumenicum Constantiense Concilium, vol. 5, Frankfurt und Leipzig 1696, col. 132.

15IDL 1944 Jan Benedyktowicz SOLFA do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow, 1538-10-19
            odebrano [1538]-11-16

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: łacina, ręką pisarza, podpis własnoręczny, BCz, 1597, s. 171-172


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


BCz, 1597, p. 171

Reverendissime in Christo Pater Domine, domine gratiosissime.

Novit Reverendissima Paternitas Vestra maiestatem regiam in venationibus adversam incurrisse valetudinem, sed rursum, Deo gratias ms. gratiae(!) gratiasgratias ms. gratiae(!) , pristinae bonae valetudini restituta<m>. Nos sua ms. suae(!) suasua ms. suae(!) maiestas ms. maiestatis(!) maiestasmaiestas ms. maiestatis(!) magno fasce et onere written over ...... illegible...... illegibleee written over ... levavit. Restant conventualia particularia terrarum ante conventionem futuram ad festum Andreae Piotrków (Petricovia), city in central Poland, in the 15th-16th century the location of the assemblies of the Diet (Sejm) of the Kingdom of Poland, today Piotrków TrybunalskiPyotrkowiaePiotrków (Petricovia), city in central Poland, in the 15th-16th century the location of the assemblies of the Diet (Sejm) of the Kingdom of Poland, today Piotrków Trybunalski summe necessariam, numquam enim regnum hoc tam atrocem et efferrum vicinum, ut nunc habuit. Petru IV Raresh (Petrylo) (*ca. 1487 – †1546), 1527-1538 and 1541-1546 Hospodar of MoldaviaPetrusPetru IV Raresh (Petrylo) (*ca. 1487 – †1546), 1527-1538 and 1541-1546 Hospodar of Moldavia The Valachs ValachieThe Valachs palatinus eius causa e Misia in castra sua, quae Transylvania, region in the central part of Romania, bounded on the east and south by the Carpathian mountain range. Historical Transylvania extended in the west to the Apuseni MountainsTranssiluaniaeTransylvania, region in the central part of Romania, bounded on the east and south by the Carpathian mountain range. Historical Transylvania extended in the west to the Apuseni Mountains habet, manus eius effugit, cuius filius, maior natu, capite detruncato Suleiman the Magnificent (*1494 – †1566), 1520-1566 Sultan of the Ottoman EmpireThurcoSuleiman the Magnificent (*1494 – †1566), 1520-1566 Sultan of the Ottoman Empire poenas dedit, qui pro hac vice ademit illi regno pascua amplissima et id genus commoditatum plus valoris XX milium ducatorum. Et adiunxit Byalogrod et Kylie. Non est, quod pactis foederibus laetemur. Sic enim more crocodili ad se allicit, ut devoret omnia sorbeat on the margin, in the hand of sendersorbeatsorbeat on the margin, in the hand of sender et omnes cociyce[1] astutior ova in nidos alienos subiciens, polyipo(!) assimilis. Si enim quid tetigerit, retinet et, ut noster Aelius Galenus (Claudius Galenus, Galen of Pergamon) (*129 – †217), Greek physician and philosopherGalenusAelius Galenus (Claudius Galenus, Galen of Pergamon) (*129 – †217), Greek physician and philosopher inquit, cf. Adagia 4.4.56 eundem calceum omni pedi ms. pede(!) pedipedi ms. pede(!) inducerecf. Adagia 4.4.56 novit. Fertur e Germany (Germania, Niemcy)GermaniaGermany (Germania, Niemcy) certus rumor de Charles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of CastilecaesarisCharles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile cum Francis I of Valois (*1494 – †1547), 1515-1547 King of France; son of Charles, Count of Angoulême, and Louise of Savoyrege FranciaeFrancis I of Valois (*1494 – †1547), 1515-1547 King of France; son of Charles, Count of Angoulême, and Louise of Savoy congressu in France (Gallia, Francia), the kingdomGalliaFrance (Gallia, Francia), the kingdom, ubi tractabunt(?), qualiter sanguinario hosti occursuri sint. Anno futuro illicque stain[illicque]illicque stain de concilio terminabitur, ne tot animae Christianorum tam misere eius defectu pereant. Naves multae submersae perhibentur cum mercibus et non paucis hominibus. Audio pestilentiam saevire Gdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic LeagueGedaniGdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic League. Provideat, ne irrepat in terras Varmiensis ecclesiae. Ceterum equam mihi denegat meam. Nescio, quid causae sit. Stat forte in sententia concepta velle dare caballum pro ea valentem, sed vereor, ne mihi talem daret, qui aetate superet matrem Achilles Greek hero and the greatest warrior of the Trojan WarAchillisAchilles Greek hero and the greatest warrior of the Trojan War. Extinctus est his diebus Vratisslaviae. Merzlerus et Valerius uterque bonae et felicis on the margin, in the hand of sender et felicis et felicis on the margin, in the hand of sender Minervae(?) utinam et operibus studiis piis adhaesissent. Hodie audietur legatus Suleiman the Magnificent (*1494 – †1566), 1520-1566 Sultan of the Ottoman EmpireThurciSuleiman the Magnificent (*1494 – †1566), 1520-1566 Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Jan Kierdej (Said bej) (*ca. 1490 – †after 1557), Polish nobleman and turcised in the service of the Ottoman Porte; son of Zygmunt Kierdej, starosta of Krasnystaw, captured during the Turkish invasion in 1498; 1531, 1532, 1533, 1535, 1538, 1539, 1541, 1543 envoy of Suleiman the Magnificent to Poland (PSB 12, p. 424-425)KyrdeyJan Kierdej (Said bej) (*ca. 1490 – †after 1557), Polish nobleman and turcised in the service of the Ottoman Porte; son of Zygmunt Kierdej, starosta of Krasnystaw, captured during the Turkish invasion in 1498; 1531, 1532, 1533, 1535, 1538, 1539, 1541, 1543 envoy of Suleiman the Magnificent to Poland (PSB 12, p. 424-425) nomine. Valeat felicissime et me diligat. Et equum septem annorum bene valentem mittat Piotrków (Petricovia), city in central Poland, in the 15th-16th century the location of the assemblies of the Diet (Sejm) of the Kingdom of Poland, today Piotrków TrybunalskiPyetrkowiamPiotrków (Petricovia), city in central Poland, in the 15th-16th century the location of the assemblies of the Diet (Sejm) of the Kingdom of Poland, today Piotrków Trybunalski.

