» CORPUS of Ioannes Dantiscus' Texts & Correspondence
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Letter #4721

Tiedemann GIESE to Ioannes DANTISCUS
Frauenburg (Frombork), 1537-07-26
            received [1537]-07-28

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, autograph, AAWO, AB, D. 2, f. 46-47

Auxiliary sources:
1register in German, 20th-century, B. PAU-PAN, 8248 (TK 10), f. 516-517


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


AWWO, AB, D. 2, f. 46r

Reverendissime in Christo Pater et Domine, domine mihi semper colendissime, salutem et servitiorum meorum commendationem.

Recte et prudenter, ni fallor, Reverendissima Dominatio Vestra instruxit ea, quae ad legationem venerabilis Ermland Chapter cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia)capituliErmland Chapter cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia) a maiestate regia exspectantur, si modo id eveniet, quod Reverendissima Dominatio Vestra ut certum videtur habere, dominum Alexander Sculteti (Scholtcze) (*ca. 1485 – †1570), doctor of canon law, cartographer, historian and friend of Copernicus; accused by Dantiscus and Stanisław Hozjusz (Hosius) of Sacramentarian heresy, in 1540 banished by King Sigismund I Jagiellon; in 1541 imprisoned by the Inquisition in Rome; after release from prison in 1544 he stayed in Rome for the rest of his life; 1509-1516 notary at the Roman Curia; 1519-1541 Canon of Ermland (Warmia), 1530-1539 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; 1536-1538 administrator of the komornictwo of Mehlsack (Melzak, today Pieniężno) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 299; SBKW, p. 219-220)AlexandrumAlexander Sculteti (Scholtcze) (*ca. 1485 – †1570), doctor of canon law, cartographer, historian and friend of Copernicus; accused by Dantiscus and Stanisław Hozjusz (Hosius) of Sacramentarian heresy, in 1540 banished by King Sigismund I Jagiellon; in 1541 imprisoned by the Inquisition in Rome; after release from prison in 1544 he stayed in Rome for the rest of his life; 1509-1516 notary at the Roman Curia; 1519-1541 Canon of Ermland (Warmia), 1530-1539 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; 1536-1538 administrator of the komornictwo of Mehlsack (Melzak, today Pieniężno) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 299; SBKW, p. 219-220) ad maiestatem regiam perventurum et responsum ab ea relaturum ad nos esse. Verum dominus Paweł Płotowski (*ca. 1485 – †1547), in 1523, after the death of Fabian von Lusian (Luzjański), Płotowski was one of the King's four candidates for the post of the bishop of Ermland; in 1530 and 1537, after the death of Jan Konopacki (Johann von Konopat) Sr and Dantiscus' transfer to the bishopric of Ermland, he made an effort to obtain the dignity of bishop of Kulm; from 1522 Provost of the Ermland (Warmia) Chapter, and from 1523 Canon of Ermland; secretary to Crown Grand Chancellor Krzysztof Szydłowiecki, and from 1533 royal secretary and courtier; in the thirties and forties several times royal envoy to the Royal Prussian Estates (SBKW, p. 191; KOPICZKO 2, p. 249-250)praepositusPaweł Płotowski (*ca. 1485 – †1547), in 1523, after the death of Fabian von Lusian (Luzjański), Płotowski was one of the King's four candidates for the post of the bishop of Ermland; in 1530 and 1537, after the death of Jan Konopacki (Johann von Konopat) Sr and Dantiscus' transfer to the bishopric of Ermland, he made an effort to obtain the dignity of bishop of Kulm; from 1522 Provost of the Ermland (Warmia) Chapter, and from 1523 Canon of Ermland; secretary to Crown Grand Chancellor Krzysztof Szydłowiecki, and from 1533 royal secretary and courtier; in the thirties and forties several times royal envoy to the Royal Prussian Estates (SBKW, p. 191; KOPICZKO 2, p. 249-250) noster rediens a domino Stanisław Kostka (*1487 – †1555), as a leader of the so-called nobles' party active in Royal Prussia since 1536, Kostka stood in opposition to most of the members of the Council of Royal Prussia, who wanted to maintain the autonomy of the province and a "balance of