» CORPUS of Ioannes Dantiscus' Texts & Correspondence
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Letter #5793

Alfonso de VALDÉS to Ioannes DANTISCUS
s.l., [1526-09-18 — 1526-12-10 or 1527-01-26 — 1527-03-30 or 1527-10-18 — 1528-12-17 or 1529-04-20 — 1529-07-27 or 1529-08-12 — 1529-10-18 or 1529-11-05 — 1530-04-18]

English register:

Valdés asks Dantiscus to show understanding. He is short of time for meetings because he has to be with the chancellor [Mercurino Gattinara] every day. The best time for this is dinnertime because he dislikes going out in the evenings. That’s why he cannot have dinner with Dantiscus today, but if he has time he will come tomorrow. The emperor will probably sign the promised letters to the king [Sigismund I] and queen [Bona] and the passport (litterae commeatus) tomorrow. Valdés made sure that copies of the letters from the king [Sigismund I] and queen [Bona] to the emperor were made for Dantiscus. Valdés thinks everyone here owes so much to the virtues and services of Dantiscus that there is no need for him to pay the scribe for the copying work.

Manuscript sources:
1copy in Latin, 18th-century, BK, 222, No. 54, p. 200 (c.p. 1)
2copy in Latin, 18th-century, BCz, 40 (TN), No. 254, p. 986-987

Auxiliary sources:
1register in Polish, 20th-century, B. PAU-PAN, 8250 (TK 12), f. 626

1CEID 2/3 (Letter No. 38) p. 226-227 (in extenso; English register; Polish register)


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


Scias tu quidem, amice, quod meam negligentiam in meliorem partem interpretaris. Nihil certe mihi aut gratius, aut dulcius tua consuetudine esse posset. Cogor tamen semel in die convenire cancellarium. Id facio in prandio, nam commodius tempus non datur. In nocte invitus domo absum. Quare tu ipse, ms 2 quaeso,
ms 1 ... gap left by scribe
quaesoms 2 quaeso,
ms 1 ... gap left by scribe
, me excusa venturum cras ad prandium, si vacabit, nam hodie non licet nec possum. Ceterum omnes litterae tuae, tum ad reges tuos, tum commeatus, confectae sunt, ms 2 nondum,
ms 1 nundum
nondumms 2 nondum,
ms 1 nundum
tamen a caesare subsignatae. Fiet fortasse cras. Praeterea facimus, ut habeas exempla litterarum regis et reginae, tum ad caesarem, tum ad cancellarium, nec opus est, ut praemio incites scribam, cum scias, quantum omnes tuis sive virtutibus, sive meritis debeamus.