Eiusdem Reverendissimae Paternitatis Jan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim)Ioannes BenedictiJan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim) regius scripsit ... illegible...... illegible.

[1] Cociyce probably instead of coccyge.

16IDL 2164 Jan Benedyktowicz SOLFA do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow, 1539-06-14
            odebrano [1539]-08-15

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: łacina, ręką pisarza, BCz, 1597, s. 679-682


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


BCz, 1597, p. 679

Reverendissime in Christo Pater et Domine, domine gratiosissime et colende.

Salutem et rerum omnium exsuperantiam ms. exsuperantium(!) exsuperantiamexsuperantiam ms. exsuperantium(!) cupio Reverendissimae Dominationi Vestrae.

Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of AustriaPrinceps noster seniorSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria ab arthetico suo dolore, gratia Dei et beneficio medicinarum, sanatus est et laetos agit dies, quoniam orator regius rediit ex Constantinople (Istanbul, Constantinopolis), city and capital of the Ottoman Empire, today in western TurkeyConstantinopoliConstantinople (Istanbul, Constantinopolis), city and capital of the Ottoman Empire, today in western Turkey, ubi rem admodum stupendam se vidisse narrat, ducentos The Ottoman Turks (Turcae) TheucrosThe Ottoman Turks (Turcae) combustos et quinquaginta numero sacerdotes Mameticos potiores et selectiores equis per plateas discerptos ob hoc, quod fidem Christi catholicam non solum ore, sed et corde, et factis confessi sunt. Extulerunt miri{i}s praeconiis et operae pretium fore, ut in eandem caulam et ovile omnes tandem vertantur. Praeterea multi alii super Benedictam Trinitatem confitentes, illic metu poenarum deterriti fuerunt. Ita enim Deus in occulto videns, non solum occulte, sed aperte quosdam coronat, cum miseretur, utens ad salutem animarum variis hominum et exemplorum factis. Ipse enim novit uti malis ad bona procedenda. The Tatars ThartariThe Tatars etiam Precopenses coguntur stare in suis finibus mandatumque est, res per Jan Kierdej (Said bej) (*ca. 1490 – †after 1557), Polish nobleman and turcised in the service of the Ottoman Porte; son of Zygmunt Kierdej, starosta of Krasnystaw, captured during the Turkish invasion in 1498; 1531, 1532, 1533, 1535, 1538, 1539, 1541, 1543 envoy of Suleiman the Magnificent to Poland (PSB 12, p. 424-425)Kyerdey ThurcumJan Kierdej (Said bej) (*ca. 1490 – †after 1557), Polish nobleman and turcised in the service of the Ottoman Porte; son of Zygmunt Kierdej, starosta of Krasnystaw, captured during the Turkish invasion in 1498; 1531, 1532, 1533, 1535, 1538, 1539, 1541, 1543 envoy of Suleiman the Magnificent to Poland (PSB 12, p. 424-425), qui eo profectus est nomine Suleiman the Magnificent (*1494 – †1566), 1520-1566 Sultan of the Ottoman EmpireThurciSuleiman the Magnificent (*1494 – †1566), 1520-1566 Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, ut dominia Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of AustriaregisSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria nostri ne utiquam incur<r>ere praesumant.