power" in terms of governance. The tension between the Prussian Subtreasurer and the Council had been increasing since the Diet in Graudenz (Grudziądz) in 1533. Kostka, connected with the royal court since his youth, was sent to Graudenz as the King's deputy and, contrary to custom, decided to take part in the proceedings. In response to such a step, the Council members stopped the meeting. Kostka accused them of hostility towards the Poles and intervened on this matter at the court. In the absence of the then Bishop of Ermland (Mauritius Ferber) it was Dantiscus who chaired the Graudenz Diet. The incident badly harmed his future relationships with Kostka; 1531-1555 Treasurer of the Prussian lands and Treasurer of Marienburg (Malbork); 1544-1545 Castellan of Elbing (Elbląg), 1545-1546 Castellan of Kulm (Chełmno); 1546-1549 Vice-Voivode of Kulm; 1546-1551 Voivode of Pomerania; 1551-1555 Voivode of Kulm (PSB 14, p. 356; Urzędnicy 5/2, p. 216; MAŁŁEK 1976, p. 119-123)CostkaStanisław Kostka (*1487 – †1555), as a leader of the so-called nobles' party active in Royal Prussia since 1536, Kostka stood in opposition to most of the members of the Council of Royal Prussia, who wanted to maintain the autonomy of the province and a "balance of power" in terms of governance. The tension between the Prussian Subtreasurer and the Council had been increasing since the Diet in Graudenz (Grudziądz) in 1533. Kostka, connected with the royal court since his youth, was sent to Graudenz as the King's deputy and, contrary to custom, decided to take part in the proceedings. In response to such a step, the Council members stopped the meeting. Kostka accused them of hostility towards the Poles and intervened on this matter at the court. In the absence of the then Bishop of Ermland (Mauritius Ferber) it was Dantiscus who chaired the Graudenz Diet. The incident badly harmed his future relationships with Kostka; 1531-1555 Treasurer of the Prussian lands and Treasurer of Marienburg (Malbork); 1544-1545 Castellan of Elbing (Elbląg), 1545-1546 Castellan of Kulm (Chełmno); 1546-1549 Vice-Voivode of Kulm; 1546-1551 Voivode of Pomerania; 1551-1555 Voivode of Kulm (PSB 14, p. 356; Urzędnicy 5/2, p. 216; MAŁŁEK 1976, p. 119-123) refert Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriaeius maiestatemSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria declinata Sandomierz (Sandomiria), town in southeastern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula riverSandomiriaSandomierz (Sandomiria), town in southeastern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river Lviv (Lwów, Leopolis), city in Red Ruthenia, in the 14th-18th centuries in the Kingdom of Poland; today in western UkraineLeopolimLviv (Lwów, Leopolis), city in Red Ruthenia, in the 14th-18th centuries in the Kingdom of Poland; today in western Ukraine recta proficisci. Inde suspicor futurum, ut nuntius noster deposita Cracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of PolandCracoviaeCracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of Poland legatione vacuus sit ad nos rediturus, nisi Dominatio Vestra Reverendissima curaret, ut tantisper illic sustineretur, donec veredariorum opera on the marginoperaopera on the margin regium responsum advolaret. Quod an faciendum sit, videtur deferendum iudicio reverendissimi Jan Chojeński (*1486 – †1538), 1523 royal secretary, 1526-1537 Grand Secretary; 1531-1535 Bishop of Przemyśl, 1535-1537 Bishop of Płock, 1537-1538 Bishop of Cracow, 1537-1538 Grand Chancellor of the Crown (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 248-249; PSB 3, p. 396-399)domini PlocensisJan Chojeński (*1486 – †1538), 1523 royal secretary, 1526-1537 Grand Secretary; 1531-1535 Bishop of Przemyśl, 1535-1537 Bishop of Płock, 1537-1538 Bishop of Cracow, 1537-1538 Grand Chancellor of the Crown (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 248-249; PSB 3, p. 396-399), quem puto Cracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of PolandCracoviaeCracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of Poland vicarium regium agere.

