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Znaleziono: 5

zachowanych: 4 + zaginionych: 1

1IDL 6949     Ioannes DANTISCUS do Bartholomäus WELSER, Löbau (Lubawa), 1532-12-29 List zaginiony
            odebrano Augsburg, 1533-02-26
List zaginiony, mentioned in IDL 3724: Ewer Furstlichen Gnaden schreiben datumb Lobaw den 29ten tag Decembris ist mir dise tag zukhomen
2IDL 3724 Bartholomäus WELSER do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Augsburg, 1533-02-26
            odebrano 1533 [February 26 - December]

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: niemiecki, BCz, 1595, s. 509-512

Pomocnicze podstawy źródłowe:
1regest język: polski, XX w., B. PAU-PAN, 8247 (TK 9), k. 230


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


Hochwirdigerfurst, gnadiger her. Ewer Furstlichen Gnaden sein mein underthannig willig diennst alczeit zuvor. Gnadiger her.

Ewer Furstlichen Gnaden cf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Bartholomäus WELSER Löbau (Lubawa), 1532-12-29, CIDTC IDL 6949, letter lostschreibencf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Bartholomäus WELSER Löbau (Lubawa), 1532-12-29, CIDTC IDL 6949, letter lost datumb Löbau (Lubawa, Lubavia), town in northern Poland, Kulm Land (Ziemia Chełmińska), ca. 67 km E of Graudenz (Grudziądz), the main seat of the bishops of Kulm (Chełmno)LobawLöbau (Lubawa, Lubavia), town in northern Poland, Kulm Land (Ziemia Chełmińska), ca. 67 km E of Graudenz (Grudziądz), the main seat of the bishops of Kulm (Chełmno) den 1532-12-2029ten tag Decembris1532-12-20 ist mir dise tag zukhomen, darin Ewer Furstliche Gnade begern vernomen, / und darauf Anton Fugger (*1493 – †1560), German banker, since 1525 directed Fuggers' family enterprise (NDB, Bd. 5, p. 714-719; PIRNTKE, p. 30-31)Anthonien FuggerAnton Fugger (*1493 – †1560), German banker, since 1525 directed Fuggers' family enterprise (NDB, Bd. 5, p. 714-719; PIRNTKE, p. 30-31) anngeredt, / der erbeut sich solch in Ewer Furstlichen Gnaden schreiben angetzaigt gelt, / namblich alhie 10 florentiner rheinisch Hieronymus Sailer (Hieronymus Seiler) (*1495 – †1559), in 1524 agent of the Welsers' company in Spain, and later, from 1528, in Venezuela. After his return to Europe, he dealt with the Welsers' affairs at the Spanish court, in 1540 he became their agent in Antwerp. Son-in-law of Bartholomäus Welser (; POCIECHA 4, p. 260; NDB, Bd. 22, p. 355-356)Iheronimus SaylernHieronymus Sailer (Hieronymus Seiler) (*1495 – †1559), in 1524 agent of the Welsers' company in Spain, and later, from 1528, in Venezuela. After his return to Europe, he dealt with the Welsers' affairs at the Spanish court, in 1540 he became their agent in Antwerp. Son-in-law of Bartholomäus Welser (; POCIECHA 4, p. 260; NDB, Bd. 22, p. 355-356) zuhörig, unnd dan die 62 ducaten Albrecht Cuon (Kohn) (†after 1559), a German merchant from Nuremberg, and the Welsers' factor in Spain (Oberdeutsche Kaufleute, p. 36, footnote 122)Albrechten CuonAlbrecht Cuon (Kohn) (†after 1559), a German merchant from Nuremberg, and the Welsers' factor in Spain (Oberdeutsche Kaufleute, p. 36, footnote 122) in Spain (Hispania)HispanienSpain (Hispania) von Ewer Furstlichen Gnaden wegen zubezalen verschaffen wolle. / Dagegen wirt ime, dem Anton Fugger (*1493 – †1560), German banker, since 1525 directed Fuggers' family enterprise (NDB, Bd. 5, p. 714-719; PIRNTKE, p. 30-31)FuggerAnton Fugger (*1493 – †1560), German banker, since 1525 directed Fuggers' family enterprise (NDB, Bd. 5, p. 714-719; PIRNTKE, p. 30-31), hie umb die 10 florentiner gegem emphang derselben ain offen brieflin an Ewer Furstliche Gnade, dergleichen von Albrecht Cuon (Kohn) (†after 1559), a German merchant from Nuremberg, and the Welsers' factor in Spain (Oberdeutsche Kaufleute, p. 36, footnote 122)Albrechten CuonAlbrecht Cuon (Kohn) (†after 1559), a German merchant from Nuremberg, and the Welsers' factor in Spain (Oberdeutsche Kaufleute, p. 36, footnote 122) in Spain (Hispania)HispanienSpain (Hispania) meins versehens auchgegeben. / Das hab Ewer Furstlichen Gnaden ich auf derselben schreiben nit woln verhalten, dann der underthanigklichzugedienen bin ich alczeit willig. /

