» Korpus Tekstów i Korespondencji Jana Dantyszka
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List #425

Alfonso de VALDÉS do Ioannes DANTISCUS
Toledo, 1529-02-14

Regest polski:

Valdés cieszy się z listu Dantyszka. Pisze o swoim uwielbieniu dla niego. Wyraża obawę, że Lalemand wymknie się karom, gdyż działają na jego korzyść podobni mu wpływowi nikczemnicy, na szczęście jednak cesarz [Karol V] postanowił, że nie będzie on więcej dopuszczany na dwór. Teksty Dantyszka [epicedium i epitafium] na temat Lalemanda spodobały się ogromnie kanclerzowi [Mercurino Gattinarze] i przyjaciołom. Valdés czeka niecierpliwie na pozostałe obiecane teksty. Martwi się, że nie może przesłać Dantyszkowi do zaopiniowania kopii swojego dialogu o zdobyciu Rzymu ani tekstu dotyczącego pojedynku (ratio singularis certaminis), ponieważ Ioannes [Juan Saganta?] jest cieżko chory, drugi skryba [Gonzalo Peréz?] zaś — zajęty w kancelarii. Przypuszcza jednak, że teksty te nieprędko ukażą się drukiem. Uważa uwięzienie Lalemanda oraz gwałtowną śmierć nuncjusza papieskiego [Baldassare Castiglione] za karę bożą za krytykę dialogu. Historyjka o biskupie Osmy (Oxomensis) [Juan García de Loaysa y Mendoza] rozbawiła Valdésa i przyjaciół, uznaje ją za godną umieszczenia w Pasquillusie.

Kanclerz ucieszył się ogromnie z listu Dantyszka, zgodził się na wszystkie jego poprawki do przywileju [tj. dokumentu nadania tytułu eques auratus]. Dantyszek jest u niego w wielkich łaskach. Valdés przesyła Dantyszkowi przywilej i list do króla [tj. nową wersję pisma, zwalniającego Dantyszka ze służby na dworze cesarskim]. Valdés odpowiada na pytanie Dantyszka o Alfonsa de Virues — jest z nim w przyjaźni, bardzo ceni sobie jego zalety, a wady wybacza. Opowiadał już wcześniej Dantyszkowi, że pośredniczył w załagodzeniu sporu miedzy Viruesem a Erazmem [z Rotterdamu]. Pogłoska o planowanym wyjeździe cesarza do Granady jest fałszywa — ma on wyjechać z Toledo 1 marca do Monserrat, tam spędzi Wielkanoc i na początku maja popłynie do Italii.

Valdés komentuje historyjkę o ciężarnym mnichu — hermafrodycie. Podczas pisania tego listu zaskoczył go Perrenot, przeczytał list Dantyszka i wspólnie śmiali się sardonicznie. Perrenot przekazuje Dantyszkowi pozdrowienia, mimo że nie został przez Dantyszka wspomniany. Pozdrawiają go również kuzyni kanclerza:Bartholomaeus, Hieronymus a Ranzo, Georgius, który właśnie przybył z Italii, i Iacobus a Gattinaria, oraz oficjał genewski (officialis Gebenensis) [Eustace Chapuys] i A(ntonius) Longus. Marliano zgodnie z obietnicą napisze, a Suarez pozdrawia tylekroć, ile jest kłamstw u Marka Aureliusza. Valdés przekazuje pozdrowienia dla Izabeli [Delgada] i dzieci [Juany Dantisca i Juana Dantisco].

            odebrano Valladolid, [1529]-02-18

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1kopia język: łacina, XVIII w., BK, 222, Nr 52, s. 195-197
2kopia język: łacina, XVIII w., BCz, 43 (TN), Nr 16, s. 51-54
3regest z ekscerptami język: łacina, angielski, XX w., CBKUL, R.III, 31, Nr 302.48
4lost czystopis język: łacina, AAWO, AB, D.130, Nr 48

Pomocnicze podstawy źródłowe:
1regest język: polski, XX w., B. PAU-PAN, 8241 (TK 3), a.1529, k. 3