Vehementer, Reverendissime Domine, libellum de secta Mametica sermone latino, quem scio, Hispano sermone in manibus Reverendissimae Paternitatis Vestrae, quem nullus in hoc Poland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)regnoPoland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia) tam affabre et exacte transferre posset, sicut episcopus Varmiensis pro honore suae ecclesiae.

Valeat faustiter et suos canonicos diligat, praesertim plebanum Bochnensem solito prosequatur amore.

Eiusdem Reverendissimae Paternitatis Vestrae Jan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim)Iohannes BenedictusJan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim) regius doctor canonicus Varmiensis

17IDL 2717 Jan Benedyktowicz SOLFA do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Warsaw, 1544-04-20
            odebrano Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński), 1544-04-28

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: łacina, autograf, BK, 230, s. 129-130


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


BK, 230, p. 129

Reverendissime in Christo Pater et Domine, domine gratiosissime.

Convictus, quod a tot annis contracta notitia non siverit(?) me veteris amicitiae oblivisci, ideo quidquid(?) in buccam venit Reverendissimae Paternitati Vestrae perscribere(?), occupatissimus scribo on the marginscriboscribo on the margin.

Ex Speyer (Spira), city in western Germany, on the Rhine river, 25 km S of MannheimSpiraSpeyer (Spira), city in western Germany, on the Rhine river, 25 km S of Mannheim staphetta praepropero cursu volavit per Cracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of PolandCracoviamCracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of Poland cum litteris Charles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile

Ferdinand I of Habsburg (*1503 – †1564), from 1521 Archduke of Austria, from 1526 King of Bohemia and Hungary, Croatia and Slavonia as Ferdinand I, 1531-1558 King of the Romans, 1558-1564 Holy Roman Emperor; son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile, a younger brother of Charles V of Habsburg
caesareae et Romanorum regiae maiestatisCharles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile

