» Korpus Tekstów i Korespondencji Jana Dantyszka
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List #5600

Mauritius FERBER do Ioannes DANTISCUS
Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński), 1536-06-24
            odebrano [1536]-06-25

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: łacina, autograf, address in the hand of Nicolaus Human, AAWO, AB, D. 68, k. 80

Pomocnicze podstawy źródłowe:
1regest język: niemiecki, XX w., B. PAU-PAN, 8248 (TK 10), k. 249


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


AAWO, AB, D.68, f. 80r

Reverendissime Domine.

Salutem etc.

Per hunc nuntium accepi Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae cf. [Ioannes DANTISCUS] to [Mauritius FERBER] Löbau (Lubawa), 1536-06-22, CIDTC IDL 1491litterascf. [Ioannes DANTISCUS] to [Mauritius FERBER] Löbau (Lubawa), 1536-06-22, CIDTC IDL 1491 1536-06-22nudius tertius1536-06-22 scriptas, quibus me ita geram, uti in eis scribit, praestolaborque pro 1536-07-01assignato die1536-07-01 Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae adventum. Deum precor, ut illam mihi valentem et florentem videre videre et excipere concedat.

In cuius benevolentiam interea me commendo. cf. Jan CHOJEŃSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS Vilnius, 1536-06-13, CIDTC IDL 1485Litterascf. Jan CHOJEŃSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS Vilnius, 1536-06-13, CIDTC IDL 1485, quas mihi misit, ipse coram Vestrae Reverendissimae Dominationi restituam.

Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae Mauritius Ferber (*1471 – †1537), doctor of both canon and civil law; from 1507 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) and Lübeck; from 1514 Canon of Trier; 1512-1515 parish priest of the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Gdańsk (Danzig); from 1516 Custos of Ermland and parish priest of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Gdańsk; from 1519 Canon of Dorpat; from 1523 Canon of Revel; 1523-1537 Bishop of Ermland (KOPICZKO 2, p. 71-72; SBKW, p. 59-60)Mauritius episcopusMauritius Ferber (*1471 – †1537), doctor of both canon and civil law; from 1507 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) and Lübeck; from 1514 Canon of Trier; 1512-1515 parish priest of the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Gdańsk (Danzig); from 1516 Custos of Ermland and parish priest of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Gdańsk; from 1519 Canon of Dorpat; from 1523 Canon of Revel; 1523-1537 Bishop of Ermland (KOPICZKO 2, p. 71-72; SBKW, p. 59-60) scripsit