» Korpus Tekstów Niemieckich Jana Dantyszka
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List #883

Piotrków, 1533-01-17

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: łacina, ręką pisarza, podpis własnoręczny, AAWO, AB, D. 67, k. 173-174

Pomocnicze podstawy źródłowe:
1regest język: polski, XX w., B. PAU-PAN, 8247 (TK 9), k. 210

1UBC Nr 881, s. 739-740 (in extenso; niemiecki regest)
2AT 15 Nr 19, s. 33-35 (in extenso; polski regest)


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


AAWO, AB, D. 67, f. 173r

Reverendissime in Christo Pater, domine amice et frater plurimum observan(de) or observan(dissime)observan(de)observan(de) or observan(dissime)

Salutem et felices successus.

Accepi Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae eas, quas novissime ad 1532-12-2929 Decembris1532-12-29 ad me dedit cf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Jan KARNKOWSKI 1532-12-29, CIDTC IDL 7126, letter lostlitterascf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Jan KARNKOWSKI 1532-12-29, CIDTC IDL 7126, letter lost, quibus me eadem Dominatio Vestra Reverendissima invisere voluit, cupitque etiam ad eas cf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Jan KARNKOWSKI before 1532-12-29, CIDTC IDL 7327, letter lostlitterascf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Jan KARNKOWSKI before 1532-12-29, CIDTC IDL 7327, letter lost, quas paulo ante ad me dedit, sibi responsum iri. Cui ego primum pro ea Dominationis Vestrae Reverendissimae benevolentia et animi propensione, quod se praestat semper mei memorem, ago et habeo quam maximas gratias.

Ad ea autem, quae superioribus diebus Dominatio Vestra Reverendissima tam de illo officiali meo Gdanensi inurbano, quam de beginarum domo et Gdańsk Town Council magistratu GdanensiGdańsk Town Council ac Pancratius Klemme, Dominican monk (*ca. 1475 – †1546), dominican and reformer; in 1537 he left finally Dominican Order.; 1526-1529 preacher in the St. John's Church in Gdańsk; 1529-1546 - in the St. Mary's ChurchPancratioPancratius Klemme, Dominican monk (*ca. 1475 – †1546), dominican and reformer; in 1537 he left finally Dominican Order.; 1526-1529 preacher in the St. John's Church in Gdańsk; 1529-1546 - in the St. Mary's Church contionatore etc. scribere voluit, iam satis abunde per meas, quas ad proximas ferias Natalis Christi, priusquam huc me ex Wolbórz (Volboria), town in central Poland, 14 km NE of Piotrków Trybunalski, residence of Włocławek bishops; lost city rights in 1870WolborzWolbórz (Volboria), town in central Poland, 14 km NE of Piotrków Trybunalski, residence of Włocławek bishops; lost city rights in 1870 contuli, ad Vestram Dominationem Reverendissimam dedi cf. Jan KARNKOWSKI to [Ioannes DANTISCUS] Wolbórz, 1533-01-02, CIDTC IDL 877litterascf. Jan KARNKOWSKI to [Ioannes DANTISCUS] Wolbórz, 1533-01-02, CIDTC IDL 877, responsum esse puto, quae per meum Wladislaviensem praefectum in manus Dominationis Vestrae Reverendissimae citra moram perferri debebant. Ex cf. Jan KARNKOWSKI to [Ioannes DANTISCUS] Wolbórz, 1533-01-02, CIDTC IDL 877illiscf. Jan KARNKOWSKI to [Ioannes DANTISCUS] Wolbórz, 1533-01-02, CIDTC IDL 877, nihil iam dubito, Dominationem Vestram Reverendissimam esse sufficienter resolutam, atque ita non opus esse censeo, ut ea rursus repetam.