Ferdinand I of Habsburg (*1503 – †1564), from 1521 Archduke of Austria, from 1526 King of Bohemia and Hungary, Croatia and Slavonia as Ferdinand I, 1531-1558 King of the Romans, 1558-1564 Holy Roman Emperor; son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile, a younger brother of Charles V of Habsburg
ad Isabella Jagiellon (*1519 – †1559), 1539-1559 Queen of Hungary; from 1539 wife of John Zápolya, King of Hungary, mother of John II Sigismund Zápolya; daughter of Sigismund Jagiellon, King of Poland, and Bona SforzaIsabellam reginam PannoniaeIsabella Jagiellon (*1519 – †1559), 1539-1559 Queen of Hungary; from 1539 wife of John Zápolya, King of Hungary, mother of John II Sigismund Zápolya; daughter of Sigismund Jagiellon, King of Poland, and Bona Sforza in Hungary (Kingdom of Hungary)PannoniamHungary (Kingdom of Hungary) <(>Transilvaniam superinscribedTransylvania, region in the central part of Romania, bounded on the east and south by the Carpathian mountain range. Historical Transylvania extended in the west to the Apuseni MountainsTransilvaniamTransylvania, region in the central part of Romania, bounded on the east and south by the Carpathian mountain range. Historical Transylvania extended in the west to the Apuseni MountainsTransilvaniam superinscribed<)>. Post eius discessum ex Martinus Nibschitz (Marcin Nipszyc) (†after 1545), a nephew of Nikolaus Nibschitz; in 1534 secretary of Dantiscus; in 1537 stayed in Bologna; in 1540 probably accompanied chancellor Tomasz Sobocki on his mission to Constantinople (SKOLIMOWSKA 2004, p. 53; EFE 36, No. 74)NipczicschMartinus Nibschitz (Marcin Nipszyc) (†after 1545), a nephew of Nikolaus Nibschitz; in 1534 secretary of Dantiscus; in 1537 stayed in Bologna; in 1540 probably accompanied chancellor Tomasz Sobocki on his mission to Constantinople (SKOLIMOWSKA 2004, p. 53; EFE 36, No. 74)(?) intellexi distinctias inter Georg Utješenović (Georg Martinuzzi, frater Georgius) (*1482 – †1551), Hungarian statesman; 1535-1551 Bishop of Nagyvárad, 1551 Archbishop of Esztergom, 1551 elevated to CardinalMonachumGeorg Utješenović (Georg Martinuzzi, frater Georgius) (*1482 – †1551), Hungarian statesman; 1535-1551 Bishop of Nagyvárad, 1551 Archbishop of Esztergom, 1551 elevated to Cardinal maleferiatum et Pyetrowicz et parum equidem defuit, quin extremum diem Passau (Batavia Bavariae), city in southern Germany, Bavaria, on the Danube river, 115 km SE of RegensburgBadaviamPassau (Batavia Bavariae), city in southern Germany, Bavaria, on the Danube river, 115 km SE of Regensburg inequitasset. Subreptus clanculo evasit(?), sed, medius fidius, meritam brevi luet poenam.

Circa Timiș (Tibiscus, Temesch)TibiscumTimiș (Tibiscus, Temesch) Andreas Bathur contra alium nobilem saevit et acriter quidem. Nostri Blindebergenses Vác, town in northern Hungary on the eastern bank of the Danube riverWaciamVác, town in northern Hungary on the eastern bank of the Danube river noctu ingressi multos ex The Ottoman Turks (Turcae) ThurcisThe Ottoman Turks (Turcae) trucidarunt, onusti praeda remearunt, sed timendum est eis, ne occludantur.

Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of AustriaRexSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria noster recte valet et itineri se Lithuanico accingere certo proposuit. Dominus Seweryn Boner (*1486 – †1549), merchant and financial agent of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; 1520-1542 Burgrave of Cracow, 1524-1549 Governor and salt mine supervisor in Cracow, 1532 Castellan of Żarnów, 1535-1546 Castellan of Biecz, 1546-1549 Castellan of Sącz (PSB 2, p. 300-301; NOGA, p. 299)Byeczensis castellanusSeweryn Boner (*1486 – †1549), merchant and financial agent of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; 1520-1542 Burgrave of Cracow, 1524-1549 Governor and salt mine supervisor in Cracow, 1532 Castellan of Żarnów, 1535-1546 Castellan of Biecz, 1546-1549 Castellan of Sącz (PSB 2, p. 300-301; NOGA, p. 299) huc venit in re sua, Opolaszky(?) melius habet, duplici tamen tenetur tertiana. Nunc in Kaspar Hannau (Gasparus Hannovius, Kacper Hannow) (*1519 – †1571), Dantiscus' nephew (son of Anna), doctor of both canon and civil law, friend of Marcin Kromer, Bishop of Ermland; his studies in Cracow (1536-1538), and later in Rome (1539-1548), were financed by his uncle; from 1545 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) and Dean of Guttstadt (Dobre Miasto) Collegiate Chapter; from 1547 Canon of Włocławek (ORACKI 1984, p. 84; KOPICZKO 2, p. 108-109)Casparum HannawKaspar Hannau (Gasparus Hannovius, Kacper Hannow) (*1519 – †1571), Dantiscus' nephew (son of Anna), doctor of both canon and civil law, friend of Marcin Kromer, Bishop of Ermland; his studies in Cracow (1536-1538), and later in Rome (1539-1548), were financed by his uncle; from 1545 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) and Dean of Guttstadt (Dobre Miasto) Collegiate Chapter; from 1547 Canon of Włocławek (ORACKI 1984, p. 84; KOPICZKO 2, p. 108-109) proiciat ecclesiam(?) et ornet(?), in tot vacantiis titulo Warmiensis(?) ecclesiae(?).

