» Korpus Tekstów i Korespondencji Jana Dantyszka
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List #6194

Dresden, 1534-04-27

Podstawy źródłowe - stare druki:
1COCHLAEUS 1534 s. A2r-v (in extenso)

1PfDE ? s. 7ss. (in extenso)
2Schriften s. 111-112 (in extenso)


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f. A2r

Reverendissimo in Christo Patri ac Domino, domino Ioannes Dantiscus (Johannes von Höfen, Ioannes de Curiis, Jan Dantyszek, Johannes Flachsbinder) (*1485 – †1548), eminent diplomat and humanist in the service of the Jagiellons, neo-Latin poet; 1530-1537 Bishop of Kulm; 1537-1548 Bishop of ErmlandIoanni DantiscoIoannes Dantiscus (Johannes von Höfen, Ioannes de Curiis, Jan Dantyszek, Johannes Flachsbinder) (*1485 – †1548), eminent diplomat and humanist in the service of the Jagiellons, neo-Latin poet; 1530-1537 Bishop of Kulm; 1537-1548 Bishop of Ermland, episcopo Culmensi etc. Ioannes Cochlaeus (Ioannes Wendelstenius, Johann Wendelstein, Johann Dobneck) (*1479 – †1552), humanist, doctor of theology, fervent opponent of Reformation, author of numerous polemical works and pamphlets; in 1510 appointed a rector of the Latin school of St. Lawrence in Nürnberg; in 1515 accompanied, as a tutor, three nephews of Wilibald Pirckheimer in their travel to Italy, where he was ordained priest; 1519 dean of St. Mary's church in Frankfurt am Main; 1526 parish priest in St. Vicor in Mainz; 1528-1539 secretary and chaplain of duke Georg of Saxony; 1535 Maissen canon; 1539 - Wrocław; 1541-1548 - Eichstätt; during the diet of Worms in 1521, he had two meetings with Luther; in 1530 attended Augsburgs Diet as a prominent member of the group of anti-Lutheran theologian; (CE, vol. 1, p. 321-322; DE VOCHT 1961, p. 238-239)Ioannes CochleusIoannes Cochlaeus (Ioannes Wendelstenius, Johann Wendelstein, Johann Dobneck) (*1479 – †1552), humanist, doctor of theology, fervent opponent of Reformation, author of numerous polemical works and pamphlets; in 1510 appointed a rector of the Latin school of St. Lawrence in Nürnberg; in 1515 accompanied, as a tutor, three nephews of Wilibald Pirckheimer in their travel to Italy, where he was ordained priest; 1519 dean of St. Mary's church in Frankfurt am Main; 1526 parish priest in St. Vicor in Mainz; 1528-1539 secretary and chaplain of duke Georg of Saxony; 1535 Maissen canon; 1539 - Wrocław; 1541-1548 - Eichstätt; during the diet of Worms in 1521, he had two meetings with Luther; in 1530 attended Augsburgs Diet as a prominent member of the group of anti-Lutheran theologian; (CE, vol. 1, p. 321-322; DE VOCHT 1961, p. 238-239) salutem plurimam dicit.

Reverendissime Pater ac Domine.

Nisi coram expertus fuissem ante biennium Regensburg (Ratisbona), city in southeastern Germany, Bavaria, on the Danube riverRatisbonaeRegensburg (Ratisbona), city in southeastern Germany, Bavaria, on the Danube river in Imperial Diet (Reichstag) imperiali principum conventuImperial Diet (Reichstag) singularem tuam erga studiosos quoslibet gratiam et humanitatem, omnino prohiberet me verecundia ad Reverendissimam Dominationem Tuam hunc scribere cf. Ioannes Cochlaeus (Johann Dobneck), XXI articuli anabaptistarum Monasteriensium per doctorem Ioannem Cochleum confutati, adiuncta ostensione originis, ex qua defluxerunt. Appendix elegans, ex Epistola Petri Plateani, Marpurgi in Hassia data, quae de Anabaptistis et de ciuitate Monaster, 1534 libellumcf. Ioannes Cochlaeus (Johann Dobneck), XXI articuli anabaptistarum Monasteriensium per doctorem Ioannem Cochleum confutati, adiuncta ostensione originis, ex qua defluxerunt. Appendix elegans, ex Epistola Petri Plateani, Marpurgi in Hassia data, quae de Anabaptistis et de ciuitate Monaster, 1534 , quem nuper in Germanica lingua propter rei novitatem edidi. Est enim longe inferior et stylo, et argumento, quam ut tantae eruditionis eloquentiaeque et linguarum peritiae praesuli digne nuncupari queat. Nuncupo tamen suppliciter, tua fretus bonitate, non sane ut librum, cui aliquid insit eruditionis, sed velut epistolam de novitatibus Germany (Germania, Niemcy)GermaniaeGermany (Germania, Niemcy) disserentem, et eam quidem ob causam praecipue, ut intelligant inde Subjects of the King of Poland PoloniSubjects of the King of Poland , quam varia et horrenda haeresum portenta ex unius Martin Luther (Martinus Lutherus) (*1483 – †1546), theologian, leader and originator of the German ReformationLutheriMartin Luther (Martinus Lutherus) (*1483 – †1546), theologian, leader and originator of the German Reformation scriptis intra paucos annos in Germania sint enata.

