» Korpus Tekstów i Korespondencji Jana Dantyszka
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List #1819

Ioannes DANTISCUS do Tiedemann GIESE
Allenstein (Olsztyn), 1537-12-16

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: łacina, autograf, address in secretary's hand, BCz, 244, s. 319-322
2kopia język: łacina, XX w., B. PAU-PAN, 8243 (TK 5), a.1537, k. 67

Pomocnicze podstawy źródłowe:
1regest język: polski, XX w., B. PAU-PAN, 8248 (TK 10), k. 674

1CEID 1/1 Nr 92, p. 369-370 (in extenso; angielski regest)


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


Reverendissime Domine, frater et amice carissime et observande. Salutem fraternique amoris commendationem.

Non potui committere 1537-12-15heri1537-12-15 Allenstein (Olsztyn), city on the Łyna river in southern Ermland (Warmia), Allenstein castle was the seat of the administrator of the Ermland Chapter estatehucAllenstein (Olsztyn), city on the Łyna river in southern Ermland (Warmia), Allenstein castle was the seat of the administrator of the Ermland Chapter estate veniens, quin iis cf. Adagia 1526 No. 1949 Laconismus Laconiciscf. Adagia 1526 No. 1949 Laconismus Dominationem Vestram Reverendissimam inviserem, cui in praesenti nihil aliud significandum duxi, quam quod hic a Ermland Chapter cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia)venerabili capituloErmland Chapter cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia) per coamicum et fratrem nostrum communem venerabilem dominum Achatius Trenck (†1551), in the thirties Trenck was one of Dantiscus’ friends and supported his efforts to obtain the Ermland bishopric after the death of Mauritius Ferber; from 1523 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); 1544-1545 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; from 1545 its Dean; 1533-1546 administrator of the Chapter’s estates in Allenstein (Olsztyn); in 1548 and 1550 General Administrator of the Ermland bishopric (after the deaths of Ioannes Dantiscus and Tiedemann Giese) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 332; SBKW, p. 255-256)Achacium a TrenkaAchatius Trenck (†1551), in the thirties Trenck was one of Dantiscus’ friends and supported his efforts to obtain the Ermland bishopric after the death of Mauritius Ferber; from 1523 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); 1544-1545 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; from 1545 its Dean; 1533-1546 administrator of the Chapter’s estates in Allenstein (Olsztyn); in 1548 and 1550 General Administrator of the Ermland bishopric (after the deaths of Ioannes Dantiscus and Tiedemann Giese) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 332; SBKW, p. 255-256) humanissime et plus quam laute tractatus sum, ob idque Ermland Chapter cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia)venerabili capituloErmland Chapter cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia) magnas gratias habeo, et quoad eius fieri poterit, aliquando relaturus.

Ceterum 1537-12-17cras1537-12-17 Allenstein (Olsztyn), city on the Łyna river in southern Ermland (Warmia), Allenstein castle was the seat of the administrator of the Ermland Chapter estatehincAllenstein (Olsztyn), city on the Łyna river in southern Ermland (Warmia), Allenstein castle was the seat of the administrator of the Ermland Chapter estate ad Schmolainen (Smolajny), village in Ermland (Warmia), 26 km N of Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński), 1 km N of Gutstadt (Dobre Miasto), one of the residences of the bishops of ErmlandSmolaynSchmolainen (Smolajny), village in Ermland (Warmia), 26 km N of Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński), 1 km N of Gutstadt (Dobre Miasto), one of the residences of the bishops of Ermland me recipiam, perendie Deo bene prosperante ingressurus Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński, Heilsberga), town in Ermland (Warmia), the main seat of the bishops of ErmlandHeilsbergumHeilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński, Heilsberga), town in Ermland (Warmia), the main seat of the bishops of Ermland, ubi ut me Dominatio Vestra Reverendissima conveniat, cum, ut accepi, ad visitandum huc ventura sit, summopere rogo. Sunt certae causae, quae, ut conveniamus, non ab re postulant. Interea Dominationem Vestram Reverendissimam diutissime felicissime valere cupio.