Quod Alexander Sculteti (Scholtcze) (*ca. 1485 – †1570), doctor of canon law, cartographer, historian and friend of Copernicus; accused by Dantiscus and Stanisław Hozjusz (Hosius) of Sacramentarian heresy, in 1540 banished by King Sigismund I Jagiellon; in 1541 imprisoned by the Inquisition in Rome; after release from prison in 1544 he stayed in Rome for the rest of his life; 1509-1516 notary at the Roman Curia; 1519-1541 Canon of Ermland (Warmia), 1530-1539 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; 1536-1538 administrator of the komornictwo of Mehlsack (Melzak, today Pieniężno) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 299; SBKW, p. 219-220)AlexanderAlexander Sculteti (Scholtcze) (*ca. 1485 – †1570), doctor of canon law, cartographer, historian and friend of Copernicus; accused by Dantiscus and Stanisław Hozjusz (Hosius) of Sacramentarian heresy, in 1540 banished by King Sigismund I Jagiellon; in 1541 imprisoned by the Inquisition in Rome; after release from prison in 1544 he stayed in Rome for the rest of his life; 1509-1516 notary at the Roman Curia; 1519-1541 Canon of Ermland (Warmia), 1530-1539 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; 1536-1538 administrator of the komornictwo of Mehlsack (Melzak, today Pieniężno) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 299; SBKW, p. 219-220) miser e carceribus rursum voluntate papae et conformi cardinalium consensu emissus sit, Deo sit gratia, qui suos non deserit umquam, forte iam rectius cantabit et rancores litesque ... illegible...... illegiblestiorum oblivioni tradet. Eius opera uti etiam in Rome (Roma), city in central Italy, on the Tiber river, seat of the Holy SeeUrbeRome (Roma), city in central Italy, on the Tiber river, seat of the Holy See nunc poterit, cf. Vulg. Ps (G) 7.12 Deus iudex iustus et fortis et patiens, numquid irascitur per singulos dies? non enim in perpetuum irascitur Dominuscf. Vulg. Ps (G) 7.12 Deus iudex iustus et fortis et patiens, numquid irascitur per singulos dies? .

Valeat faustissime et me diligat.

Eiusdem Reverendissimae Paternitatis Jan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim)Io(annes) Be(nedicti)Jan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim) capellanus

18IDL 3211 Jan Benedyktowicz SOLFA do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Piotrków, 1547-09-09
            odebrano Wormditt (Orneta), 1547-09-30

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: łacina, ręką pisarza, BCz, 1599, s. 995-998


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


BCz, 1599, p. 995

Reverendissime in Christo pater et domine, domine gratiosissime et perpetuo observende.

Maiestas sua regia per complures menses ab artetico dolore non molestabatur. Verum ante paucos dies chiragra eum perturbare iterum agg ms. r(!) gg ms. r(!) ressa est. Dolorque quodammodo pacatus. Detumuit manus. Iterum digitus pedis dolere incipit. Iam profecto sua maiestas indies debiliore virtute, ut ex pulsu dinoscere licet esse, conspicitur. E Cracovia scribitur per Valerianum reipublicae Cracoviensis notarium polintores in scriptis dedisse numerum transactae septimanae Cracoviae mortuorum q(ui) s(unt) 110 excepta tamen Casimiria et Stradomia, quibus in locis nunc demum virus illud pestiferum sese incredibili saevitia diffundere coepit. Et quantum coniectura assequi licet ex rerum indiciis, non cito ea superinscribed in place of crossed-out illailla ea ea superinscribed in place of crossed-out illa lues finem sumptura videtur. Certe omnium nostrum merito, praesertim sacerdotum, qui Dei omnipotentis iram sceleribus nostris abominandis concitavimus. Eamque rursus precibus, ieiuniis et morum vitaeque melioris emendatione satagere non admodum adnitimur. Christus salvator noster nos sanos velit servare et animarum, quae in communem omnibus locum abierunt, misereri. Res est sane luctuosa atque atrox quando filius patrem, parentes etiam natos suos amantissimos, in hoc malo derelinquere coguntur. Valeat faustissime et suae sanitatis habeat rationem quam faveo. Reverendissimae Paternitati Vestrae perinde atque mihi et amplius quando sanitas Reverendissimae Paternitatis Vestrae et suae ecclesiae et servitoribus Dei utilis futura sit.