1BOEHMER 1899 s. 400-402 (in extenso)
2AT 11 Nr 49, s. 42-43 (in extenso)
3DE VOCHT 1961 Nr DE, 66, s. 44 (ekscerpt; angielski regest)
4Españoles part II, Nr 50, s. 217-218 (ekscerpt język: hiszpański przekład)
5VALDÉS 1996 Cartas y documentos, Nr 56, s. 134-136 (in extenso)
6CEID 2/3 (Letter No. 31) s. 208-213 (in extenso; angielski regest; polski regest)


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


Clarissimo viro, Domino Ioannes Dantiscus (Johannes von Höfen, Ioannes de Curiis, Jan Dantyszek, Johannes Flachsbinder) (*1485 – †1548), eminent diplomat and humanist in the service of the Jagiellons, neo-Latin poet; 1530-1537 Bishop of Kulm; 1537-1548 Bishop of ErmlandIoanni DantiscoIoannes Dantiscus (Johannes von Höfen, Ioannes de Curiis, Jan Dantyszek, Johannes Flachsbinder) (*1485 – †1548), eminent diplomat and humanist in the service of the Jagiellons, neo-Latin poet; 1530-1537 Bishop of Kulm; 1537-1548 Bishop of Ermland serenissimi Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriaregis PoloniaeSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria oratori etc.

Salutem plurimam.

Non est, cur neque ego apud te, neque tu vicissim apud me pluribus verbis utamur, cum nota explorataque utrique nostrum sit mutua inter nos benevolentia vel potius mea in te pietas, quam si<c> ut animo concepi, ita et verbis exprimere aut operibus comprobare daretur, sat, scio, diceres spe tua te aut opinione minime frustratum esse. Quam mihi fuerint tuae cf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to [Alfonso] de VALDÉS Valladolid, 1529-02-01, CIDTC IDL 5771litteraecf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to [Alfonso] de VALDÉS Valladolid, 1529-02-01, CIDTC IDL 5771 gratissimae, quid opus est dicere, cum tibi compertum sit, quo affectu tua omnia ego exosculer suscipiamque.