Scribit preterea Reverendissima Dominatio Vestra cupiens, ut eiusdem consecrationi, quam Deus praestet auspicatissimam, in longa utriusque nostrum sospitate praeessem: obibo non gravatim eam provinciam una cum reverendissimo domino Andrzej Krzycki (Andreas Cricius) (*1482 – †1537), humanist, neo-Latin poet, diplomat, correspondent of Erasmus of Rotterdam; in 1525 he took part in the negotiations leading to the secularisation of the state of the Teutonic Order; from 1504 Canon of Poznań (from 1511 Scholastic, from 1519 Provost); from 1512 Canon of Cracow, Scholastic of Płock, and secretary to the first wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon, Barbara Zápolya; 1515-1523 royal secretary; 1518-1530 Provost of the Chapter of St. Florian in Cracow; 1522-1525 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1525-1527 Bishop of Poznań; 1527-1535 Bishop of Płock; 1535-1537 Archbishop of Gniezno, Primate of Poland (PSB 15, p.544-549)episcopo PlocensiAndrzej Krzycki (Andreas Cricius) (*1482 – †1537), humanist, neo-Latin poet, diplomat, correspondent of Erasmus of Rotterdam; in 1525 he took part in the negotiations leading to the secularisation of the state of the Teutonic Order; from 1504 Canon of Poznań (from 1511 Scholastic, from 1519 Provost); from 1512 Canon of Cracow, Scholastic of Płock, and secretary to the first wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon, Barbara Zápolya; 1515-1523 royal secretary; 1518-1530 Provost of the Chapter of St. Florian in Cracow; 1522-1525 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1525-1527 Bishop of Poznań; 1527-1535 Bishop of Płock; 1535-1537 Archbishop of Gniezno, Primate of Poland (PSB 15, p.544-549) in gratiam Dominationis Vestrae Reverendissimae et, si placet, in ecclesia mea Wladislaviensi, quod esset mihi pergratum, ubi ego ea, quibus expediens erit usui et necessitati, D(ominationi) or D(ominationis)D(ominationi)D(ominationi) or D(ominationis) Vestrae Reverendissimae AAWO, AB, D. 67, f. 173v subministrabo. Sin minus ita eidem visum fuerit, vadam quocumque et quandocumque iusserit, maxime vero tum, cum ipse circa ecclesiam meam affuero. Cuperem autem ego, si Deus dabit vivere, per dies 1533-02-26 — 1533-04-13Quadragesimae proximos usque ad festa Paschae1533-02-26 — 1533-04-13 inclusive illic agere. Verum opus erit ante omnia, quod Dominatio Vestra Reverendissima promoveatur in presbyterum, idque fieri non poterit, si Dominatio Vestra Reverendissima specialiter dispensata non est, quod extra tempora a iure praescripta ordinari possit, nisi temporibus a iure statutis. Alioqui non esset Dominatio Vestra Reverendissima capax consecrationis.

Ceterum quod queritur Dominatio Vestra Reverendissima se cum in obeundis legationibus Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriamaiestatis regiaeSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria et Poland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)RegniPoland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia), tum etiam expeditione litterarum episcopatus sui, plurimum esse extenuatam, facile credo, mi Reverendissime Domine, non modo illam esse extenuatam, sed etiam, ut ita dicam, exenteratam, nam ipse quoque, quantum sumptus requirat munus oratorum, qui ex dignitate principis sui et Regni illud obire volunt, probe novi, et harpiarum illarum Romanarum rapacitatem periculo meo satis cognitam habeo, adeo quidem, quod et ipse propterea adhuc aere alieno gravor etc. Credo itaque, quod Dominatio Vestra Reverendissima, tot et tantis peregrinationibus, curis et laboribus satiata, cuperet iam tandem respirare ac valetudini suae consulere. Ea in re quicquid ego possem una cum Maciej Drzewicki (*1467 – †1535), in 1486 accompanied Filippo Buonaccorsi (Callimachus), as his secretary, during his mission to emperor Frederick III of Habsburg. In 1515 took part in the First Congress of Vienna, and then (together with Rafał Leszczyński and Dantiscus) in a mission to Venice on Emperor Maximilian I's behalf; after 1488 Canon of Cracow, 1492 Royal Secretary, 1492-1505 Scholastic in Cracow, 1493 Cantor at the collegiate chapter in Sandomierz, 1496-1531 Scholastic at the collegiate chapter in Łęczyca, 1497, 1499 Grand Royal Secretary, 1498-1514 Provost at the collegiate chapter in Skalbmierz, 1499 - at St. Florian's in the Kleparz district in Cracow, 1500 Canon of Poznań, 1501-1511 Crown Vice-Chancellor, 1504 Bishop of Przemyśl, 1511-1515 Provost at the collegiate chapter of St. Michael at the Crown castle and Grand Crown Chancellor, 1513-1531 Bishop of Włocławek, 1531-1535 Archbishop of Gniezno and Primate of Poland, 1515 envoy of Emperor Maximilian I of Habsburg (together with Rafał Leszczyński and Ioannes Dantiscus) to Venice (PSB 5, p. 409-412; Urzędnicy 10, p. 166)reverendissimo domino nostro archipresuleMaciej Drzewicki (*1467 – †1535), in 1486 accompanied Filippo Buonaccorsi (Callimachus), as his secretary, during his mission to emperor Frederick III of Habsburg. In 1515 took part in the First Congress of Vienna, and then (together with Rafał Leszczyński and Dantiscus) in a mission to Venice on Emperor Maximilian I's behalf; after 1488 Canon of Cracow, 1492 Royal Secretary, 1492-1505 Scholastic in Cracow, 1493 Cantor at the collegiate chapter in Sandomierz, 1496-1531 Scholastic at the collegiate chapter in Łęczyca, 1497, 1499 Grand Royal Secretary, 1498-1514 Provost at the collegiate chapter in Skalbmierz, 1499 - at St. Florian's in the Kleparz district in Cracow, 1500 Canon of Poznań, 1501-1511 Crown Vice-Chancellor, 1504 Bishop of Przemyśl, 1511-1515 Provost at the collegiate chapter of St. Michael at the Crown castle and Grand Crown Chancellor, 1513-1531 Bishop of Włocławek, 1531-1535 Archbishop of Gniezno and Primate of Poland, 1515 envoy of Emperor Maximilian I of Habsburg (together with Rafał Leszczyński and Ioannes Dantiscus) to Venice (PSB 5, p. 409-412; Urzędnicy 10, p. 166) praestare, quod ex re et commodo ac dignitate eiusdem fore censebitur, profecto non deerit studium ac diligentia mea.