Eiusdem Reverendissimae Paternitatis Vestrae Jan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim)Ioannes BenedictusJan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim) capellanus scripsit

19IDL 3383 Jan Benedyktowicz SOLFA do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow, 1548-06-29
            odebrano Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński), 1548-07-10

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: łacina, ręką pisarza, podpis własnoręczny, UUB, H. 155, k. 150-151
2kopia, XVIII w., LSB, BR 19, Nr 68
3kopia język: łacina, XX w., B. PAU-PAN, 8244 (TK 6), a.1548, k. 6-8
4regest z ekscerptami język: łacina, angielski, XX w., CBKUL, R.III, 30, Nr 170

1JANICKI 2000 s. 95-100 (in extenso; facsimile)


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


UUB, H. 155, p. 150

Reverendissime in Christo Pater et Domine, domine gratiosissime.

Salutem et accessum omnium fortunarum percupio Reverendissimae Paternitati Vestrae sicut patri gratiosissimo.

Quod non scripserim Reverndissimae Paternitati Vestrae, qualiter et quo animo sanctus patriarcha Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriarex Sigismundus PrimusSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria animam suam sanctam Creatori suo sublimi reddiderit prima Aprilis, non abs re silentio praeterire volui. Omnium autem primum, ne a Stanisław Hozjusz (Stanisław Hosz, Stanislaus Hosius) (*1504 – †1579), diplomat and theologian; 1534-1538 secretary to the Bishops of Cracow Piotr Tomicki and Jan Chojeński; 1538-1549 royal secretary; 1538-1549 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) and from 1539 Cantor; 1540-1550 Canon of Cracow; 1549-1551 Bishop of Kulm (Chełmno); 1551-1579 Bishop of Ermland; in 1560 elevated to Cardinal; 1561-1563 Papal Legate to the General Council of Trent; in 1573 appointed Grand Penitentiary to Pope Gregory XIII (SBKW, p. 95-96; KOPICZKO 2, p. 129-130)doctore HosioStanisław Hozjusz (Stanisław Hosz, Stanislaus Hosius) (*1504 – †1579), diplomat and theologian; 1534-1538 secretary to the Bishops of Cracow Piotr Tomicki and Jan Chojeński; 1538-1549 royal secretary; 1538-1549 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) and from 1539 Cantor; 1540-1550 Canon of Cracow; 1549-1551 Bishop of Kulm (Chełmno); 1551-1579 Bishop of Ermland; in 1560 elevated to Cardinal; 1561-1563 Papal Legate to the General Council of Trent; in 1573 appointed Grand Penitentiary to Pope Gregory XIII (SBKW, p. 95-96; KOPICZKO 2, p. 129-130) et aliis locupletissime enarrata, rursus eadem cantillena recinerem neve eius felicitati, qua exutus a corpore choris angelorum associatus cum Christo nunc fruitur, invidere viderer. Nec dolemus exstinctum, quia iam septennium decursum est, quod non vixit nisi nobis et vobis, nobis exemplo, ceteris pro consilio. Feria V dextram man text damaged[n]n text damagedum trementem mihi porrigens dixit: Doctorze, patrzay pulsa. Poyedziemy richlo do Boga. Solabar Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriamaiestatem suamSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria respondens: et Paul of Tarsus, Saint (*5-10 AD – †64-67 AD), the most important missionary and theologian of early Christianity, known as the Apostle of Nations, author of Letters, the main figure of the Acts of the ApostlesPauliPaul of Tarsus, Saint (*5-10 AD – †64-67 AD), the most important missionary and theologian of early Christianity, known as the Apostle of Nations, author of Letters, the main figure of the Acts of the Apostles desiderium fuisse corpore se dissolvi et esse cum Christo, non propter persecutiones mundanas, quibus premebatur, sed cupidus tertii caeli et paradisi superioris verborumque arcanorum memor, certusque se omnia melius agnosciturum, si cum Christo esset, quae in terris geruntur, discuntur, sciuntur, declarantur. Ait: Verum est. Iussit accersiri confessorem, ac text damaged[ac]ac text damagedcepit Eucharistiam feria VI. Unctionem Sacram dari sibi Saturni die iussit. Passio lecta et preces stentora voce, ut clausis iam ultro oculis meditaretur Christiana, homini non modo regi sancto et digna, et necessaria, nihilominus audiens nomen Salvatoris proferri a sacerdote, videbatur et caput inclinare cum pectore, et corpus iam terreum levare, videbatur sancteque pium omnibus dixisse: Vale.