De Jean Lalemand (Ioannes Alemanus) (*1470 – †1560), friend of Erasmus of Rotterdam, adherent of Charles de Lannoy, Viceroy of Naples, personal enemy of Alfonso de Valdés, whom he charged with Lutheranism on the basis of his work "Dialogo de las cosas ocurridas en Roma"; secretary to Charles V, in December 1528 accused of betrayal and imprisoned, never regained the Emperor's favourLalemantoJean Lalemand (Ioannes Alemanus) (*1470 – †1560), friend of Erasmus of Rotterdam, adherent of Charles de Lannoy, Viceroy of Naples, personal enemy of Alfonso de Valdés, whom he charged with Lutheranism on the basis of his work "Dialogo de las cosas ocurridas en Roma"; secretary to Charles V, in December 1528 accused of betrayal and imprisoned, never regained the Emperor's favour nihil est, quod ulterius ad te scribam. O, quam alte exclamares, si, quae hic passim videmus, tuque cerneres. Habet pestis illa, qui illi patrocinari audeant quosque illum defendere non pudeat, et tamen sese hi nobis ut semideos venditant. Sed quid facias? Ita maiores nostri vixerunt, ita nobis vivendum est. Hanc orbis miseriam caecitatemque ferre coacti sunt, ea nobis, velimus nolimus, toleranda est. Non dubito patronos eiusdem farinae esse, sed quia eiusdem farinae sunt neque illi neque ulli mortalium bene volunt, nisi sibi ipsis, neque patrocinant Jean Lalemand (Ioannes Alemanus) (*1470 – †1560), friend of Erasmus of Rotterdam, adherent of Charles de Lannoy, Viceroy of Naples, personal enemy of Alfonso de Valdés, whom he charged with Lutheranism on the basis of his work "Dialogo de las cosas ocurridas en Roma"; secretary to Charles V, in December 1528 accused of betrayal and imprisoned, never regained the Emperor's favourLalemantoJean Lalemand (Ioannes Alemanus) (*1470 – †1560), friend of Erasmus of Rotterdam, adherent of Charles de Lannoy, Viceroy of Naples, personal enemy of Alfonso de Valdés, whom he charged with Lutheranism on the basis of his work "Dialogo de las cosas ocurridas en Roma"; secretary to Charles V, in December 1528 accused of betrayal and imprisoned, never regained the Emperor's favour, sed propria scelera in Lalemanti causa tuentur. Jean Lalemand (Ioannes Alemanus) (*1470 – †1560), friend of Erasmus of Rotterdam, adherent of Charles de Lannoy, Viceroy of Naples, personal enemy of Alfonso de Valdés, whom he charged with Lutheranism on the basis of his work "Dialogo de las cosas ocurridas en Roma"; secretary to Charles V, in December 1528 accused of betrayal and imprisoned, never regained the Emperor's favourHominemJean Lalemand (Ioannes Alemanus) (*1470 – †1560), friend of Erasmus of Rotterdam, adherent of Charles de Lannoy, Viceroy of Naples, personal enemy of Alfonso de Valdés, whom he charged with Lutheranism on the basis of his work "Dialogo de las cosas ocurridas en Roma"; secretary to Charles V, in December 1528 accused of betrayal and imprisoned, never regained the Emperor's favour evasurum arbitror, non tamen in aulam Charles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of CastilecaesarisCharles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile deinceps admittetur, etiamsi evaserit, id enim caesaris decretum est. cf. Ad Lalemantum [epicedium et epitaphium] Jean LALEMAND 1529-01-16 — 1529-02-01, CIDTC IDP 161Quod in eum scripsisticf. Ad Lalemantum [epicedium et epitaphium] Jean LALEMAND 1529-01-16 — 1529-02-01, CIDTC IDP 161, fuit certe et Mercurino Arborio di Gattinara (*1465 – †1530), humanist, jurist, trusted and influential advisor to Charles V; 1501 entered the service of the Habsburgs as legal counsel to Duchess Margaret of Austria, 1504 advisor and President of the Privy Council of Margaret of Austria, after the governoship of the Netherlands was entrusted to her, 1518 Grand Chancellor of Castile and later of Charles V as Roman Emperor, 1529 Cardinal of St. Giovanni a Porta Latina (after the death of his wife, Andreetta Avogadro) (DE VOCHT 1961, p. 12; CE, vol. 2, p. 76-80)cancellarioMercurino Arborio di Gattinara (*1465 – †1530), humanist, jurist, trusted and influential advisor to Charles V; 1501 entered the service of the Habsburgs as legal counsel to Duchess Margaret of Austria, 1504 advisor and President of the Privy Council of Margaret of Austria, after the governoship of the Netherlands was entrusted to her, 1518 Grand Chancellor of Castile and later of Charles V as Roman Emperor, 1529 Cardinal of St. Giovanni a Porta Latina (after the death of his wife, Andreetta Avogadro) (DE VOCHT 1961, p. 12; CE, vol. 2, p. 76-80) et amicis omnibus gratissimum, est enim et lepidum et argutum et tali viro dignum. Cetera, quae polliceris, avidissime exspecto. Gravissimus mei probably Juan Saganta till 1532 scribe of Alfonso de Valdés; 1532-1550 secretary of Nicolas Perrenot de Granvelle; after 1550 secretary of his son Antoine; served in the imperial chancellery of Charles V