List #7475
Bona Sforza do Ioannes DANTISCUSCracow (Kraków), 1526-11-27
odebrano 1527-02-14 List zaginiony, mentioned in IDL 332: Redditae mihi sunt hic aliae Maiestatis Vestrae Serenissimae, Cracoviae 27 Novembris datae, 14 Februarii, quibus scribit, litteras meas prima Septembris Granatae scriptas cum Fabiano accepisse et expensas cum illo factas boni consuluisse; there is an exstant letter of Queen Bona to Dantiscus, IDL 317, of the same date, received 1527-04-29, and another one, IDL 321, with almost the same contents (very few slight differences in vocabulary and the substance of the letters; different postscripts), dated 1526-12-10, postscipt 1527-01-03, received 1527-03-30 |