De Barbara Radziwiłłówna (*1520 – †1551), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1550-1551); from 1547 the second wife of Sigismund II Augustus; daughter of Jerzy Radziwiłł Vilnius castellan and Barbara Kola (PSB 14, p. 356)nuptaBarbara Radziwiłłówna (*1520 – †1551), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1550-1551); from 1547 the second wife of Sigismund II Augustus; daughter of Jerzy Radziwiłł Vilnius castellan and Barbara Kola (PSB 14, p. 356) et coronatione eius nec audire quicquam, nec scribere umquam aut scire volui. In cassum, vulgata, ut opinor, fama, illustris et magnificus dominus Jan Tarnowski (*1488 – †1561), Count of the Holy Roman Empire; one of the most trusted advisors to King Sigismund August Jagiellon at the beginning of his rule; 1522-1527 Castellan of Wojnicz, 1525-1552 Starost of Sandomierz, 1527-1559 Grand Crown Hetman (commander-in-chief), 1527-1535 voivode of Ruthenia, 1528 Starost of Żydaczów, 1535-1536 Voivode of Cracow; 1536-1561 - Castellan (Urzędnicy 10, p. 209)castellanus CracoviensisJan Tarnowski (*1488 – †1561), Count of the Holy Roman Empire; one of the most trusted advisors to King Sigismund August Jagiellon at the beginning of his rule; 1522-1527 Castellan of Wojnicz, 1525-1552 Starost of Sandomierz, 1527-1559 Grand Crown Hetman (commander-in-chief), 1527-1535 voivode of Ruthenia, 1528 Starost of Żydaczów, 1535-1536 Voivode of Cracow; 1536-1561 - Castellan (Urzędnicy 10, p. 209) cum Samuel Maciejowski (*1499 – †1550), humanist and diplomat, one of the most trusted advisors to King Sigismund I and then to his son Sigismund II Augustus; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Sandomierz, and from 1530 in Kielce; from 1531 Canon of Gniezno; from 1532 or 1533 to 1537 royal secretary (previously scribe at the royal chancellery); 1537-1539 Grand Secretary; 1539-1547 Crown Vice-Chancellor; 1539-1541 Bishop of Chełm; 1541-1545 Bishop of Płock; 1545-1550 Bishop of Cracow; 1547-1550 Crown Grand Chancellor; in 1532 royal envoy to Rome; in 1534 and 1538 royal envoy to the local diets (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 257-258; Urzędnicy 10, p. 184; PSB 19 Machowski - Maria Kazimiera, p. 64-69)episcopo CracoviensiSamuel Maciejowski (*1499 – †1550), humanist and diplomat, one of the most trusted advisors to King Sigismund I and then to his son Sigismund II Augustus; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Sandomierz, and from 1530 in Kielce; from 1531 Canon of Gniezno; from 1532 or 1533 to 1537 royal secretary (previously scribe at the royal chancellery); 1537-1539 Grand Secretary; 1539-1547 Crown Vice-Chancellor; 1539-1541 Bishop of Chełm; 1541-1545 Bishop of Płock; 1545-1550 Bishop of Cracow; 1547-1550 Crown Grand Chancellor; in 1532 royal envoy to Rome; in 1534 and 1538 royal envoy to the local diets (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 257-258; Urzędnicy 10, p. 184; PSB 19 Machowski - Maria Kazimiera, p. 64-69) habent primas partes apud Sigismund II Augustus Jagiellon (Zygmunt II August) (*1520 – †1572), 1529-1572 Grand Duke of Lithuania (ruled from 1544); 1530-1572 King of Poland (crowned vivente rege (ruled from 1548, after the death of his father); son of Sigismund I Jagiellon and Bona SforzaregemSigismund II Augustus Jagiellon (Zygmunt II August) (*1520 – †1572), 1529-1572 Grand Duke of Lithuania (ruled from 1544); 1530-1572 King of Poland (crowned vivente rege (ruled from 1548, after the death of his father); son of Sigismund I Jagiellon and Bona Sforza. Dissident nimio primores regni, non ob aliud, nisi propter iram Dei, divisi enim sunt ab ira vultus eius, teste Propheta. Quid itaque sperandum sit, videt Reverendissima Paternitas Vestra. Ideo non optet interesse huic dissensioni. Et sacius est se continere in sua cochlea domi, et exitum rerum, et vocationem ultimam cum laetitia praestolari, quam et ego hic omni horula exspecto, sed anxia mente propter animum humanum, qui modo huc, nunc illuc impellitur. Sunt enim ex classicis Sacrae Paginae scriptoribus, qui animabus electis, a corporibus exutis et ab omni debito liberis et purgatis omni scoria, nescio quem fingunt locum, in quo usque ad resurrectionem generalem quiescunt, sicut Tertulli in 4 contra Martionem, Irenaeus in fine libri contra Valentinianos, Lactantius in libro de divino praemio, Ambrosius de bono mortis, Augustinus in epistolam Ioannis, capitulo XI et Enchiridion dicit: Animae abibunt in invisibilem locum destinatum eis a Deo et ibi usque ad resurrectionem morabuntur, quod discrepat a promissis Salvatoris nostri, quibus nos certificat de suo post mortem individuo consortio nullo obstaculo ex parte nostra intercedente, cum ait: Hodie mecum eris in paradiso, et Ioannis 14: Vado parare vobis locum, et: Si quis mihi ministraveritr, me sequatur, et ubi ego sum, illic sit et minister meus, Ioannis 12, et ad patrem: Pater, quos dedisti mihi, volo, ut ubi ego sum, et illi sint mecum, ut videant gloriam, quam dedisti mihi. Ideoque Apostolus ad Philipenses X, inflammatus talibus promissis et eius, quae superius narravi, cupiebat dissolvi et esse cum Christo. Non quod vacillarem in fide, sed festino ad illam patriam lente, credens omnia, quae in illo psalmo Athanasii describuntur: Quicumque vult salvus esse, et protestor coram omnibus hominibus, sanctis et angelis Dei me omnia integre credere et pro certis habere, quae ab ecclesia orthodoxa, id est recta, sequentis sunt aprobata.