Ewer Furstlichen Gnaden


Bartholomäus Welser (*1488 – †1561), German merchant and banker, head of the Augsburg based Welser merchant company, which granted large loans to Emperor Charles V, who ennobled Welser in 1532. In 1528 he received from the Spanish Crown the rights of supremacy in Venezuela. In the following years his company monopolised the import and export trade of this country. The property right to Venezuela was taken from the Welsers in 1556 and went to the Spanish Crown (ADB, Bd. 41, 684-686)Barthlome WellserBartholomäus Welser (*1488 – †1561), German merchant and banker, head of the Augsburg based Welser merchant company, which granted large loans to Emperor Charles V, who ennobled Welser in 1532. In 1528 he received from the Spanish Crown the rights of supremacy in Venezuela. In the following years his company monopolised the import and export trade of this country. The property right to Venezuela was taken from the Welsers in 1556 and went to the Spanish Crown (ADB, Bd. 41, 684-686) der olter burger zu Augsburg (Augusta Vindelicorum), city in Germany, BavariaAugspurgAugsburg (Augusta Vindelicorum), city in Germany, Bavaria

3IDL 3726 Bartholomäus WELSER do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Augsburg, 1533-07-17
            odebrano 1533-10-04

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: niemiecki, BCz, 1595, s. 569-572


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


Dem hochwirdigen fursten unnd herren, herren Ioannes Dantiscus (Johannes von Höfen, Ioannes de Curiis, Jan Dantyszek, Johannes Flachsbinder) (*1485 – †1548), eminent diplomat and humanist in the service of the Jagiellons, neo-Latin poet; 1530-1537 Bishop of Kulm; 1537-1548 Bishop of ErmlandJohannIoannes Dantiscus (Johannes von Höfen, Ioannes de Curiis, Jan Dantyszek, Johannes Flachsbinder) (*1485 – †1548), eminent diplomat and humanist in the service of the Jagiellons, neo-Latin poet; 1530-1537 Bishop of Kulm; 1537-1548 Bishop of Ermland Bischove zu Kulmsee (Chełmża, Culmense), town in northern Poland, Kulm Lake District, between Kulm and Thorn, 1251-1824 the seat of the Kulm bishops, with a cathedral and a collegiate churchCulmanseeKulmsee (Chełmża, Culmense), town in northern Poland, Kulm Lake District, between Kulm and Thorn, 1251-1824 the seat of the Kulm bishops, with a cathedral and a collegiate church etc. unnserm gnedigen herren

Cracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of PolandCracaCracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of Poland

Bartholomäus Welser (*1488 – †1561), German merchant and banker, head of the Augsburg based Welser merchant company, which granted large loans to Emperor Charles V, who ennobled Welser in 1532. In 1528 he received from the Spanish Crown the rights of supremacy in Venezuela. In the following years his company monopolised the import and export trade of this country. The property right to Venezuela was taken from the Welsers in 1556 and went to the Spanish Crown (ADB, Bd. 41, 684-686)Bartolme WelzerBartholomäus Welser (*1488 – †1561), German merchant and banker, head of the Augsburg based Welser merchant company, which granted large loans to Emperor Charles V, who ennobled Welser in 1532. In 1528 he received from the Spanish Crown the rights of supremacy in Venezuela. In the following years his company monopolised the import and export trade of this country. The property right to Venezuela was taken from the Welsers in 1556 and went to the Spanish Crown (ADB, Bd. 41, 684-686), 4 octobris 1533