Unum AAWO, AB, D. 67, f. 174r autem scio, quod Dominatio Vestra Reverendissima se excusare neque poterit, neque illam alias facere fuerit licitum, quin veniat Cracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of PolandCracoviamCracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of Poland tum, cum per Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriaregiam maiestatemSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria accersenda erit, quando paper damaged[quando]quando paper damaged Charles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castilecesareae maiestatisCharles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile et serenissimi domini Ferdinand I of Habsburg (*1503 – †1564), from 1521 Archduke of Austria, from 1526 King of Bohemia and Hungary, Croatia and Slavonia as Ferdinand I, 1531-1558 King of the Romans, 1558-1564 Holy Roman Emperor; son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile, a younger brother of Charles V of Habsburgregis RomanorumFerdinand I of Habsburg (*1503 – †1564), from 1521 Archduke of Austria, from 1526 King of Bohemia and Hungary, Croatia and Slavonia as Ferdinand I, 1531-1558 King of the Romans, 1558-1564 Holy Roman Emperor; son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile, a younger brother of Charles V of Habsburg oratores ad tractandum de pace cum oratoribus John Zápolya (János Szapolyai) (*1487 – †1540), 1526-1540 King of Hungary; son of István Szapolyai and Jadwiga of Cieszyn in 1540 married Isabella, dauther of of King Sigismund Jagiellon of Poland. He fought against Ferdinand of Habsburg for the right to the title of King of Hungaryregis IoannisJohn Zápolya (János Szapolyai) (*1487 – †1540), 1526-1540 King of Hungary; son of István Szapolyai and Jadwiga of Cieszyn in 1540 married Isabella, dauther of of King Sigismund Jagiellon of Poland. He fought against Ferdinand of Habsburg for the right to the title of King of Hungary Hungary (Kingdom of Hungary)HungariaeHungary (Kingdom of Hungary) venient, quorum adventum brevi speramus. Et de hoc sibi Dominatio Vestra Reverendissima certo persuadeat, quod ad eum actum vocabitur, vocabuntur etiam ceteri primores Poland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)RegniPoland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia) et illic Diet of Poland comitiaDiet of Poland praesentia, hic iam utcumque coepta, Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriaregia maiestasSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria terminabit.

Cupio tandem Dominationem Vestram Reverendissimam quam diutissime salvam et incolumem vivere. Cui me ex corde commendo.

Vestrae Reverendissimae Dominationis integerrimus Jan Karnkowski (*ca. 1472 – †1537), at least from 1497 scribe at the royal chancellery; before 1500-02-29 Cracow Canon; at least in 1506-1527 royal secretary; between 1503 and 1509 Provost in Skalbmierz; 1510 Scholastic in Sandomierz; 1510 Poznań Canon; ca. 1513 parish priest in Piotrków; 1523 Canon of St. George at the Wawel; before 1525 Płock Canon; 1525 - of Gniezno; before 1535 - at the Cracow Cathedral; 1527 Bishop Elect of Przemyśl; 1531 Bishop of Włocławek; 1510,1514, 1516, 1517, 1518, 1524, 1525 royal envoy to Hungary; 1514, 1515,1523 - to local diets (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 254)Iohannes Wladislaviensis episcopusJan Karnkowski (*ca. 1472 – †1537), at least from 1497 scribe at the royal chancellery; before 1500-02-29 Cracow Canon; at least in 1506-1527 royal secretary; between 1503 and 1509 Provost in Skalbmierz; 1510 Scholastic in Sandomierz; 1510 Poznań Canon; ca. 1513 parish priest in Piotrków; 1523 Canon of St. George at the Wawel; before 1525 Płock Canon; 1525 - of Gniezno; before 1535 - at the Cracow Cathedral; 1527 Bishop Elect of Przemyśl; 1531 Bishop of Włocławek; 1510,1514, 1516, 1517, 1518, 1524, 1525 royal envoy to Hungary; 1514, 1515,1523 - to local diets (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 254) subscripsit