Letter #1445
[Ioannes DANTISCUS] to [Matthias, Abbot of the Cistercian monastery in Koronowo]Althausen (Starogród), 1536-05-04
English register:
After the addressee’s departure Dantiscus was told that the man [Krzysztof Osieczkowski] who killed Matthias, guardian of the Franciscans in Kulm, was telling everybody that he had been wrongfully excommunicated by Dantiscus, because his alleged victim died of an attack of epilepsy or apoplexy, suffered as he was celebrating Mass.
Dantiscus demands that the addressee provide a statement in writing that the guardian, blue and swollen as a result of being beaten up, died at Easter (in die Sanctae Pascae) at the church [of the addressee’s convent in Koronowo]. Such a statement will enable Dantiscus to refute the charge that he had initiated proceedings against the murderer based on a false accusation.
Manuscript sources:
Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus
Reverende Domine, amice et frater carissime.
Salutem in Domino et omnem felicitatem .
Edocti sumus post discessum a nobis nuper Dominationis Vestrae Reverendae, quod
Postulat itaque ipsius rei veritas pro iuris nostri defensione, cum idem
Eandemque Dominationem Vestram Reverendam quam diutissime in Christo optime valere optamus.
[1 ] December, 24