Hochwirdiger furst, Genediger herr. Ewrn Furstlichen Gnaden sein unnser unnderthänig willig dienst allezeit zuvor. /

Ewrn Furstlichen Ganden fuegen wir unnderthänigklichen zuvernemen, / das die The Agents of The WELSERS unnsernThe Agents of The WELSERS zu Antwerp (Antwerpen, Antverpia), city in the Low Countries, from 1315 a Hanseatic port, in the 16th century the centre of Brabant’s artistic life and the wealthiest trade city in Europe, today in northern BelgiumAnnttorffAntwerp (Antwerpen, Antverpia), city in the Low Countries, from 1315 a Hanseatic port, in the 16th century the centre of Brabant’s artistic life and the wealthiest trade city in Europe, today in northern Belgium unns verganngen tag geschriben unnd angezaigt haben, / wie das inen etlich wein von Saint-Martin (Sant Martin)Sannd MartinSaint-Martin (Sant Martin) zue komen seien, / Ewrn Furstlichen Gnaden zuehörig. / Wolten The Agents of The WELSERS sÿThe Agents of The WELSERS geren wissen, / wahin sÿ solhen wein schickhen sollen. / Deshalber wellen Ewer Furstliche Gnaden den The Agents of The WELSERS unnsernThe Agents of The WELSERS gen Antwerp (Antwerpen, Antverpia), city in the Low Countries, from 1315 a Hanseatic port, in the 16th century the centre of Brabant’s artistic life and the wealthiest trade city in Europe, today in northern BelgiumAnnttorfAntwerp (Antwerpen, Antverpia), city in the Low Countries, from 1315 a Hanseatic port, in the 16th century the centre of Brabant’s artistic life and the wealthiest trade city in Europe, today in northern Belgium / oder unns alher antzaigen lassen, / wohin sÿ solhen wein schickhen, / so soll demselbigen / unnderthänigklichen volg beshehen, / dann Ewrn Furstlichen Gnaden unnderthanigklichen zugediennen / sein wir allezeit willig. /

Ewrn Furstlichen Gnaden


Bartholomäus Welser (*1488 – †1561), German merchant and banker, head of the Augsburg based Welser merchant company, which granted large loans to Emperor Charles V, who ennobled Welser in 1532. In 1528 he received from the Spanish Crown the rights of supremacy in Venezuela. In the following years his company monopolised the import and export trade of this country. The property right to Venezuela was taken from the Welsers in 1556 and went to the Spanish Crown (ADB, Bd. 41, 684-686)Barthlome WelserBartholomäus Welser (*1488 – †1561), German merchant and banker, head of the Augsburg based Welser merchant company, which granted large loans to Emperor Charles V, who ennobled Welser in 1532. In 1528 he received from the Spanish Crown the rights of supremacy in Venezuela. In the following years his company monopolised the import and export trade of this country. The property right to Venezuela was taken from the Welsers in 1556 and went to the Spanish Crown (ADB, Bd. 41, 684-686) unnd geselshafft

4IDL 1093 Ioannes DANTISCUS do [Bartholomäus WELSER], Löbau (Lubawa), 1534-01-11

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1brulion język: niemiecki, autograf, BCz, 244, s. 29 (b.p.)