De reverendo domino et confratre nostro Kaspar Hannau (Gasparus Hannovius, Kacper Hannow) (*1519 – †1571), Dantiscus' nephew (son of Anna), doctor of both canon and civil law, friend of Marcin Kromer, Bishop of Ermland; his studies in Cracow (1536-1538), and later in Rome (1539-1548), were financed by his uncle; from 1545 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) and Dean of Guttstadt (Dobre Miasto) Collegiate Chapter; from 1547 Canon of Włocławek (ORACKI 1984, p. 84; KOPICZKO 2, p. 108-109)Gaspare HannovioKaspar Hannau (Gasparus Hannovius, Kacper Hannow) (*1519 – †1571), Dantiscus' nephew (son of Anna), doctor of both canon and civil law, friend of Marcin Kromer, Bishop of Ermland; his studies in Cracow (1536-1538), and later in Rome (1539-1548), were financed by his uncle; from 1545 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) and Dean of Guttstadt (Dobre Miasto) Collegiate Chapter; from 1547 Canon of Włocławek (ORACKI 1984, p. 84; KOPICZKO 2, p. 108-109), quod scribam, non est mihi pro nunc aliud quam hoc, quod se promisit venturum ad nos in Maio. Utinam illum Deus baculum senectutis vestrae dicto citius huc sanum et cum omni felicitate reducat. Et cum his me gratiae et favori Reverendissimae Paternitatis Vestrae humillime commendo.

Eiusdem Reverendissmae Paternitatis Vestrae Jan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim)Ioannes Benedictus praepositus VarmiensisJan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim) deditissimus scripsit