and than in the chancellery of the Spanish king Philipp II more than 60 years; mentor of Juan Vicente Peliger, who was an author of Primera y segunda parte del estilo y metodo de escriuir cartas (Madrid 1599) (VALDÉS 1996, No. 107, p. 274-275; PELIGER, Prologo a los aficionados Lectores en esta profesion; BERTOMEU, p. 26, note no. 19)Ioannisprobably Juan Saganta till 1532 scribe of Alfonso de Valdés; 1532-1550 secretary of Nicolas Perrenot de Granvelle; after 1550 secretary of his son Antoine; served in the imperial chancellery of Charles V and than in the chancellery of the Spanish king Philipp II more than 60 years; mentor of Juan Vicente Peliger, who was an author of Primera y segunda parte del estilo y metodo de escriuir cartas (Madrid 1599) (VALDÉS 1996, No. 107, p. 274-275; PELIGER, Prologo a los aficionados Lectores en esta profesion; BERTOMEU, p. 26, note no. 19) morbus effecit, ut neque cf. Alfonso de Valdés, Dialogo de las cosas acaecidas en Roma dialogum de capta urbecf. Alfonso de Valdés, Dialogo de las cosas acaecidas en Roma , neque rationem singularis certaminis ad te mittere possim, nam alium probably Gonzalo Pérez (*1500 – †1567), humanist, writer, author of a translation of "The Odyssey" (1550); father of Antonio Pérez, secretary of Philip II; after his death, in 1574, his collection of rare Greek and Latin manuscripts was acquired by king Philip II for the Escorial library; until 1532 scribe of Alfonso de Valdés; then secretary of Emperor Charles V and King Philip II of Spain (CEID 2/3, p. 26, 210; GONZÁLEZ, passim)amanuensemprobably Gonzalo Pérez (*1500 – †1567), humanist, writer, author of a translation of "The Odyssey" (1550); father of Antonio Pérez, secretary of Philip II; after his death, in 1574, his collection of rare Greek and Latin manuscripts was acquired by king Philip II for the Escorial library; until 1532 scribe of Alfonso de Valdés; then secretary of Emperor Charles V and King Philip II of Spain (CEID 2/3, p. 26, 210; GONZÁLEZ, passim) suis duellis occupavit Mercurino Arborio di Gattinara (*1465 – †1530), humanist, jurist, trusted and influential advisor to Charles V; 1501 entered the service of the Habsburgs as legal counsel to Duchess Margaret of Austria, 1504 advisor and President of the Privy Council of Margaret of Austria, after the governoship of the Netherlands was entrusted to her, 1518 Grand Chancellor of Castile and later of Charles V as Roman Emperor, 1529 Cardinal of St. Giovanni a Porta Latina (after the death of his wife, Andreetta Avogadro) (DE VOCHT 1961, p. 12; CE, vol. 2, p. 76-80)cancellariusMercurino Arborio di Gattinara (*1465 – †1530), humanist, jurist, trusted and influential advisor to Charles V; 1501 entered the service of the Habsburgs as legal counsel to Duchess Margaret of Austria, 1504 advisor and President of the Privy Council of Margaret of Austria, after the governoship of the Netherlands was entrusted to her, 1518 Grand Chancellor of Castile and later of Charles V as Roman Emperor, 1529 Cardinal of St. Giovanni a Porta Latina (after the death of his wife, Andreetta Avogadro) (DE VOCHT 1961, p. 12; CE, vol. 2, p. 76-80). Dolet me, quod tuum iudicium ea in re habere nequeo, sed nihil fortassis horum exibit, quousque iterum venias ad nos. Vides, quam aequissimus fuerit Optimus Deus, mei cf. Alfonso de Valdés, Dialogo de las cosas acaecidas en Roma dialogicf. Alfonso de Valdés, Dialogo de las cosas acaecidas en Roma vindex, qui Jean Lalemand (Ioannes Alemanus) (*1470 – †1560), friend of Erasmus of Rotterdam, adherent of Charles de Lannoy, Viceroy of Naples, personal enemy of Alfonso de Valdés, whom he charged with Lutheranism on the basis of his work "Dialogo de las cosas ocurridas en Roma"; secretary to Charles V, in December 1528 accused of betrayal and imprisoned, never regained the Emperor's favourLalemantumJean Lalemand (Ioannes Alemanus) (*1470 – †1560), friend of Erasmus of Rotterdam, adherent of Charles de Lannoy, Viceroy of Naples, personal enemy of Alfonso de Valdés, whom he charged with Lutheranism on the basis of his work "Dialogo de las cosas ocurridas en Roma"; secretary to Charles V, in December 1528 accused of betrayal and imprisoned, never regained the Emperor's favour in carcerem trusit et Baldassare Castiglione (*1478 – †1529), humanist, author of the famous Il libro del Cortegiano; 1524-1529 ambassador of the Holy See (nuntius) in SpainnuntiumBaldassare Castiglione (*1478 – †1529), humanist, author of the famous Il libro del Cortegiano; 1524-1529 ambassador of the Holy See (nuntius) in Spain Clement VII (Giulio de' Medici) (*1478 – †1534), 1523-1534 PopepontificisClement VII (Giulio de' Medici) (*1478 – †1534), 1523-1534 Pope repentina morte rapuit, ut ne rebus quidem suis disponere quiverit. Haec sunt Dei iudicia, sic solent poenas dare, qui peccantes in Spiritum Sanctum contradicunt veritati.

