Korespondencja pomiędzy Dantyszkiem i Georg DONNER
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Znaleziono: 2 zachowanych: 1 + zaginionych: 1 1 | IDL 7379 | Ioannes DANTISCUS do Georg DONNER, 1543-11-04 List zaginiony | List zaginiony, mentioned in IDL 3905: Superiori die ea, quae Fraternitatem Vestram scire oportuit, scripsimus | | | 2 | IDL 3905 | Ioannes [DANTISCUS] do [Georg DONNER], Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński), 1543-11-05 |
Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe: 1 | brulion język: łacina, autograf, AAWO, AB, D. 7, k. 13r (b.p.)
| Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny
AAWO, AB, D. 7, f. 13r
Ioannes Dantiscus (Johannes von Höfen, Ioannes de Curiis, Jan Dantyszek, Johannes Flachsbinder) (*1485 – †1548-10-27), diplomat, neo-Latin poet and traveller; 1504 royal scribe; 1507 referendary for Prussian affairs at the court of Sigismund Jagiellon; 1508-1513 royal envoy to Prussian towns and to the Prussian assemblies; 1515 secretary of the Polish legation at the imperial court; in 1516-1532 envoy in the service of the king of Poland Sigismund Jagiellon and emperors Maximilian and Charles V of Habsburg; 1529 Kulm canon; 1530-1537 bishop of Kulm; 1537-1548 bishop of Ermland⌊IoannesIoannes Dantiscus (Johannes von Höfen, Ioannes de Curiis, Jan Dantyszek, Johannes Flachsbinder) (*1485 – †1548-10-27), diplomat, neo-Latin poet and traveller; 1504 royal scribe; 1507 referendary for Prussian affairs at the court of Sigismund Jagiellon; 1508-1513 royal envoy to Prussian towns and to the Prussian assemblies; 1515 secretary of the Polish legation at the imperial court; in 1516-1532 envoy in the service of the king of Poland Sigismund Jagiellon and emperors Maximilian and Charles V of Habsburg; 1529 Kulm canon; 1530-1537 bishop of Kulm; 1537-1548 bishop of Ermland⌋
Superiori die ea superinscribed⌈eaea superinscribed⌉, quae Fraternitatem Vestram scire oportuit, cf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Georg DONNER 1543-11-04, CIDTC IDL 7379, letter lost⌊scripsimuscf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Georg DONNER 1543-11-04, CIDTC IDL 7379, letter lost⌋. In praesens per Georg von Preucken (Georg von Pröck, Georg von Proyken) (†after 1549-02), to 1523 commissioner (komendant) of Heilsberg; in the time of the bishops Fabian of Lusian and Mauritius Ferber wójt of Ermland bishopric; at least in 1525-1549 starosta of Braunsberg⌊capitaneum nostrum BraunsbergensemGeorg von Preucken (Georg von Pröck, Georg von Proyken) (†after 1549-02), to 1523 commissioner (komendant) of Heilsberg; in the time of the bishops Fabian of Lusian and Mauritius Ferber wójt of Ermland bishopric; at least in 1525-1549 starosta of Braunsberg⌋ nova, quae ex aula regia nudiustertius accepimus, quemadmodum ad serenissimam Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania⌊maiestatem regiamSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania⌋ perscripta sunt, cf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Georg von PREUCKEN Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński), 1543-11-05, CIDTC IDL 3950⌊mittimuscf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Georg von PREUCKEN Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński), 1543-11-05, CIDTC IDL 3950⌋. Ea Ermland Chapter, cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia)⌊amicis nostris fratribusErmland Chapter, cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia)⌋ et imprimis Johann Tymmermann (Johann Zimmermann) (*1492 – †1564), 1519-1564 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); 1525-1528 administrator of the Chapter's estates in Allenstein (Olsztyn) and in 1538 in Frauenburg (Frombork); 1527-1539 Cantor of Ermland; 1537 General Administrator of the bishopric of Ermland (after Mauritius Ferber's death); 1539-1552 Custos of Ermland; 1547-1552 General Vicar of the diocese of Ermland ⌊venerabili domino custodiJohann Tymmermann (Johann Zimmermann) (*1492 – †1564), 1519-1564 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); 1525-1528 administrator of the Chapter's estates in Allenstein (Olsztyn) and in 1538 in Frauenburg (Frombork); 1527-1539 Cantor of Ermland; 1537 General Administrator of the bishopric of Ermland (after Mauritius Ferber's death); 1539-1552 Custos of Ermland; 1547-1552 General Vicar of the diocese of Ermland ⌋ impartiet. Quae non ingrata fore putamus.