Videtur et in hoc falli Reverendissima Dominatio Vestra, quod existimat reverso nuntio et accepto responso posse statim ad postulationem procedi etiam ante diem praefixum, ad quem demum regius nuntius exspectandus sit, si postulatio non processerit. Ita enim videtur res a Reverendissima Dominatione Vestra instituta. Sed certum est nihil horum recte posse ante diem citationis confici et omnia illo referenda esse. Ideo prospiciat Reverendissima Dominatio Vestra, ne quis error hic incidat, serius adventante nuntio, quam ferat negotium, huncque tutius est nostro(?) verbo quam scripto nominatos proferre, quo liceat ex re moderari consilia.

Antea scripsi plurimum scrupuli in hoc residere apud plerosque, si absque nominationibus proce superinscribedcece superinscribeddendum fuerit ad postulationem, quod non contemnat Reverendissima Dominatio Vestra. Ego in hoc sum sum assidue, ut hanc diluam superstitiosam vacillationem. Alioqui non est, quod Reverendissima Dominatio Vestra hic dubitet aut diffidat de his, qui re ipsa declaraverunt sua studia erga ipsam. Domini Alexander Sculteti (Scholtcze) (*ca. 1485 – †1570), doctor of canon law, cartographer, historian and friend of Copernicus; accused by Dantiscus and Stanisław Hozjusz (Hosius) of Sacramentarian heresy, in 1540 banished by King Sigismund I Jagiellon; in 1541 imprisoned by the Inquisition in Rome; after release from prison in 1544 he stayed in Rome for the rest of his life; 1509-1516 notary at the Roman Curia; 1519-1541 Canon of Ermland (Warmia), 1530-1539 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; 1536-1538 administrator of the komornictwo of Mehlsack (Melzak, today Pieniężno) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 299; SBKW, p. 219-220)AlexandriAlexander Sculteti (Scholtcze) (*ca. 1485 – †1570), doctor of canon law, cartographer, historian and friend of Copernicus; accused by Dantiscus and Stanisław Hozjusz (Hosius) of Sacramentarian heresy, in 1540 banished by King Sigismund I Jagiellon; in 1541 imprisoned by the Inquisition in Rome; after release from prison in 1544 he stayed in Rome for the rest of his life; 1509-1516 notary at the Roman Curia; 1519-1541 Canon of Ermland (Warmia), 1530-1539 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; 1536-1538 administrator of the komornictwo of Mehlsack (Melzak, today Pieniężno) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 299; SBKW, p. 219-220) fidem, quae anceps haberi potuit, mihi confirmavit is, qui virulentia sua omnem illi voluit fidem detrahere. Dominus Achatius Trenck (†1551), in the thirties Trenck was one of Dantiscus’ friends and supported his efforts to obtain the Ermland bishopric after the death of Mauritius Ferber; from 1523 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); 1544-1545 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; from 1545 its Dean; 1533-1546 administrator of the Chapter’s estates in Allenstein (Olsztyn); in 1548 and 1550 General Administrator of the Ermland bishopric (after the deaths of Ioannes Dantiscus and Tiedemann Giese) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 332; SBKW, p. 255-256)AchatiusAchatius Trenck (†1551), in the thirties Trenck was one of Dantiscus’ friends and supported his efforts to obtain the Ermland bishopric after the death of Mauritius Ferber; from 1523 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); 1544-1545 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; from 1545 its Dean; 1533-1546 administrator of the Chapter’s estates in Allenstein (Olsztyn); in 1548 and 1550 General Administrator of the Ermland bishopric (after the deaths of Ioannes Dantiscus and Tiedemann Giese) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 332; SBKW, p. 255-256) noster, qui, cum haec scriberem, huc advenit, miranda mihi narravit de hominis illius portentosa impudentia, nam de maledicentia et mendaciis non ita mirandum est, quibus nominibus olim est nobilitatus. Hanc si apud imprudentem aut stolidum aliquem ageret fabulam, posset iudicio aliquo usus videri, sed homo, de quo nemo bene sentit aut loquitur, vult sibi fidem haberi de nullo commode sentienti et nullius non famam proculcanti.