Fabula Juan García de Loaysa y Mendoza (*1478 – †1546), confessor of Charles V; 1518–1524 Master General of the Dominican Order, 1524-1532 bishop of Osma, 1530 elevated to Cardinal, 1532-1539 - of Sigüenza, 1539-1546 Archbishop of Seville, 1546 General Inquisitor of SpainOxomensisJuan García de Loaysa y Mendoza (*1478 – †1546), confessor of Charles V; 1518–1524 Master General of the Dominican Order, 1524-1532 bishop of Osma, 1530 elevated to Cardinal, 1532-1539 - of Sigüenza, 1539-1546 Archbishop of Seville, 1546 General Inquisitor of Spain nos plurimum exhilaravit, sed ea ego a Pasquillo exspecto. Vix crederes, quam fuerint Mercurino Arborio di Gattinara (*1465 – †1530), humanist, jurist, trusted and influential advisor to Charles V; 1501 entered the service of the Habsburgs as legal counsel to Duchess Margaret of Austria, 1504 advisor and President of the Privy Council of Margaret of Austria, after the governoship of the Netherlands was entrusted to her, 1518 Grand Chancellor of Castile and later of Charles V as Roman Emperor, 1529 Cardinal of St. Giovanni a Porta Latina (after the death of his wife, Andreetta Avogadro) (DE VOCHT 1961, p. 12; CE, vol. 2, p. 76-80)cancellarioMercurino Arborio di Gattinara (*1465 – †1530), humanist, jurist, trusted and influential advisor to Charles V; 1501 entered the service of the Habsburgs as legal counsel to Duchess Margaret of Austria, 1504 advisor and President of the Privy Council of Margaret of Austria, after the governoship of the Netherlands was entrusted to her, 1518 Grand Chancellor of Castile and later of Charles V as Roman Emperor, 1529 Cardinal of St. Giovanni a Porta Latina (after the death of his wife, Andreetta Avogadro) (DE VOCHT 1961, p. 12; CE, vol. 2, p. 76-80) tuae cf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to [Alfonso] de VALDÉS Valladolid, 1529-02-01, CIDTC IDL 5771litteraecf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to [Alfonso] de VALDÉS Valladolid, 1529-02-01, CIDTC IDL 5771 iucundissimae, qui cum ad te rescribat, nolo ego de illius in te animo plura commemorare. Quae in tuo privilegio addi voluisti, libentissime admisit. Si quid praeterea desiderabis, scribito. Nullus est, qui facilius quidvis a nobis impetret, quam tu, idque tuo merito. Mittimus itaque privilegium, mittimus et litteras Charles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of CastilecaesarisCharles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile ad Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of AustriaregemSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria tuum, neque antea mitti potuerunt. Alfonso de Virués (Alonso Ruiz de Virués) (*1493 – †1545), Spanish Erasmianist and Benedictine preacher; 1531 prior of San Vincente in Salamanca; court preacher of Emperor Charles V (date unknown); 1533 abbot of San Zoilo de Carrión; 1538 bishop of the Canary Islands (CE, vol. 3, p. 400-401)Alfonsus ille ViruesiusAlfonso de Virués (Alonso Ruiz de Virués) (*1493 – †1545), Spanish Erasmianist and Benedictine preacher; 1531 prior of San Vincente in Salamanca; court preacher of Emperor Charles V (date unknown); 1533 abbot of San Zoilo de Carrión; 1538 bishop of the Canary Islands (CE, vol. 3, p. 400-401) , quem te audire dicis contionantem, est mihi amicissimus, et, si recte memini, saepius de eo sermonem tecum habui. Scripsit enim olim nescio quas nugas ad Erasmus of Rotterdam (Gerrit Gerritszoon, Geert Geerts, Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus) (*1466/1469 – †1536), Dutch humanist and theologian, distinguished philologist, the most famous and influential humanist of the Northern Renaissance; his works had a profound impact upon Christian theology during the first half of the sixteenth centuryErasmumErasmus of Rotterdam (Gerrit Gerritszoon, Geert Geerts, Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus) (*1466/1469 – †1536), Dutch humanist and theologian, distinguished philologist, the most famous and influential humanist of the Northern Renaissance; his works had a profound impact upon Christian theology during the first half of the sixteenth century, quibus homunculum concitavit, mea tamen opera reditum est in gratiam. Multa sunt, quae in homine merito placent, sed et alia, quae iure displicent. Quod dat, accipimus, cetera devoramus, ita vivendum est.