Si quid habuerit Fraternitas Vestra superinscribed⌈Fraternitas VestraFraternitas Vestra superinscribed⌉ vel ipse dominus Johann Tymmermann (Johann Zimmermann) (*1492 – †1564), 1519-1564 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); 1525-1528 administrator of the Chapter's estates in Allenstein (Olsztyn) and in 1538 in Frauenburg (Frombork); 1527-1539 Cantor of Ermland; 1537 General Administrator of the bishopric of Ermland (after Mauritius Ferber's death); 1539-1552 Custos of Ermland; 1547-1552 General Vicar of the diocese of Ermland ⌊custosJohann Tymmermann (Johann Zimmermann) (*1492 – †1564), 1519-1564 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); 1525-1528 administrator of the Chapter's estates in Allenstein (Olsztyn) and in 1538 in Frauenburg (Frombork); 1527-1539 Cantor of Ermland; 1537 General Administrator of the bishopric of Ermland (after Mauritius Ferber's death); 1539-1552 Custos of Ermland; 1547-1552 General Vicar of the diocese of Ermland ⌋ eiusmodi superinscribed⌈eiusmodieiusmodi superinscribed⌉, vicissim gratiam nobis referri written overe⌈eii written overe⌉ eandemque Fraternitatem Vestram feliciter valere optamus.
Dominum doctorem Iohannem Benedicti restitutum vivis iam pridem innotuisse apud vos nobis persuademus non ambigimus on the margin⌈Dominum doctorem Jan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon⌊Iohannem BenedictiJan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon⌋ restitutum vivis iam pridem innotuisse apud vos nobis persuademus non ambigimusDominum doctorem Iohannem Benedicti restitutum vivis iam pridem innotuisse apud vos nobis persuademus non ambigimus on the margin⌉.
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Teksty związane z Georg DONNER
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Znaleziono: 1 zachowanych: 1 + zaginionych: 0 1 | IDT 142 | Georg DONNER do UNKNOWN Guttstadt (Dobre Miasto) 1540-04-10 | Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe: 1 | brulion język: łacina, in the hand of Dantiscus, AAWO, AB, D. 70, k. 13r-v
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Teksty ze wzmianką o Georg DONNER Results found: 10 IDL, 0 IDP, 0 IDT 1 | IDL 3157 | Gdańsk Town Council do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Gdańsk (Danzig), 1540-03-17 | 2 | IDL 4809 | Ioannes DANTISCUS do Ermland (Warmia) Chapter, Guttstadt (Dobre Miasto), 1540-04-10 | 3 | IDL 5462 | Gdańsk Town Council do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Gdańsk (Danzig), 1540-04-26 | 4 | IDL 2330 | Johann TYMMERMANN do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Frauenburg (Frombork), 1540-08-11 | 5 | IDL 3904 | [Ioannes DANTISCUS] do UNKNOWN [Ermland (Warmia) Canon, possibly Paweł PŁOTOWSKI or Johann TYMMERMANN], Graudenz (Grudziądz), 1543-10-02 | 6 | IDL 3950 | Ioannes DANTISCUS do Georg von PREUCKEN, Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński), 1543-11-05 | 7 | IDL 2710 | Johann TYMMERMANN do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Frauenburg (Frombork), 1544-03-26 | 8 | IDL 2711 | Johann TYMMERMANN do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Frauenburg (Frombork), 1544-03-31 | 9 | IDL 2850 | Kaspar HANNAU do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Rome, 1545-07-25 | 10 | IDL 2884 | Mikołaj LOKA do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Rome, 1545-11-15 |