Dixeram hic cuidam amico in secretam aurem querens omnes prope consiliarios se subduxisse ex proximo conventu Thorunensi et articulum de indigenae interpretatione prorsus neglectui habitum fuisse, nisi nos, qui relicti eramus, praestitissemus operam AWWO, AB, D. 2, f. 46v nostram, significans videlicet Reverendissimam Dominationem Vestram in primis, deinde me collegamque meum text damaged[um]um text damaged. Hanc rem ille subolfactam, ut est in talibus sagacissimus, in quam ementiciam hidden by binding[iciam]iciam hidden by binding calumniam traxerit, non sine stomacho audire potui. Ac utinam liceret mihi per Dominationem Vestram Reverendissimam digerere hanc meam iustam indignationem ac palam detegere illius prodigiosa mendacia ac cor livore et virulentia turgens hidden by binding[s]s hidden by binding. Sed arbitror Reverendissimam Dominationem Vestram agnoscere artificium hominis, qui ut ulciscatur cassas affectiones suas et conscientiam non optimae de se opinionis, hoc maxime conatur, ut nobis, quorum studiis iuvari videtur Dominatio Vestra Reverendissima, fidem apud eam adimat, quominus sint Vestrae quoque Reverendissimae Dominationis res firmae. Sed quid aliud facit, quam quod prodit se ipsam turgens invidia, cuius ingenii est, talibus argumentis ad persuadendum uti, quibus efficit, ut nihil sibi credatur.

Dominatio Vestra Reverendissima, veniam, rogo, det stomacho meo, quo apud illam fortasse plus hidden by binding[us]us hidden by binding, quam decet, efferar. Dabit Dominus Deus tempus, quo de his licentius liceat scribere hidden by binding[cribere]cribere hidden by binding. Quod Dominatio Vestra Reverendissima de canonicatu suo d in dominum Fabian Wojanowski (Fabian of Dąbrówka, Fabian Damerau) (†1540), courtier of King Sigismund I Jagiellon and Queen Bona Sforza, German tutor to their son Sigismund II Augustus. In 1531 he went back to his family name Damerau; Dantiscus' companion on his mission to Emperor Charles V and his successor as a royal envoy at the Imperial court; 1539-1540 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) (from 1538 coadiutor of Henryk von Snellenberg by Dantiscus' patronage) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 49; SBKW, p. 37)FabianumFabian Wojanowski (Fabian of Dąbrówka, Fabian Damerau) (†1540), courtier of King Sigismund I Jagiellon and Queen Bona Sforza, German tutor to their son Sigismund II Augustus. In 1531 he went back to his family name Damerau; Dantiscus' companion on his mission to Emperor Charles V and his successor as a royal envoy at the Imperial court; 1539-1540 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) (from 1538 coadiutor of Henryk von Snellenberg by Dantiscus' patronage) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 49; SBKW, p. 37) destinato haeret hidden by binding[et]et hidden by binding, videtur mihi hoc sine ratione facere. Cum enim alium Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of AustriarexSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria, alium Bona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragonregina hidden by binding[na]na hidden by bindingBona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragon a Reverendissima Dominatione Vestra petat promoveri, habet Reverendissima ipsa Dominatio Vestra occasionem honestam, ut neutri praestet obsequium, ne alteri parendo alterius contemptu aliquid egisse videatur, sed tertio ius illud conferat, utrique maiestati non minus illis grato et probato, cui pridem hoc ipsum Reverendissima Dominatio Vestra promiserit, olim in regiis negotiis fideli servitori suo, ac nunc non segnius hidden by binding[s]s hidden by binding vacanti commisso munere regni in servitio regio, neque esse iam integrum Reverendissimae Dominationi Vestrae aliter facere.