Hic quoque rumor erat, Charles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of CastilecaesaremCharles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile iturum Granada (Granata), city in southern Spain, Andalusia, at the foot of the Sierra Nevada mountainsGranatamGranada (Granata), city in southern Spain, Andalusia, at the foot of the Sierra Nevada mountains, falso tamen, nam die primo Martii hinc discedet apud Montserrat (Mons Serratus), mountain in Catalonia, eastern Spain, site of the Benedictine abbey of Santa Maria de Montserrat, a famous place of worship of the blessed Virgin MaryMontem SerratumMontserrat (Mons Serratus), mountain in Catalonia, eastern Spain, site of the Benedictine abbey of Santa Maria de Montserrat, a famous place of worship of the blessed Virgin Mary celebraturus Pascha, indeque sub initium Maii navim ascensurus et Italy (Italia)ItaliamItaly (Italia) versus (si Deus concesserit) navigaturus. Ita decretum est.

De monacho praegnante nihil aliud scio, quam illum hermaphroditum esse iamque septimo mense foetum gestare. Ego certe non tantum admiror factum, sed qui fieri potuit, ut inter tot distensos monachos concipere potuerit, aut cur eadem opera non concipiunt meretrices. Neque enim credendum est in tali officina segniorem operam illum aut, si mavis, illam navasse. Cum haec scriberem, deprehendit me dominus Nicolas Perrenot de Granvelle (*1484 – †1550), doctor of both canon and civil law, one of the most trusted advisors of Emperor Charles V, in 1519 entered the service of Charles V, in 1521 took part in the Habsburg-French negotiations in Calais, in 1529 in peace negotiations with the Roman Curia and the Italian states, and later, in 1538, in the conference of Nice between Charles V and Francis I; prominent official and advisor of Charles V and of Margaret of Austria in the administration of the County of Burgundy and of the Habsburg Netherlands, collaborator of Chancellor Gattinara, 1530 secretary of State for German and Netherlandish affairs and Chancellor of the Kingdom of Sicily and Naples (he replaced Gattinara after his death in the position of Grand Chancellor, although not using the title); imperial envoy to France (several times up to 1528) (CE, vol. 3, p. 68-70; DURME 1964; ANTONY 2006)PerrenotusNicolas Perrenot de Granvelle (*1484 – †1550), doctor of both canon and civil law, one of the most trusted advisors of Emperor Charles V, in 1519 entered the service of Charles V, in 1521 took part in the Habsburg-French negotiations in Calais, in 1529 in peace negotiations with the Roman Curia and the Italian states, and later, in 1538, in the conference of Nice between Charles V and Francis I; prominent official and advisor of Charles V and of Margaret of Austria in the administration of the County of Burgundy and of the Habsburg Netherlands, collaborator of Chancellor Gattinara, 1530 secretary of State for German and Netherlandish affairs and Chancellor of the Kingdom of Sicily and Naples (he replaced Gattinara after his death in the position of Grand Chancellor, although not using the title); imperial envoy to France (several times up to 1528) (CE, vol. 3, p. 68-70; DURME 1964; ANTONY 2006). Legit tuas litteras, risimus Sardonium (ut aiunt) risum. Iussit, ut eius nomine plurimam tibi salutem dicerem, tametsi de eo nulla sit tuis in litteris mentio. Idem petiit dominus probably Giovanni Bartolomeo di Gattinara (Giambartolommeo Arborio di Gattinara) (†1544), son of Pietro, nephew of chancellor Mercurino di Gattinara; Doctor of both laws, counsellor of emperor Charles V (DE VOCHT 1961, p. 37; CASALIS, p. 270)Bartholomaeusprobably Giovanni Bartolomeo di Gattinara (Giambartolommeo Arborio di Gattinara) (†1544), son of Pietro, nephew of chancellor Mercurino di Gattinara; Doctor of both laws, counsellor of emperor Charles V (DE VOCHT 1961, p. 37; CASALIS, p. 