» CORPUS of Ioannes Dantiscus' Texts & Correspondence
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Letter #1582

Jan Benedyktowicz SOLFA to Ioannes DANTISCUS
Cracow, 1537-02-25
            received [1537]-03-19

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, autograph, BCz, 243, p. 205-206

Auxiliary sources:
1register in Polish, 20th-century, B. PAU-PAN, 8248 (TK 10), f. 390


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


Reverendissime in Christo Pater et Domine, domine gratiosissime et venerande. Praemissis humilibus servitiis meis in favorem.

Reverendissima Paternitas Vestra sciat suas maiestates perbellissime habere, verum archiepiscopus hucusque se continet domi suae, nec exibit, nisi completam sanitatem assequetur. Reverendissimus dominus episcopus Plocensis nactus cancellariatus dignitatem. Cuperem alio feliciore tempore concessam ei, quando et in quadratura Lunae et Saturni et signo bicorporeo hoc officium suscepit, vereor de constabilitate negotii huius, si vera sunt, quae astronomorum periti pro certis habent. Quamquam noster Yeronymus cf. Hier. Ep. Ad Eustochium 22.37.2 ad omnem actum, ad omnem incessum manus pingat Domini crucem ad omnem actum et incessum pingere crucemcf. Hier. Ep. Ad Eustochium 22.37.2 ad omnem actum, ad omnem incessum manus pingat Domini crucem ait saluberrimum esse et plus verum quam omnes caeli aspectus.

Cashovienses modo 42 viri selectissimi cum aliquot iuvenibus egregiis compedibus pressi per Georg Utješenović (Georg Martinuzzi, frater Georgius) (*1482 – †1551), Hungarian statesman; 1535-1551 Bishop of Nagyvárad, 1551 Archbishop of Esztergom, 1551 elevated to CardinalmonachumGeorg Utješenović (Georg Martinuzzi, frater Georgius) (*1482 – †1551), Hungarian statesman; 1535-1551 Bishop of Nagyvárad, 1551 Archbishop of Esztergom, 1551 elevated to Cardinal missi sunt Buda (Ofen), city in Hungary, on the right bank of the Danube river, which divides Buda from Pest, capital of the Kingdom of Hungary; in 1873 Buda, Pest and Óbuda were unified to become BudapestBudamBuda (Ofen), city in Hungary, on the right bank of the Danube river, which divides Buda from Pest, capital of the Kingdom of Hungary; in 1873 Buda, Pest and Óbuda were unified to become Budapest, praeterea omnia viva ex Košice (Cassovia, Kassa), town in Kingdom of Hungary, Upper Hungary, today in SlovakiaCashoviaKošice (Cassovia, Kassa), town in Kingdom of Hungary, Upper Hungary, today in Slovakia ultra Tisza (Cisa)Tissum fluviumTisza (Cisa) eduxisse fertur. Forte sibi timet propter lancigerorum 2000, qui appulerunt ante tres hebdomadas Levoča (Lewocza, Lőcse, Leutsovia), town the Kingdom of Hungary, Spiš, today in SlovakiaLeuczoviamLevoča (Lewocza, Lőcse, Leutsovia), town the Kingdom of Hungary, Spiš, today in Slovakia. Baleae sex Bohemiam cum exactissimo milite Hyspano venisse scribuntur; Switzerland (Helvetia)HelvetiasSwitzerland (Helvetia) omnes in armis. De Iustus Ludovicus Decius (Justus Ludwik Decjusz, Jost Ludwig Dietz, Iodocus Decius) (*ca. 1485 – †1545), merchant, historian, reformer of the Polish monetary system; ennobled in 1519; 1520-1524 royal secretary; 1528 Cracow town councillor; 1528 alderman in Piotrków; 1526-1535 administrator of the royal mint in Königsberg; 1528-1535 administrator of the royal mint in Thorn; 1530-1540 administrator of the royal mint in Cracow; 1519, 1520, 1522, 1523-1524 - royal envoy to Italy (PSB 5, p. 42-45; WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 250-251; NOGA, p. 304)Iosto LudvicoIustus Ludovicus Decius (Justus Ludwik Decjusz, Jost Ludwig Dietz, Iodocus Decius) (*ca. 1485 – †1545), merchant, historian, reformer of the Polish monetary system; ennobled in 1519; 1520-1524 royal secretary; 1528 Cracow town councillor; 1528 alderman in Piotrków; 1526-1535 administrator of the royal mint in Königsberg; 1528-1535 administrator of the royal mint in Thorn; 1530-1540 administrator of the royal mint in Cracow; 1519, 1520, 1522, 1523-1524 - royal envoy to Italy (PSB 5, p. 42-45; WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 250-251; NOGA, p. 304) nil certi auditur, praeter hoc quod 29 Ianuarii suo factori Wrocław (Breslau, Vratislavia), city in southwestern Poland, on the Oder river, historical capital of Silesia, from 1526 ruled by the HabsburgsVratislaviamWrocław (Breslau, Vratislavia), city in southwestern Poland, on the Oder river, historical capital of Silesia, from 1526 ruled by the Habsburgs scripserit se sanum quidem et bene pro suis pecuniis tractari. Deus ipsum ex faucibus latronum tandem eripere dignetur. De The Muscovites (Moscovians, Mosci) MoscorumThe Muscovites (Moscovians, Mosci) oratoribus nil certi adhuc, quid actum sit, auditur.

Valeat felicissime.

Eiusdem Reverendissimae Paternitatis Jan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim)Ioannes BenedictiJan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim) regius doctor et custos Lovicensis etc. obsequentissimus