Proinde non sunt audiendi, qui f. A2v prae barbarie novarum haeresum Martin Luther (Martinus Lutherus) (*1483 – †1546), theologian, leader and originator of the German ReformationLutheriMartin Luther (Martinus Lutherus) (*1483 – †1546), theologian, leader and originator of the German Reformation dogmata iustificare aut excusare student, omnibus enim innovandi ansam ipse dedit, licet viperea soboles non raro nunc suum laceret atque impugnet parentem, et quidem iusto Dei iudicio, quoniam ipse prior matrem suam Roman Catholic Church ecclesiamRoman Catholic Church impugnavit et eius unitatem crudeli parricidio dilaceravit, atque in sectarum partes dissecuit. Iuste igitur patitur nunc a sobole sua, quod ipse prior commisit in Roman Catholic Church matremRoman Catholic Church suam.

Audio sane et Followers of Ulrich ZWINGLI ZvinglianosFollowers of Ulrich ZWINGLI , et The Anabaptists (Anabaptistae), a faction of the Christian religion. They rejected the baptism of infants, requiring a conscious decision on the part of the candidate. In the 16th and 17th centuries Anabaptists were strongly persecuted by Roman Catholics as well as by Lutherans and Calvinists.AnabaptistasThe Anabaptists (Anabaptistae), a faction of the Christian religion. They rejected the baptism of infants, requiring a conscious decision on the part of the candidate. In the 16th and 17th centuries Anabaptists were strongly persecuted by Roman Catholics as well as by Lutherans and Calvinists. alicubi tanto nunc ardere in Martin Luther (Martinus Lutherus) (*1483 – †1546), theologian, leader and originator of the German ReformationLutherumMartin Luther (Martinus Lutherus) (*1483 – †1546), theologian, leader and originator of the German Reformation odio, ut aequiore animo audiant iam nomen papae, quam Lutheri. Nec mirum, quoniam Martin Luther (Martinus Lutherus) (*1483 – †1546), theologian, leader and originator of the German ReformationLutherusMartin Luther (Martinus Lutherus) (*1483 – †1546), theologian, leader and originator of the German Reformation prior fundamenta iecit, nunc vero superaedificantes illos impugnat, rixator septiceps, qui cf. Vulg. Eph 4:14 ut iam non simus parvuli fluctuantes et circumferamur omni vento doctrinae in nequitia hominum in astutia ad circumventionem erroris plebem fluctuantem nequissime circumfert omni vento doctrinae in astutia ad circumventionem erroriscf. Vulg. Eph 4:14 ut iam non simus parvuli fluctuantes et circumferamur omni vento doctrinae in nequitia hominum in astutia ad circumventionem erroris , ut ait Paul of Tarsus, Saint (*5-10 AD – †64-67 AD), the most important missionary and theologian of early Christianity, known as the Apostle of Nations, author of Letters, the main figure of the Acts of the ApostlesapostolusPaul of Tarsus, Saint (*5-10 AD – †64-67 AD), the most important missionary and theologian of early Christianity, known as the Apostle of Nations, author of Letters, the main figure of the Acts of the Apostles. Cuius rei brevem gustum et experimentum iste dabit cf. Ioannes Cochlaeus (Johann Dobneck), XXI articuli anabaptistarum Monasteriensium per doctorem Ioannem Cochleum confutati, adiuncta ostensione originis, ex qua defluxerunt. Appendix elegans, ex Epistola Petri Plateani, Marpurgi in Hassia data, quae de Anabaptistis et de ciuitate Monaster, 1534 libelluscf. Ioannes Cochlaeus (Johann Dobneck), XXI articuli anabaptistarum Monasteriensium per doctorem Ioannem Cochleum confutati, adiuncta ostensione originis, ex qua defluxerunt. Appendix elegans, ex Epistola Petri Plateani, Marpurgi in Hassia data, quae de Anabaptistis et de ciuitate Monaster, 1534 .

Reverendissimam itaque Dominationem Tuam suppliciter oro, ut gratiose in bonam partem accipiat hanc meam cf. Ioannes Cochlaeus (Johann Dobneck), XXI articuli anabaptistarum Monasteriensium per doctorem Ioannem Cochleum confutati, adiuncta ostensione originis, ex qua defluxerunt. Appendix elegans, ex Epistola Petri Plateani, Marpurgi in Hassia data, quae de Anabaptistis et de ciuitate Monaster, 1534 opellamcf. Ioannes Cochlaeus (Johann Dobneck), XXI articuli anabaptistarum Monasteriensium per doctorem Ioannem Cochleum confutati, adiuncta ostensione originis, ex qua defluxerunt. Appendix elegans, ex Epistola Petri Plateani, Marpurgi in Hassia data, quae de Anabaptistis et de ciuitate Monaster, 1534 , qua vobis Subjects of the King of Poland PolonisSubjects of the King of Poland a Lutherico nequitiae fermento semper cavendum, sicut hactenus feliciter cavistis, non sine causa propter quorundam machinationes reverenter admoneo.

Bene vale, Praesul ornatissime.