270) et quidem officiose admodum, est enim totus tuus cum toto amicorum collegio. Girolamo Ranzo (Hieronymus Ranzeus) (*1494 – †1567), Ranzo was the surname of mother of Mercurino Gattinara, Felicita; courtier of emperor Charles V; cupbearer of the Dukes of Savoy (DE-GREGORY 1821, p. 182; BORNATE, p. 239)Hieronymus a RanzoGirolamo Ranzo (Hieronymus Ranzeus) (*1494 – †1567), Ranzo was the surname of mother of Mercurino Gattinara, Felicita; courtier of emperor Charles V; cupbearer of the Dukes of Savoy (DE-GREGORY 1821, p. 182; BORNATE, p. 239), Giorgio di Gattinara nephew of chancellor Mercurino; marquis of Romagnano; equerry of emperor Charles V (CASALIS, p. 270)GeorgiusGiorgio di Gattinara nephew of chancellor Mercurino; marquis of Romagnano; equerry of emperor Charles V (CASALIS, p. 270), qui nuper venit ex Italy (Italia)ItaliaItaly (Italia), et Iacobus di Gattinara Iacobus a GattinariaIacobus di Gattinara Mercurino Arborio di Gattinara (*1465 – †1530), humanist, jurist, trusted and influential advisor to Charles V; 1501 entered the service of the Habsburgs as legal counsel to Duchess Margaret of Austria, 1504 advisor and President of the Privy Council of Margaret of Austria, after the governoship of the Netherlands was entrusted to her, 1518 Grand Chancellor of Castile and later of Charles V as Roman Emperor, 1529 Cardinal of St. Giovanni a Porta Latina (after the death of his wife, Andreetta Avogadro) (DE VOCHT 1961, p. 12; CE, vol. 2, p. 76-80)cancellariiMercurino Arborio di Gattinara (*1465 – †1530), humanist, jurist, trusted and influential advisor to Charles V; 1501 entered the service of the Habsburgs as legal counsel to Duchess Margaret of Austria, 1504 advisor and President of the Privy Council of Margaret of Austria, after the governoship of the Netherlands was entrusted to her, 1518 Grand Chancellor of Castile and later of Charles V as Roman Emperor, 1529 Cardinal of St. Giovanni a Porta Latina (after the death of his wife, Andreetta Avogadro) (DE VOCHT 1961, p. 12; CE, vol. 2, p. 76-80) nepotes, Eustace Chapuys (Eustache Chappuis) (*ca. 1491 – †1556), from 1531 friend and correspondent of Erasmus; from 1517 official of the diocese of Geneva, 1517-1519 secretary of Duke Charles III of Savoy, ca. 1523-1527 in the service of Constable Charles de Bourbon, from 1527 councillor of Emperor Charles V, 1529-1545 imperial ambassador in England (CE, vol. 1, p. 293-295)officialis GebennensisEustace Chapuys (Eustache Chappuis) (*ca. 1491 – †1556), from 1531 friend and correspondent of Erasmus; from 1517 official of the diocese of Geneva, 1517-1519 secretary of Duke Charles III of Savoy, ca. 1523-1527 in the service of Constable Charles de Bourbon, from 1527 councillor of Emperor Charles V, 1529-1545 imperial ambassador in England (CE, vol. 1, p. 293-295), Antonius Longus Antonius LongusAntonius Longus te plurimum salvere iubent. Juan Antonio Marliano (Jean Antoine de Marlian), born in a Milanese family in the service of the Sforzas and Habsburgs, member of Charles V's court in the Netherlands (at least in 1517 and 1521), son of Luigi Marliano, member of the privy council of Charles of Habsburg (as Spanish King), and Erasmus' friend (CE, vol. 2, p. 392-393; Españoles, p. 119)MarlianusJuan Antonio Marliano (Jean Antoine de Marlian), born in a Milanese family in the service of the Sforzas and Habsburgs, member of Charles V's court in the Netherlands (at least in 1517 and 1521), son of Luigi Marliano, member of the privy council of Charles of Habsburg (as Spanish King), and Erasmus' friend (CE, vol. 2, p. 392-393; Españoles, p. 119), uti pollicitus est, scribet, noster probably Suárez, physician of Madrid (Xuárez), Erasmianist (CE, vol. 3, p. 296)Suarezprobably Suárez, physician of Madrid (Xuárez), Erasmianist (CE, vol. 3, p. 296) te toties salvere vult, quot mendacia sunt in “Marco Aurelio”.[1]