Haec puto Reverendissimam Dominationem Vestram citra metum indignati[ae] hidden by binding[ae hidden by binding[ae]ae hidden by binding][ae] hidden by binding ac honeste afferre in excusationem posse, quibus ne ipse quoque Fabian Wojanowski (Fabian of Dąbrówka, Fabian Damerau) (†1540), courtier of King Sigismund I Jagiellon and Queen Bona Sforza, German tutor to their son Sigismund II Augustus. In 1531 he went back to his family name Damerau; Dantiscus' companion on his mission to Emperor Charles V and his successor as a royal envoy at the Imperial court; 1539-1540 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) (from 1538 coadiutor of Henryk von Snellenberg by Dantiscus' patronage) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 49; SBKW, p. 37)FabianusFabian Wojanowski (Fabian of Dąbrówka, Fabian Damerau) (†1540), courtier of King Sigismund I Jagiellon and Queen Bona Sforza, German tutor to their son Sigismund II Augustus. In 1531 he went back to his family name Damerau; Dantiscus' companion on his mission to Emperor Charles V and his successor as a royal envoy at the Imperial court; 1539-1540 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) (from 1538 coadiutor of Henryk von Snellenberg by Dantiscus' patronage) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 49; SBKW, p. 37) careat(?) hidden by binding[careat(?)]careat(?) hidden by binding, si adest, vel eius benevoli apud Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria

Bona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragon
principesSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria

Bona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragon
desint, operae pretium erit. Aliud est, quod non minus debet Reverendissima Dominatio Vestra, ne his precibus cedat hortari, ne videlicet in consuetudinem veniat, ut Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria

Bona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragon
principesSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria

Bona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragon
sibi sumant hidden by binding[mant]mant hidden by binding potestatem disponendi de canonicatibus electorum in episcopos, quod, cum coepisset hidden by binding[et]et hidden by binding in assumptione Mauritius Ferber (*1471 – †1537), doctor of both canon and civil law; from 1507 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) and Lübeck; from 1514 Canon of Trier; 1512-1515 parish priest of the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Gdańsk (Danzig); from 1516 Custos of Ermland and parish priest of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Gdańsk; from 1519 Canon of Dorpat; from 1523 Canon of Revel; 1523-1537 Bishop of Ermland (KOPICZKO 2, p. 71-72; SBKW, p. 59-60)domini defunctiMauritius Ferber (*1471 – †1537), doctor of both canon and civil law; from 1507 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) and Lübeck; from 1514 Canon of Trier; 1512-1515 parish priest of the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Gdańsk (Danzig); from 1516 Custos of Ermland and parish priest of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Gdańsk; from 1519 Canon of Dorpat; from 1523 Canon of Revel; 1523-1537 Bishop of Ermland (KOPICZKO 2, p. 71-72; SBKW, p. 59-60) non sine effectu temptari, nunc magis ad usum hidden by binding[um]um hidden by binding veniret. Et scit Dominatio Vestra Reverendissima, quam levi occasione quam tenax sit in huiusmodi hidden by binding[odi]odi hidden by binding curia rebus curia.