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


Unsernn freuntlichnn grues / und was wir vil freuntlichs wolgefallens vormugen zuvorann. / Erbar und fester her, gunstiger freundt. /

Vor etlichen monetenn hab wir ein cf. Bartholomäus WELSER to Ioannes DANTISCUS Augsburg, 1533-07-17, CIDTC IDL 3726briffcf. Bartholomäus WELSER to Ioannes DANTISCUS Augsburg, 1533-07-17, CIDTC IDL 3726 von euch gehabt, / dar innen ir uns anczeigt, / wie etliche heut mit vin de Saint-Martin (Sant Martin)sant MartinSaint-Martin (Sant Martin) durch ewermm diner Albrecht Cuon (Kohn) (†after 1559), a German merchant from Nuremberg, and the Welsers' factor in Spain (Oberdeutsche Kaufleute, p. 36, footnote 122)Albrecht KuoenAlbrecht Cuon (Kohn) (†after 1559), a German merchant from Nuremberg, and the Welsers' factor in Spain (Oberdeutsche Kaufleute, p. 36, footnote 122) gen Antwerp (Antwerpen, Antverpia), city in the Low Countries, from 1315 a Hanseatic port, in the 16th century the centre of Brabant’s artistic life and the wealthiest trade city in Europe, today in northern BelgiumAntorffAntwerp (Antwerpen, Antverpia), city in the Low Countries, from 1315 a Hanseatic port, in the 16th century the centre of Brabant’s artistic life and the wealthiest trade city in Europe, today in northern Belgium an Franz Werner Merchant from Antwerp, Dantiscus' friendFrancz WernerFranz Werner Merchant from Antwerp, Dantiscus' friend sey geschickt, / des zu schreibens wir euch fruntlich danckenn. / Haben ouch gedochtmm Franz Werner Merchant from Antwerp, Dantiscus' friendFranczenFranz Werner Merchant from Antwerp, Dantiscus' friend lossen wissen, wie er sich mit dem wein sol haltnn etc. Hie schicke wir euch dis puntel mit briven ann ewer tochtermann senor Hieronymus Sailer (Hieronymus Seiler) (*1495 – †1559), in 1524 agent of the Welsers' company in Spain, and later, from 1528, in Venezuela. After his return to Europe, he dealt with the Welsers' affairs at the Spanish court, in 1540 he became their agent in Antwerp. Son-in-law of Bartholomäus Welser (; POCIECHA 4, p. 260; NDB, Bd. 22, p. 355-356)Hieronimo SelerHieronymus Sailer (Hieronymus Seiler) (*1495 – †1559), in 1524 agent of the Welsers' company in Spain, and later, from 1528, in Venezuela. After his return to Europe, he dealt with the Welsers' affairs at the Spanish court, in 1540 he became their agent in Antwerp. Son-in-law of Bartholomäus Welser (; POCIECHA 4, p. 260; NDB, Bd. 22, p. 355-356), unsernn sundren vortrautenn freundt in Spain (Hispania)HispaniennSpain (Hispania), / und in abwesenn ann ewrmm diner Albrecht Cuon (Kohn) (†after 1559), a German merchant from Nuremberg, and the Welsers' factor in Spain (Oberdeutsche Kaufleute, p. 36, footnote 122)Albrecht KuonAlbrecht Cuon (Kohn) (†after 1559), a German merchant from Nuremberg, and the Welsers' factor in Spain (Oberdeutsche Kaufleute, p. 36, footnote 122) zu sendenn. / Bittnn derhalbenn, / wolt vorschaffen, das dem so gesche. / Sol ouch was daruff ghen, / leth uns anschreibnn. / Wollenn uns gen euch und die ewer recht haltnn. / Und wor wir euch doneben ouch imants vonn ewernn wegen werden wissen vil furdrung und freuntschafft thun, / wolle wir alweg willig gefunden werden. / Hiemit thu wir euch in langweriger gesuntheit und aller gluckseligheit / Gote dem almechtigen befhelenn. /

5IDL 6047 Bartholomäus WELSER do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Augsburg, 1536-06-14
            odebrano 1536-09-12

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: niemiecki, autograf, ręką pisarza, podpis własnoręczny, AAWO, AB, D. 93, k. 46-47 + f. [1] missed in numbering after f. 50

Pomocnicze podstawy źródłowe:
1regest język: polski, XX w., B. PAU-PAN, 8248 (TK 10), k. 244