Isabel Delgada (†after 1546-06-15), Dantiscus' paramour during his stay in Spain, mother of his two children, Juana and Juan (Juan died in childhood)IsidiIsabel Delgada (†after 1546-06-15), Dantiscus' paramour during his stay in Spain, mother of his two children, Juana and Juan (Juan died in childhood) cum Juana Dantisca (*1527 – †1601), daughter of Ioannes Dantiscus and Isabel Delgada; wife of Diego Gracián de Alderete (SKOLIMOWSKA 2004, p. 52; LLAMAS 1995; LLAMAS 1999; LLAMAS 2001; LLAMAS, SKOLIMOWSKA; MELGAR, 37, ...)

Juan Dantisco (*1528 – †1530), son of Ioannes Dantiscus and Isabel Delgada
proleJuana Dantisca (*1527 – †1601), daughter of Ioannes Dantiscus and Isabel Delgada; wife of Diego Gracián de Alderete (SKOLIMOWSKA 2004, p. 52; LLAMAS 1995; LLAMAS 1999; LLAMAS 2001; LLAMAS, SKOLIMOWSKA; MELGAR, 37, ...)

Juan Dantisco (*1528 – †1530), son of Ioannes Dantiscus and Isabel Delgada
meis verbis salutem dices.


[1 ] cf. fr. Antonio de Guevara, Libro áureo de Marco Aurelio, [Sevilla], [1528-02-27] Libro áureo de Marco Aureliocf. fr. Antonio de Guevara, Libro áureo de Marco Aurelio, [Sevilla], [1528-02-27] , one of the most noted works of a Spanish historian and moralist Fray Antonio de Guevara (1481-1545), first published in Sevilla, 1528-02-27. The book consisted of fictitious correspondence of the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, cf. cf. Agustin Redondo, Antonio de Guevara (1480?-1545) et L'Espagne de son temps. De la carrière officiale aux oevres politico-morales, Service de reproduction des theses Universite de Lille III, 1978 , chapter “Les Antécédents du «Relox de príncipes»: le «Libro áureo de Marco Aurelio»”, p. 465-522REDONDO 1978cf. Agustin Redondo, Antonio de Guevara (1480?-1545) et L'Espagne de son temps. De la carrière officiale aux oevres politico-morales, Service de reproduction des theses Universite de Lille III, 1978 , chapter “Les Antécédents du «Relox de príncipes»: le «Libro áureo de Marco Aurelio»”, p. 465-522