Canonicatus ille per promotionem vel translationem Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae vacaturus est apud sedem, nec cadit supersub overwrittensubsub overwritten reservatione ... hidden by binding[... illegible...... illegible]... hidden by binding illius nominationis, quam habet doctor Samuel Maciejowski (*1499 – †1550), humanist and diplomat, one of the most trusted advisors to King Sigismund I and then to his son Sigismund II Augustus; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Sandomierz, and from 1530 in Kielce; from 1531 Canon of Gniezno; from 1532 or 1533 to 1537 royal secretary (previously scribe at the royal chancellery); 1537-1539 Grand Secretary; 1539-1547 Crown Vice-Chancellor; 1539-1541 Bishop of Chełm; 1541-1545 Bishop of Płock; 1545-1550 Bishop of Cracow; 1547-1550 Crown Grand Chancellor; in 1532 royal envoy to Rome; in 1534 and 1538 royal envoy to the local diets (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 257-258; Urzędnicy 10, p. 184; PSB 19 Machowski - Maria Kazimiera, p. 64-69)HosiusSamuel Maciejowski (*1499 – †1550), humanist and diplomat, one of the most trusted advisors to King Sigismund I and then to his son Sigismund II Augustus; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Sandomierz, and from 1530 in Kielce; from 1531 Canon of Gniezno; from 1532 or 1533 to 1537 royal secretary (previously scribe at the royal chancellery); 1537-1539 Grand Secretary; 1539-1547 Crown Vice-Chancellor; 1539-1541 Bishop of Chełm; 1541-1545 Bishop of Płock; 1545-1550 Bishop of Cracow; 1547-1550 Crown Grand Chancellor; in 1532 royal envoy to Rome; in 1534 and 1538 royal envoy to the local diets (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 257-258; Urzędnicy 10, p. 184; PSB 19 Machowski - Maria Kazimiera, p. 64-69), quocumque mense fiat translatio hidden by binding[tio]tio hidden by binding. Ideo nihil fiet in eius iniuriam, si alteri suum ius cesserit Reverendissima Dominatio Vestra, cum hidden by binding[m]m hidden by binding neque conducet ante admissam postulationem beneficium hoc dimittere, quod(?) hidden by binding[od(?)]od(?) hidden by binding si non haberet, postulari non posset pactis obstantibus. Quae ratio satis hidden by binding[tis]tis hidden by binding ad rem deferendam proderit, maxime cum nihil fieri posset, nisi ex gratia papae. AWWO, AB, D. 2, f. 47r Post celebratam postulationem datis commendaticiis a Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriamaiestate regiaSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria videtur mihi Reverendissima Dominatio Vestra non honeste posse refragari votis regiis in resignanda parochiali illa, erit enim tunc secura de hoc episcopatu, qui non dependet ex hoc beneficio quemadmodum ex canonicatu, nec vacabit illa ecclesia ex translatione Vestrae Reverendissimae Dominationis, quae illam retinere, ni fallor, posset vi prioris indulti. Sed ante postulationem ne resignet, consulo.

Ex litteris Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae nihil intellego, numquid apud reverendissimum Jan Chojeński (*1486 – †1538), 1523 royal secretary, 1526-1537 Grand Secretary; 1531-1535 Bishop of Przemyśl, 1535-1537 Bishop of Płock, 1537-1538 Bishop of Cracow, 1537-1538 Grand Chancellor of the Crown (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 248-249; PSB 3, p. 396-399)dominum PlocensemJan Chojeński (*1486 – †1538), 1523 royal secretary, 1526-1537 Grand Secretary; 1531-1535 Bishop of Przemyśl, 1535-1537 Bishop of Płock, 1537-1538 Bishop of Cracow, 1537-1538 Grand Chancellor of the Crown (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 248-249; PSB 3, p. 396-399) de meo quoque negotio curatum sit, quod iam ut maiori affectu et sollicitudine tuear, facit aemulorum meorum insectatio et malicia, e qua Dominus me faciet eluctari cum illorum pudore et tormento.

Tota mea spes est ex Dominatione Vestra Reverendissima et mea ipsius conscientia, quae est mihi portus tutissimus. Obsecro, Reverendissima Dominatio Vestra persuadeat sibi de me omnia, quae vel optare posset ab homine fidissimo ac integerrimo servitore. Res ipsa docebit eam non in calcitrosum, ut ille ait, iumentum alendum, sed in famulum obsequentem atque addictissimum sibi devinciendum minime paenitendam collocasse operam.

Valeat felicissime ipsa Reverendissima Dominatio Vestra, cui cupio esse commendatissimus.


Litteras regias omnes cum instructione remitto praesentibus.