Letter #3871
[Ioannes DANTISCUS] to [Tiedemann GIESE]Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński), 1539-07-31
English register:
Dantiscus is sending the messenger of the Gdańsk (Danzig) Town Council to Giese with a letter [from the Council addressed to Dantiscus and Giese], even though they tried to burden him with the package. He thinks the demands made by the Council are legitimate. He asks the addressee to satisfy them and to reply more extensively than he himself has.
He asks Giese to write to the King [Sigismund I Jagiellon] on the matter [of the Gdańsk Town Council] on their joint behalf. Dantiscus will sign and seal the letter, while the Council will cover the cost of its delivery to the court if Giese sends them a copy.
As for [Eberhard] Rogge who has just arrived from Giese, Dantiscus will send him back soon, after they discuss confidential matters in detail.
Manuscript sources:
Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus
Reverendissime in Christo Pater et Domine, frater et paper damaged⌈[t]t paper damaged⌉ amice paper damaged⌈[amice]amice paper damaged⌉ ca paper damaged⌈[ca]ca paper damaged⌉rissime ac honorande.
Salutem paper damaged⌈[em]em paper damaged⌉ et paper damaged⌈[et]et paper damaged⌉ fraternam commendationem.
Scripsi XXIIII huius per nuntium ill(ustrissimi) or ill(ustris)⌈ill(ustrissimi)ill(ustrissimi) or ill(ustris)⌉ domini ducis vicini nostri paper damaged⌈[nostri]nostri paper damaged⌉, quae paper damaged⌈[quae]quae paper damaged⌉ tum se offerebant.
Heri a genti<li>bus nostris adiunctas accepi. Quas a me ad Dominationem paper damaged⌈[e ad Dominationem]e ad Dominationem paper damaged⌉ Vestram Reverendissimam petebant mitti, verum nuntio, qui eas attulit, ut id sibi superinscribed in place of crossed-out per⌈per id sibi paper damaged⌈[ibi]ibi paper damaged⌉ id sibi superinscribed in place of crossed-out per⌉ persuasi, quo dominis suis a Dominatione Vestra Reverendissima referret responsum. Nescio paper damaged⌈[o]o paper damaged⌉ quo[2] [...] paper damaged⌈[...][...] paper damaged⌉ cives sic suis consulunt commoditatibus, ut vel veredarios nos suos esse velint[3]. Rescripsi, quod hunc eorum baiulum ad Dominationem Vestram Reverendissimam miserim, ut ab eo repor paper damaged⌈[or]or paper damaged⌉taret[4] responsum. Quod ut copiosius, quam meum est, Dominatio Vestra Reverendissima non gravate[5] scribat, plurimum oro.
Ea, quae in hac hostilitatis denuntiatione petunt[6], iusta sunt atque iis terris necessaria, verum ut eorum desideriis satisfiat, rogo Dominatio Vestra Reverendissima litteras in hoc negotio suo et meo nomine ad serenissimam maiestatem regiam conscribi faciat easque a se subscriptas sine apposito sigillo cum nuntio, quem ad aulam missura est, qui hinc rectius per Masoviam habebit iter, ad me mittat. Quibus hidden by binding⌈[bus]bus hidden by binding⌉ et ego subs written over ...⌈... illegible⌈...... illegible⌉subssubs written over ...⌉cribam sigilloque eas obsignabo. Satisfaciet pro suo signo adnotatio manus Dominationis Vestrae Reverendissimae, sin vero, mittat per quempiam, qui referat sigillum.
Haec, quae in iis, quemadmodum petunt, ad maiestatem regiam scribenda censuerat, arbitror Dominationem Vestram Reverendissimam gratum factura<m>. Si cum hoc nuntio copiam miserit significans litteras ipsas per suum nuntium ad maiestatem regiam se daturam, ipsi offerunt expensas. Mihi nihil horum, quae Dominatio Vestra Reverendissima scribet, displicebit hidden by binding⌈[it]it hidden by binding⌉.
Quam diutissime incolumem etc.
Datum Heilsberg, ultima Iulii MDXXXIX.
Hac hora venit ad me dominus Roggius. Cum quo de omnibus abunde colloquar et sub ea fiducia, quem illi Dominatio Vestra Reverendissima tribuit, nihil eum celabo, eumque paulopost ad Dominationem Vestram Reverendissimam remittam. Interim, ut is proficiscatur nuntius, commisi.
[2 ] quo paper damaged⌈[quo]quo paper damaged⌉damaged paper, the fragment is still visible on the microfilm stored in the National Library at Warsaw
[3 ] suos esse velint paper damaged⌈[s esse velint]s esse velint paper damaged⌉ damaged paper, the fragment is still visible on the microfilm stored in the National Library at Warsaw
[4 ] eo repor paper damaged⌈[o repor]o repor paper damaged⌉taret damaged paper, the fragment is still visible on the microfilm stored in the National Library at Warsaw
[5 ] gra paper damaged⌈[ra]ra paper damaged⌉vate damaged paper, the fragment is still visible on the microfilm stored in the National Library at Warsaw
[6 ] petunt paper damaged⌈[nt]nt paper damaged⌉ damaged paper, the fragment is still visible on the microfilm stored in the National Library at Warsaw