» CORPUS of Ioannes Dantiscus' Texts & Correspondence
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Letter #1919

Cracow, 1538-09-14
            received [1538]-09-23

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, BCz, 1597, p. 109-112


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


Reverendissime Domine, domine colendissime.

Post mei meorumque servitiorum commendationem.

Quemadmodum scripserat ad me Vestra Reverendissima Dominatio, interponerem partes meas ad Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriamaiestatem regiamSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria, quo transponeretur conventus terrarum istarum Prussiae in aliud tempus. Id diligentissime fieri curavi, quod Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriasua maiestasSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria non gravatim facere dignata est, quod hunc conventum in aliud tempus, ad quod Vestra Reverendissima Dominatio postulavit, transposuit. Cuius conventus transpositionis litteras regias Vestrae Reverendissimae Dominationi mitto.

Mitto praeterea litteras confirmationis articulorum per Council of Royal Prussia the most important local authority in Royal Prussia. It consisted of two bishops (of Ermland (Warmia), who served as the Council’s president, and of Kulm (Chełmno)), three voivodes (of Kulm, Marienburg (Malbork), and Pomerania), three castellans (of Kulm, Elbing (Elbląg), and Gdańsk (Danzig)), three chamberlains (of Kulm, Marienburg, and Pomerania), and representatives of the three Great Prussian Cities – Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (ACHREMCZYK 2016, p. 17-18)consiliarios terrarum PrussiaeCouncil of Royal Prussia the most important local authority in Royal Prussia. It consisted of two bishops (of Ermland (Warmia), who served as the Council’s president, and of Kulm (Chełmno)), three voivodes (of Kulm, Marienburg (Malbork), and Pomerania), three castellans (of Kulm, Elbing (Elbląg), and Gdańsk (Danzig)), three chamberlains (of Kulm, Marienburg, and Pomerania), and representatives of the three Great Prussian Cities – Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (ACHREMCZYK 2016, p. 17-18) factorum manu Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriasuae maiestatisSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria subscriptas Vestrae Reverendissimae Dominationi. Nova, quae hic audiuntur, in praesentiarum nulla iucunda et bona sunt, praeter id quod Petru IV Raresh (Petrylo) (*ca. 1487 – †1546), 1527-1538 and 1541-1546 Hospodar of Moldaviapalatinus MoldaviaePetru IV Raresh (Petrylo) (*ca. 1487 – †1546), 1527-1538 and 1541-1546 Hospodar of Moldavia cum maiestate regia{m} in gratiam rediit. Ferunt enim Suleiman the Magnificent (*1494 – †1566), 1520-1566 Sultan of the Ottoman EmpireTurcarum imperatoremSuleiman the Magnificent (*1494 – †1566), 1520-1566 Sultan of the Ottoman Empire cum ingentibus copiis Duchy of Wal(l)achia (Valachia), country in central Europe stretching northwards from the lower Danube river, southern from the Duchy of Moldaviaterram ValachiaeDuchy of Wal(l)achia (Valachia), country in central Europe stretching northwards from the lower Danube river, southern from the Duchy of Moldavia intrare illamque velle occupare novumque voievodam cupere instituere. Quod profecto nobis omnibus est auditu acerbum. Avertat clementissimus Deus a nobis hostem improbum et potentissimum. Alia non sunt, quae digna scitu Dominationis Reverendissimae Vestrae iudicarem.

Commendo me iterum atque iterum gratiae Vestrae Reverendissimae Dominationis, quam diutissime valere ex animo desidero.

Datae Cracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of PolandCracoviaeCracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of Poland, die XIIII-a Septembris anno Domini M-o D-o XXXVIII-o.

Eiusdem Vestrae Reverendissime Dominationis servitor Paweł Dunin-Wolski (Paweł Wolski) (†1546), 1533-1543 Starost of Gostynin; 1532-1537 Castellan of Sochaczew; 1537-1539 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1537-1546 Burgrave of Cracow; 1539-1544 Grand Chancellor of the Crown; 1539-1544 Castellan of Radom; 1544-1546 Bishop of Poznań (after the death of his wife) (Urzędnicy 10, p. 214)Paulus de VoliaPaweł Dunin-Wolski (Paweł Wolski) (†1546), 1533-1543 Starost of Gostynin; 1532-1537 Castellan of Sochaczew; 1537-1539 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1537-1546 Burgrave of Cracow; 1539-1544 Grand Chancellor of the Crown; 1539-1544 Castellan of Radom; 1544-1546 Bishop of Poznań (after the death of his wife) (Urzędnicy 10, p. 214) Poland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)regni PoloniaePoland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia) vicecancellarius manu sua